Checkable Biblical Accuracy

In each of the following cases, the Biblical writer had an opportunity to either
state the widely held erroneous belief of his day, or to state a factually true
description. In each case what was stated was true, demonstrating knowledge
beyond the writer’s ability and thus necessarily from God.


??????????????? BIBLICAL REFERENCE
??????????????????????????????? COMMON BELIEF OF DAY IN WHICH AUTHOR LIVED

Blood is essential to life

??????????????? Lev. 17:11-14
??????????????????????????????? Disease and spirits reside in blood.  To cure disease, bleed patient.

Both male and female possess "seed of life"

??????????????? Gen3:15; 22:18
??????????????????????????????? Male has baby in him. Woman = incubator

Eating blood of animals forbidden

??????????????? Lev. 17:12,14
??????????????????????????????? Raw blood used as beverage.

Don’t eat animal that died naturally

??????????????? Lev. 17:15
??????????????????????????????? No restrictions on manner of death.

 Quarantine of certain diseases

??????????????? Lev. 13-15
??????????????????????????????? No isolation of diseased.

Don’t eat pork, scavengers (In Moses’ day).

??????????????? Lev. 11
??????????????????????????????? No food restrictions

Principles of avoiding bacterial contamination – one person to another.

??????????????? Lev. 15:19-33
??????????????????????????????? No rules of hygiene or isolation.

Human waste products to be buried.

??????????????? Deut. 23:12-14
??????????????????????????????? Human waste left on ground.

Human body can be opened for surgery.

??????????????? Gen 2:21
??????????????????????????????? First operations done secretly because populace threatened doctors.

Burning clothes, washing self after contact with deceased man or animal.

??????????????? Num. 19:5-22
??????????????????????????????? No recognition of contagion problems.

Earth is round, day and night taking place simultaneously.

??????????????? Isa. 40:22
??????????????? Prov. 8:27
??????????????? Luke 17:34
??????????????????????????????? Earth is flat.

Earth is not physically supported.

??????????????? None mentioned and Job 26:7
??????????????????????????????? Earth held up by four elephants or Atlas (a man), etc.

The North is empty (Our North Pole points out of our galaxy).

??????????????? Job 26:7
??????????????????????????????? Seeing a few stars to the North refuted this idea until 1932.

Space and stars are too large to be measured or counted.

??????????????? Gen. 15:5
??????????????????????????????? Attempts to number the astronomical bodies went on until 1932.

The creation sequence – plants, water creatures, birds, mammals, man, in that

??????????????? Gen 1:11-28
??????????????????????????????? Most had man first.  All varied from correct concept.

The age of everything in the creation is the same.

??????????????? Gen. 1:1
??????????????????????????????? Different times for different objects.

the continents have floated away from a singular original land mass.

??????????????? Gen. 1:9
??????????????? Gen. 10:25
??????????????????????????????? Each continent was autonimous (until 1970)

Hubert Spencer’s scientific principles.

??????????????? Gen. 1
??????????????????????????????? No scientific system of statements.

Lighting is produced naturally.

??????????????? Jere. 10:13 ; 51:16
??????????????????????????????? Gods throw lighting bolts.

All men are blood relatives.

??????????????? Acts 17:26
??????????????????????????????? Men have different origins.

The water cycle.

??????????????? Eccl. 1:7
??????????????? Job. 36:27, 28
??????????????????????????????? Gods pour new water on land continously.

Use of genetics in livestock.

??????????????? Gen. 30:30-43
??????????????????????????????? No recognition of inherited physical properties.

Snow and ice seen as valuable.

??????????????? Job 38:22
??????????????????????????????? Snow and ice seen as a scourge and waste.

Seaworthy ratio for ship construction 30 – 5 -3.

??????????????? Gen. 6:15
??????????????????????????????? Ships ratio not considered; only the beauty.

Concepts of id and ego.

??????????????? Rom. 7
??????????????????????????????? God induced behavior explainations.

Animals can be changed (mutated).

??????????????? Gen. 3:14
??????????????????????????????? No change possible.

Directional correctness.

??????????????? Luke 10:30
??????????????????????????????? Directional error.

Distance accuracy.

??????????????? Luke 24:13
??????????????????????????????? Errors in distanaces.

Hittite nation’s existence.

??????????????????????????????? Denied until 1906.


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