Defending Life: Pro-Life Apologetics 101 Course PowerPoint Slides
This course was taught by Kedron Jones, a board member for the Apologetics Research Society. The aim of this course was to train and equip individuals to winsomely and articulately communicate the content of the pro-life position in an attractive manner. Successful pro-life apologists pursue four essential tasks. First, they clarify the debate by focusing public attention on one key question: What is the unborn? Second, they establish a foundation for the debate, demonstrating to critics that moral neutrality is impossible. Third, they answer objections persuasively. Fourth, they teach and equip. These tasks are necessary because while the street level debate over abortion rages on, a serious intellectual discussion about the foundation for human rights continues almost unnoticed.The audio to this course will be up as soon as possible so please stay tune! Defending Life Class 1 Defending Life Class 2 Defending Life Class 3 Defending Life Class 4 Defending Life Class 5 Introductory Notes on Pro Life Apologetics