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Dr. John Oakes is  now leading a church planting in Merced, California.  Please join us 11:00 Sundays at 500 Buena Vista Ave., Merced or on zoom at 342-225-5971 pw 857096.  Also, join us for midweek devotional Wed. 7:30 at UC Merced Rm GLCR 120 or the same zoom. Also, visit our website at 10/13  […]

Dr. John Oakes is giving a public lecture at UC Merced in Rm SSB 120 Friday 9/27 at 7:00 on the relationship between History, Archaeology and the Bible, showing the historical reliability of the Bible.  If the Bible is reliable history, then the stories of Abraham, Moses and David are a record of how God […]

Dr. John Oakes is teaching a class on answering difficult questions for the West Coast School of Ministry Fall, 2024.  Audio and Power Point are here: Answering Difficult Questions PPT    Hard Questions Audio I      Hard Questions Audio II    Hard Questions Audio III    Hard Questions Audio IV You May Also Like: Answering […]

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Question: In what language did Moses write the Torah? Critics say that he couldn’t have written the Torah because Hebrew didn’t exist at that time.” Answer: A good question.  I believe that all or nearly all conservative scholars will agree that the Pentateuch was originally written down in Hebrew.   Consider the name given to God […]

Question: Is 2 Samuel 7:16 a failed prophecy? “And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. Your throne shall be established forever.’””  ‭‭2 Samuel‬ ‭7‬:‭16‬ ‭ESV‬‬..I saw a critic claims that this is a failed prophecy, because “houses” and kingdoms do not last forever. Answer: This is in fact a […]

Question: How would you respond to people who say “The Romans never conducted censuses in client kingdoms”? Answer: I am assuming this is in response to the fact that Luke tells us a census was taken, which was the reason Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem.  I would say that this is incontrovertibly a false […]

Dr. John Oakes is teaching a series of classes at the Univ. of California, Merced for the campus group. The class will be on several consecutive Wednesdays, beginning 9/11 in Rm GLCR 120 and is available at 7:30 on zoom 342 225 5971 pw 857096   Notes, Power Point and audio will be made available here.  […]

Dr. John Oakes will be teaching an in-depth Christian Evidence class, sponsored by the Western US ICOC Teachers Service Committee, beginning Thursday 9/12, and running seven consecutive weeks.  The class will be 7:30-9:00 Pacific Time on zoom at 342 225 5971 pw 857096.  There will be no cost for the class.  Once the class begins, […]

Dr. John Oakes gave a class at a recent teacher’s conference in Antelope Valley, California Jesus, the Master Teacher  The class was titled the Humility of the Christian Teacher, in which he discussed the qualities necessary to the Christian teacher.  This includes, of course, humility, but also passion, giftedness for teaching, training, an open-mindedness. patience for […]

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