Thanks so much to Illumination Publishers, Toney Mulhollen and Amy Morgan, I now have two brand new books translated into Spanish.  They are de la sombra a la realidad (From Shadow to Reality) and hebreos: vivir por fe (Hebrews: Living by Faith).  Both are now available at de la sombra a la realidad    […]

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The Spanish translation of Dr. John Oakes’ book Reasons for Belief, titled Razones Para Creer is now available in Spanish translation from Illuminations Publishers.   IPI Books    Here is the direct link to purchase the book:  Razones Para Creer Please tell your friends, especially your Spanish-speaking friends about the availability of this book!

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Dr. John Oakes is teaching a five part series on how Christians ought to respond to false teachings which are found out there in the “Christian” world for a church in Guadalajara, Mexico.  The recording is in both Spanish and English.  Areas that will be covered include Roman Catholicism, Calvinism, Evangelicalism, Pentecostalism, Premillennialism, Mormonism and […]

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Dr. John Oakes is traveling for eleven days in the Caribbean, teaching for churches in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.  Lessons, including notes, PPT and audio will be made available here.  The first five audios are in English and Spanish. The rest are in French and English. Worldview PPT    World View Notes  World View […]

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Thanks much to Toney Mulhollen at IPI Books and to Amy Morgan, Ana Maria Caro Maita for help with the translation, Dr. John Oakes has his first book published in Spanish translation. Daniel: Profeta Para Las Naciones.  It is available at  Please consider getting a copy and letting your friends know!

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Dr. John Oakes is doing a very brief teaching tour in Mexico, specifically in Tlaxcala and Puebla.  These two cities are part of old Mexico. Tlaxcala is the location of the first Catholic diocese in Mexico and is the route through which Cortex conquered Tenochtictan/Mexico City.  Heb 11 Living by Faith Tlaxcala   Viviendo por la […]

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Dr. John Oakes is teaching several Bible classes July 7-9 in Mexicali.  The classes are on Malachi, James and a lesson on Acts 20–the farewell address by Paul.  Power points and audio are enclosed.    Clase Malaquías PPT   Clase Malachias Audio   Taller de Santiago PPT   Taller de Santiago 1 Audio   Taller de Santiago 2    Taller […]

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La Pregunta: Si usted tiene algún comentario como respuesta a mi e-mail sera bienvenido.  Sin embargo me gustaría dejarle saber que encontré una escritura que me resolvió las dudas al respecto, entonces tranquilo, no es tan necesaria su respuesta.  Solo si usted considera correcto decir algo sera bien recibido.  Muchas gracias y por favor excúseme […]

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At Evidence for Christianity we have been looking for quite a while for a primarily-Spanish-speaking apologist who would help to build up the Spanish part of our website and ministry.  We are excited to announce that God has finally answered our prayers in this regard.  Carlos Santos Aquirre is from Peru, but lives in Madrid, […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a lesson for Proyecto Esdras in Mexico City on the sacrifices and festivals in the Covenant of Moses as prefigures of things in the New Testament.  The Power Point is attached. John Oakes dio una leccion para el Proyecto Esdras en D. F sobre los sacrificios y festivales en el covenento […]

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Dr. John enseno una clase para la conferencia Transformacion en Monterrey 7/30/16.  Ese clase estaba para los universitarios.  Ese cubre los criticismos de los que no creen en Dios o la Biblia.  Especialmente la leccions enfoque en la sciencia y la Biblia.   Las flechas del Maligno PPT    Las Flechas del Maligno Audio   El audio es […]

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John Oakes taught a six hour class on the book of Acts in Mexicali, Mexido 6/3-5/2016.  PPT and audio are here:   Clase de Hechos PPT    Hechos Mexicali I Audio    Hechos Mexicali II Audio    Hechos Mexicali III   Hechos Mexicali IV    Hechos Mexicali V...

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John and Jan Oakes taught classes for a singles conference in Tijuana focusing in on the claims of Jesus.  Notes and Power Point in English and Spanish and audio in Spanish.   I AM The Way Notes  I AM the Way PPT   Yo Soy El Camino PPT     Yo Soy El Camino Audio   I AM The Truth Notes    […]

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Pregunta: Mi pregunta es la siguiente: Hay personas que afirman basándose en pasajes de Hechos que el Espíritu no necesariamente se recibe en el momento del bautismo. Aducen que se recibe en el momento de creer. Me gustaría saber que piensas acerca de eso.  Reputesta: Por supuesto, he escuchado esta opinión muchas veces. Yo creo […]

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Mormonismo / LA IGLESIA DE JESUCRISTO DE LOS SANTOS DE LOS ULTIMOS DIAS ?        Fundador: Jos? Smith (1805-1844) HISTORIA: ?        Jos? Smith. Nacido en Vermont, 1805, criado en el ?rea rural de Nueva York. ?        No fu? conocido por haber tenido un trabajo regular. ?        Se volvi? estafador de la gente. Era un charlat?n religioso. […]

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