Editor’s note: This is a long but important question with an even longer answer! Question: Kind of a tough question here that has been on my mind for a couple years now…   I’ve been reading up about free will, philosophy of mind, and neuroscience and am having trouble reconciling these things with the Christian faith/ […]

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Suggestion and Questions: Last night I took my nen’s Genesis Bible study group on a “field trip” to see “The Ark in the Darkness”. We really enjoyed the movie. It was laden with great supporting technical data and evidence. On our way home though, I raised a couple of questions that remain unanswered, and I […]

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Question: This question pertains to your response regarding “Evolution” posted on September 15, 2022. I was somewhat surprised that you weighed in on Calvinist theology as the question was not overtly suggestive of that theology. (I was once espousing that theology until I came across your website). But that made me curious of what you […]

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Question: How did Judaism form? I saw from Wikipedia that it formed from one of the Canaanite god’s called Yahweh?  Is this true? I am skeptical of this notion. Answer: It is hard to prove unambiguously the path by which what we call Judaism was formed.  The biblical evidence is that there were at least […]

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Question: Recently Dr. William Lane Craig published his book called ‘In Quest of the Historical Adam’ he also mentioned you in his podcast https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5ibHVicnJ5LmNvbS9mZWVkcy9yZWFzb25hYmxlX2ZhaXRoLnhtbA/episode/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5ibHVicnJ5LmNvbS9yZWFzb25hYmxlX2ZhaXRoLzgxNjMzMTkyL3JlYWN0aW9ucy1iZWdpbi1vbi1oaXN0b3JpY2FsLWFkYW0tYm9vay8 What do you think of his thoughts and what he said there? Answer: I love this article and am glad you found a reference to myself by Dr. Craig.  This was […]

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Question:  I wish to bring up some issues regarding neuroscience. I was watching something on television about a man who suffered very serious brain injury. He survived, but his personality and behavior were completely different. Even his friends and loved ones said he was a totally different person. Does this prove that behavior really is […]

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[Editor’s note: By coincidence, two questions about consciousness arrived on the same day.  I am including both Q & As below] Question: Is consciousness immaterial? Answer: Yes, consciousness is immaterial.  How could self-awareness be a physical thing?  It is a sort of epiphenomenon.  There may be brain activities associated with consciousness, but it is hard […]

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Question: What is the best evidence for mind/body dualism? Where can I find such evidence? Answer: The “mind” is a metaphysical idea, which I am convinced does have a physical component in the brain.  When we think or when we decide, neurons fire and neurochemicals are released in the brain.   However, “mind” is not a […]

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Questions: Will science be able to explain consciousness? What if this happened, how would it affect our understanding of spirit and soul?   Why did god created us using evolution ínstead of creating us ex nihilo? Answers: This is a good question, but it is also a difficult question.  It is a hard question because consciousness […]

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Question: 1. How do I convince my atheist friend that evolution does not contradict God? 2. How do I convince my young earth creationist friend that evolution does not contradict Adam and Eve or Genesis? Answer: I am fairly sure I already answered this question for you earlier.  If not, then you can find a […]

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Question: Is time real and how did it start to exist?  How can we still be evolving and be in God’s image? Answer: Is time real?  I suppose that depends on how you define realness.  This is a deep, philosophical question.  However, I am going to duck the philosophical question of the definition of realness […]

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Question: Is there mythology in the bible? Answer: The simple answer is no.  According to the common, Western idea of mythology, the Bible has no mythology.  The layperson’s definition of mythology is something like this: fictitious stories created by cultures to tell themselves about the nature of reality.  The key word there is fictitious. If […]

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Question: We have plenty of evidence that the world didn’t start with an original couple, but Genesis says that it did. What are your thoughts on this? Answer: Actually, the evidence says that the universe started about 13.5 billion years before there were any people, and the earth began about 4.6 billion years before there […]

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Questions: I have two questions about the evolution theory and Christianity.  1. Where do Adam and Eve fit in evolution?  2. Is it okay for a Christian to think evolution is correct (because I think it is but some priests tell me that its wrong)? Thanks. Greg: There are two legitimate possible Christian views on […]

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[Editor’s note: The questioner is from India and is attempting to respond to unsubstantiated claims that Judaism and/or Christianity have ideas substantially borrowed from Hinduism] Question: 1.Is it true that the Phoenicians traveled to India and brought some arts and ideas of Hinduism and conveyed them back to Palestine where they had influence on Judaism […]

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Question: If all humans descend from Noah, when did the first humans appear in the Americas and how did they cross the ocean to get there? Answer: The evidence from multiple angles, most importantly from C-14 data, but also from stratigraphic, the disappearance of megafauna and other kinds of evidence is that humans entered the […]

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Question: Hello I had a question regarding an interesting theory that I heard from Dr. William Lane Craig regarding the historicity of Adam and Eve. Dr. Craig stated that he has been studying the question of the historicity of Adam and Eve for around 2 years now. He has discussed information with scientists on a […]

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Question: Hi, you’ve helped so much on my journey to Christianity. There is just one thing holding me up: pantheism. I just want to know what your thoughts are on the idea that everything/everyone is ultimately one essence and everything we see in the world, including our personhoods, are just illusionary–that once we die we […]

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Question: I would be very grateful for your advice, opinion or any information concerning the matter of the origin of hominids as modern anthropology sees it in contrast to the Biblical story. I decided to ask for your help because I have been translating your book From Shadow to Reality for Moscow Church of Christ […]

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Question: I have a question regarding how Christians are supposed to solve the identity politics problem that seems to have seeped into our societies.  Almost every day a celebrity or politician makes a comment about race and politics. How can we solve this issue as Christians, and leave a positive legacy for our children?  I […]

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Question: I’ve been trying to find out if there is good evidence for the evolution of human creativity. All I’ve been able to find is the usual stuff about how apes have made so-called tools, and the story of Congo, who’s art (also so-called) sold in the 1960’s however these arguments are extremely unconvincing. There […]

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Question: I have a question regarding the biblical history of humanity and the archaeological view which has been bugging me lately.  Allow me to explain: In the early chapters of Genesis, there is evidence of human agricultural activity (Gen 2:15) (Gen 4:2) before the Tower of Babel incident which spread humanity across the face of the […]

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Question: I have been doing research on the topic of evolution and found that I don’t understand it fully. I can see the mechanisms described for producing life. The idea of how evolution works does not bother me but there is something that does regarding the historicity of Adam and Eve. I have heard some […]

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Question: Is thinking a physical process, or is it spiritual? Answer: I believe that the answer is that thinking is both physical and “spiritual.” One thing we can be sure of is that thinking is a physical process.  This has been shown by experiment and our experience agrees with experiment.  MRI (magnetic resonsance imaging) experiments […]

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Question: It is becoming a more and more accepted theory that humans have no ability to truly make “willful decisions.” Under this assumption, how can one come to salvation? Wouldn’t this render John 3:16 useless, because we cannot choose to believe in God?  I understand the argument that this just points to predestination, but as […]

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Question: These are the questions I have in mind.   They stem from a discussion I had with a friend of mine who likes Christianity (especially Bart Ehrman and the Gnostic Gospels) [editor’s note: we are not sure what the questioner means by this comment] but rejects the idea that Jesus was resurrected because: a […]

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Question: Why do most scientist reject the possibility of God`s existence?  Why do they embrace evolution? Answer: Two really good questions!  First, it is simply not true that most scientists reject the possibility of the existence of God.  Many do, but more do not.  This is a stereotype which is created largely because the atheist […]

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Editor’s note:  The person making this inquiry included material found from a web site.  This material is included, unedited, after my response. Question: I have some questions concerning archaeology and the Bible. 1.) Why is there such an absence of evidence concerning anyone mentioned in the Bible prior to Solomon or David, there is virtually […]

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Question: Genesis 5 states that the patriarchs prior to the flood lived as long as 900 years. How exactly is anyone supposed to take this into consideration when during ancient times, life span was actually shorter than it is now?  Only now are humans living longer, not shorter. So in the face of this how […]

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Question: Hello, I have a couple of questions concerning our souls.  If consciousness can be determined to depend on the physical brain, does this mean our consciousness ceases to exist after death? Isn’t it obvious that if the brain is damaged in any way that it directly affects our consciousness immediately.  Also, if we have […]

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Question: Do the ethnic depictions of biblical figures matter?  I had a discussion with someone regarding an allegedly “white-washed and racist” depiction of biblical figures in a recent movie. Putting aside Hollywood or possible racial agendas, do we really need to be concerned about what color Bible characters are depicted as? Or could history provide […]

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QUESTION: Hello there, I just wanted to ask, why is the Canaanite language, Ugaritic specifically so similar Hebrew?  The words such as Yam (Sea) Mot (Death) and Yarikh (Moon)are found exactly the same in Ugaritic and Hebrew writings. If the Canaanites are a Hamitic people why is their language classified as Semitic? Is it possible […]

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QUESTION: I  have a question for in regards to an article posted by Fox News today. Apparently a 1.8 million year skull has been found which apparently is some evolutionary link. Does this mean tha there was some sort of pre-adamic race? Are they even sure the skull is that old? How would this reconcile […]

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Question: I am asking a series of questions that come from 1 Cor. 15.     Several times in the chapter Adam is referred to as “one man,” a single individual.     If Adam and Eve existed as an “original couple” and had a real Fall, I believe this may present major problems in trying to harmonize evolution with […]

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Question: I wanted to thank you for your last email and for answering some of the questions I had. I appreciate you taking the time out of your undoubtedly busy schedule to do so.It helped me greatly. I hope I do not wear you out with my somewhat simplistic inquiries.    The reason for this question […]

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QUESTION: I have heard several times that moral “law” is said to be observed in animals, suggesting a natural, rather than supernatural explanation for morality. That sentence might not be clear enough, let me elaborate: A good example of a proponent of this is Anthropologist Frans de Waal. de Waal has studied primates for years […]

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Comment: I would like to say that I envy you. I can’t seem to reconcile my faith with evolution. I’m sure that the things I was told at church about evolution has a big part to play in my crisis but I think it’s also the way that science has presented it. Ever since Darwin […]

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Question: I understand that the Day/Age Theory of Evolution reconciles with the scriptures and even allows for the possibility of Adam evolving from chimpanzees, australopithecenes, or something else. However, what about Eve? Do you believe that the account of her creation from Adam’s rib is clearly to be taken literally and plainly? If so, that […]

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QUESTION: Is religion merely a psychological phenomenon, as is commonly pushed by so many atheists? I have heard reports of studies that show there is some kind of “God part” of the brain or some kind of brain part that is sensitive to religious experience. How do we respond? Answer: I am assuming you are […]

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Question: At what point in the evolutionary line did humans develop the Image of God? At what point in time did we fall into sin?  What is the eternal fate of our evolutionary ancestors? Please forgive my rusty science, but what I am asking is will there be neanderthals, cro-magnons, etc. in heaven Answer: Humans […]

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Question: I recently read an interview with atheist psychologist Steven Pinker about one of his books that he wrote. It was on a website (unfortunately,I can’t recall it).   The topic of concern is the apparent biological basis for behavior and the impact this has on the traditional understanding of the Free Will Doctrine. As you […]

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Question: Did Adam and Eve really exist?  Some say they have disproved their existence.  I have seen this claimed many  times.  For example, on wiki answers they say that the Bible does not contain the earth rotating on its axis. But we can look at what God said in the book of Job (38:12-14) “Have you […]

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