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- Christian Apologetics Class in Haiti by Dr. John Oakes
- How is it that Jewish scholars ignore messianic prophecies such as Daniel 9:24-26?
- How does the soul interact with the brain? How does free will work? What is the explanation of consciousness?
- Some say we know as much about Jesus as we do about Abraham Lincoln. Others say that Jesus is a myth. Who is right and why?
- Do you agree more with the Roman Catholic or the Protestant view of authority for truth?
- Was Paul’s “vision” on the road to Damascus an actual physical appearance, or was it merely a spiritual vision or, perhaps even a hallucination?
- What is the evidence that the very early church always believed in the bodily resurrection of Christ?
- Christian Theology: A Class by Dr. John Oakes at UC Merced
- Can you discuss recent claims that Galatians 1:19 (mentioning James, the brother of Jesus) is an interpolation?