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Dr. John Oakes is now leading a church planting in Merced, California. Please join us 11:00 Sundays at 500 Buena Vista Ave., Merced or on zoom at 342-225-5971 pw 857096. Also, join us for midweek devotional Wed. 7:30 at UC Merced Rm GLCR 120 or the same zoom. Also, visit our website at 1/12 […]
Dr. John Oakes is giving a public lecture at UC Merced in Rm SSB 120 Friday 9/27 at 7:00 on the relationship between History, Archaeology and the Bible, showing the historical reliability of the Bible. If the Bible is reliable history, then the stories of Abraham, Moses and David are a record of how God […]
Dr. John Oakes is teaching a class on answering difficult questions for the West Coast School of Ministry Fall, 2024. Audio and Power Point are here: Answering Difficult Questions PPT Hard Questions Audio I Hard Questions Audio II Hard Questions Audio III Hard Questions Audio IV You May Also Like: Answering […]
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Question: My question is this, Is there technically the same and/or more evidence for Jesus/resurrection and his existing than there is for guys like Abe Lincoln and George Washington exosting (historical figures that everyone accepts as real men even though we’ve never seen them)? Abe and George are in school textbooks with a few anecdotes […]
Editor’s note: This question is most likely coming from a Muslim source who is trying to undercut the evidence for the reliability of the New Testament manuscripts. He/she is attempting to undermine the evidence, to claim its strength is exaggerated by believers. Question: Not all NT writings are attested by 5000+ manuscripts. Thus, by stating […]
Question: Some Apostolic-Pentecostal Christians claim that being baptized “in the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 2:38) is the correct form of baptism, and disregard baptism in the name of the Trinity (Matt. 28:18-20). They claim that there is a great importance concerning what you are baptized into. My question is this: are these baptisms the […]
Dr. John Oakes will be taught an in-depth Christian Evidence class, sponsored by the Western US ICOC Teachers Service Committee, Sept/Oct, 2024. All notes, power points and audio for the students are here. Existence of God Power Point Existence of God Notes Existence of God Audio Evidence For Jesus PPT Evidence […]
Dr. John Oakes taught a series of classes at the Univ. of California, Merced for the campus group. Notes, Power Point and audio are here. Revelation PPT Revelation Notes Revelation Audio I Revelation Audio II Revelation Audio III Revelation Audio IV Revelation Audio V Revelation VI Audio […]
Dr. John Oakes gave a class at a recent teacher’s conference in Antelope Valley, California Jesus, the Master Teacher The class was titled the Humility of the Christian Teacher, in which he discussed the qualities necessary to the Christian teacher. This includes, of course, humility, but also passion, giftedness for teaching, training, an open-mindedness. patience for […]
Mormonism: What Does the Evidence and Testimony Reveal?
by Dr. John Oakes with Douglas Jacoby
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And He Shall Reign Forever and Ever Bringing Truth and Clarity to the Study of Revelation
by Dr. John Oakes
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How to Interpret, Understand and Faithfully Apply the Scriptures
by Dr. John Oakes & Mark Wilkinson
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Four Christian Views of Evolution
by John Clayton, Dr. Kevin Anderson, Dr. John Oakes, & Dr. Denis Lamoureux
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Vol 07 ARS Archaeological and Apologetics
by John Wilson, Douglas Jacoby, Dr. John Oakes, & Foster Stanback
- Defenders of the NT text mention 5000 manuscripts, but these are mostly irrelevant, and the early evidence is very partial. Therefore, the NT text cannot be trusted. Response? 129 views
- Is baptism “in the name of Jesus Christ” as opposed to in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit the only valid means? Why the contradiction? 92 views
- Is Jesus’ sonship literal or metaphorical? Please respond to a Muslim criticism. 51 views
- Some say we know as much about Jesus as we do about Abraham Lincoln. Others say that Jesus is a myth. Who is right and why? 8 views