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- Class on the Book of Acts by Dr. John Oakes
- Sermons in Merced by Dr. John Oakes Luke VII Parable of the Lost Son
- How do I refute the Hindu belief in reincarnation and in Krishna?
- Does Deuteronomy 32:8-9 suggest that there are two Gods of Israel–El and YHWH?
- Why do people not accept the clear evidence for belief in Christianity? Is it because Jesus said most would be condemned?
- I need some deep Bible study to counteract the heresy of reformed theology and the false teaching that baptism is not essential for salvation.
- The Koran says that Adam’s sin was forgiven (Sura 2:37), but Christianity tells us that Jesus died for Adam’s sin. Does this mean Jesus’ sacrifice was meaningless?
- Is there value in reading authors who claim to have discovered inspired numerology in the Bible? For example the Bible Code?
- Why are the minor prophets (except Jonah) never mentioned by the historical books in the Old Testament?
- How can I factually refute the Hindu belief in reincarnation? What about the evidence for Krishna vs. Jesus as real people?