Dr. John Oakes is doing a series of classes on Christian Apologetics for the student group at UC Merced this Spring.  Notes, PPT and audio are here: Existence of God PPT    Existence of God Notes    Existence of God Audio    History, Archaeology and Bible PPT    History Arch and Bible Notes    History […]

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Editor’s note: I have gotten dozens of questions from disingenuous Muslim sources recently, so I decided to publish this Q & A as an article for your consideration. Question: What would you tell someone who was having trouble figuring out which religion is the one true religion? What would you tell him if he said […]

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Dr. John Oakes is doing a missionary teaching trip to West Africa Feb 16-Mar 5, 2023.  He will be posting all or nearly all of his lessons, outlines and ppts here.  Great Bible Study Time Notes    Great Bible Study PPT   Great Bible Study Audio    Reliability of the Bible notes    Reliability of […]

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Dr. John Oakes is teaching a twelve hour class on Christian evidence specifically for a group of campus ministry interns in Fresno, California July 11-12. Power Point presentations and audio will be uploaded from the class.

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Dr. John Oakes gave sermons on Mother’s day and Easter.  The first is Mary: A Mother’s Heart.   Mary A Mothers Heart Notes   Mary A Mother’s Heart PPT   Mary A Mother’s Heart Audio    The second sermon is on why we can believe that Jesus was bodily resurrected from the dead, on the power of the […]

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John and Jan Oakes taught classes for a singles conference in Tijuana focusing in on the claims of Jesus.  Notes and Power Point in English and Spanish and audio in Spanish.   I AM The Way Notes  I AM the Way PPT   Yo Soy El Camino PPT     Yo Soy El Camino Audio   I AM The Truth Notes    […]

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Dr. John Oakes is teaching a class on the evidence which supports belief in the biblical Jesus at the Mission Center of Hope in San Diego Saturdays 9:00-10:30.  Your are invited to attend, but the power point, outline and audios will be posted here.   Evidence for Jesus Notes        Evidence for Jesus PPT  […]

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QUESTION: 1. What is a good resource for learning more about Calvinism and how to refute it. 2. How do you best defend the Word of God with someone who says “the Bible is not perfect.”  We obviously know of a few clerical errors but he uses those mistakes and others to justify his own […]

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Editor’s note:  The following is a series of questions and answers.  The tone is more familiar than usual because this discussion is happening with a good friend. Question: I just read your paper, “A Closer Look at the Laws of Thermodynamics.”  It was great.  Thanks.  I have a comment, though.  From Pr 16:33 we learn that anything that […]

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Dr. John Oakes engaged in a debate on the existence of God titled “God is Not Dead” at a teen camp in Jamul, California on 6/17/2014.   His opponent was recent high school graduate Hunter Garnier.  Hunter is no slacker, as he was valedictorian of his class and is heading off to UC Berkeley in […]

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Question: I was looking over you site and was wondering if there has been any evidence found that the “sun stood still”  or “altered it’s position”? As recorded in Joshua 10:13-14 and Isaiah 38:7-8?   I may be wrong as I’m not acquainted with astrophysics but I can only imagine that our earth or the sun’s […]

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[Editor’s note: This is a series of interchanges which might be a bit hard to follow, but I decided to post this pretty much as is.  It is a series of exchanges on the rather abstract question of where Quantum mechanics interacts with free will.] Question: Dr. Oakes,  I am researching a study for my […]

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Question: The saying ‘Faith is released by speaking words’, is used by some preachers to describe that sick people remain sick though ‘saved’ because of their inability to release their faith and be healed. They say God has put authority under us to move mountains therefore we should exercise it for the purpose of healing. Also […]

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[Editor’s note:  This question has little to do with Christian evidences, but I have gotten several versions of the question.  Apparently it is on the minds of many EFC users, so I am providing an answer.] QUESTION:  In Acts chapter 8 Philip, one of the Seven, goes to a city in Samaria and preached the gospel. […]

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QUESTION: My son recently announced that he is an atheist. I have been a Christian all of my life, so this was not happy news for me. Since this announcement, I have been searching the internet to get a better understanding of what the “other side” says. I have listened to the “new atheists” and […]

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Question:   May I ask why anyone should believe in the Bible?    You claim that the global flood was miraculous, yet what does that have to do with evidence?  Did God completely heal the earth? Is that what you’re saying?  You wish people to believe that God kept the ocean animals, plant life, bacteria all from […]

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Question: How do you convince someone that, through Jesus, there’s life after death? Especially if the person is a character who believes in tangible facts and figures?”  Looking forward to hearing from you soon, Answer: It is very difficult to make a “logical” case that life continues after death. Certainly we cannot use physical/scientific arguments to […]

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QUESTION:  How do we know that Satan didn’t write the Bible?   How do we know that the true religion isn’t Buddhism for example and the Old and New Testament are the works of a devil/demon/Satan trying to trick us into doing wrong things like stoning adulteresses and non-believers? Satan could reveal himself as Jesus, claim […]

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QUESTION: What do you believe about a random “Super Spiritual” (I say this loosely) guy comes up to you and tries to look into your life and tell you about your future? So what I am asking is do you believe in people being able to prophesy about your life (like Agabus or Barnabus who […]

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QUESTION: John I was wondering if anyone has ever suggested a hypothesis based on drug hallucination for the resurrection? I know there’s a hallucination hypothesis but has anyone ever brought up drug hallucination like psilocybin mushroom hallucination? And if someone has how would you respond to that hypothesis? Thanks John! Answer: Hello from Conakry, Guinea; […]

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QUESTION: How does one explain the fact of Lot’s wife being converted into salt when they were running away from Sodom’s destruction?  What is the “logic” or scientific” explantion behind this fact. Answer: I do not believe that there is any “scientific logic” to what happened to Lot’s wife.  What happened to his wife is […]

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QUESTION: What is the context of James 5:16?  What does confessing our sins have in relation to anointing the sick and him being raised up? Is that a commandment from Jesus to confess our sins to each other in any context? Answer: It does appear that James is a bit random in what he is talking […]

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Question: I want to ask you about born again Christians and ‘speaking in tongues’. I experienced this at a different church recently and it was quite overwhelming, but now after I’ve tried to research it I’m quite shocked and confused. John MacArthur lectures on youtube ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVSLc0cqlZM ) about it being demonic, existing before Pentecost […]

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Question: I was wondering how would you harmonize the resurrection narrative accounts? I found an essay written by a theologian to be the best one so far (click here to view it) however I wanted to see what your take on the accounts were. Thanks! Answer: I do not believe I can improve on the […]

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Question: I wanted to ask, how would you respond to a comment like this, done in the form of a cartoon: http://www.martinspribble.com/2011/09/12/soldier-crab-is-hostile-to-religion  I know that it is useless to argue or to try to convince people who are blocked and refuse to believe anything about Christianity, but I was wondering if you had any thoughts […]

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Question: I’m sending you this question in hopes that you can help me or at the least shed some light on these issues. In looking at what natural sciences (Astronomy, evolution, etc.) have seemed to reveal to us about the age of the universe and the development of life, it appears that the subsequent response […]

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Question: Shalom Dr. Oakes. I have a serious challenge for you. Can you show me any unique evidence for Christianity from anywhere in the Bible? What I mean by "unique" are beliefs, customs or any religious artifact that is unique to Christianity alone. If the same thing can be found among say the Pharisees, Nazarenes, […]

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Question: My question is on the anointing oil referred to in James 5:14. What do you make of the olive oil the Pentecostals use to anoint different things including buildings? They always quote James 5 to substantiate their claim. Who prepared this oil in James 5 or what is its origin? If there is a […]

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Question: If the tallest mountain was covered by 22.5′ of water, what would be theevaporation rate until the surface of the earth was visible, does the Gensisaccount get anywhere close to what would be proveable, just wondering? Answer: A couple of comments.  First of all, the flood is clearly presented as a supernatural miracle.  For this reason, […]

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Question: I want to learn from you Please help me: Can you please help about Miracles?   One of my friends says ‘"ou people don’t believe miracles."  I told him I believe when we pray God answers our prayers he heals, and I told him we need to consult doctors too.  I Answered him, When Jesus […]

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