I am excited to announce that the last volume of my four-part book series on the history of Christianity is now available for purchase. The volume covers the First Great Awakening and the work of Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley and George Whitefield, the Second Great Awakening and the rise of Evangelicalism, the Stone-Campbell Movement, Adventism, […]

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Dr. John Oakes is doing a missionary teaching trip to West Africa Feb 16-Mar 5, 2023.  He will be posting all or nearly all of his lessons, outlines and ppts here.  Great Bible Study Time Notes    Great Bible Study PPT   Great Bible Study Audio    Reliability of the Bible notes    Reliability of […]

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John Oakes is giving a class on the history of issues related to unity and division within the Christian Church. This is part of a mini-seminar titled The Unbreakable Church for the Spokane Christian Church.  He will be covering issues related to ecumenism and restoration/patternism and how the church, historically has succeeded or failed in […]

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Dr. John Oakes is doing a four-part series on the Book of Revelation in Spanish for Iglesia de Cristo de Guadelajara.  Power point and autio are being posted here   Apocalypsis ESPAÑOL PPT   Apocalypsis Guadalajara Audio 1    Apocalypsis Guad II    Apocalypsis III Dr. John Oakes is doing a six-part series of classes on […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a class on the Stone/Campbell movement for the Rocky Mountain School of Ministry. The SC movement is also known as the Restoration Movement, which is the historical root of the Churches of Christ, the Christian Church and the Disciples of Christ.  Notes, PPT and audio are attached.  Unfortunately, the first twelve […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class on Christian theology. The class covered topics such as Trinity, the qualities of God, the problems of evil and suffering, theodicy, predestination, heaven and more.  The class is now completed.  Here are the notes, PPT, audio and link to the video.     God: Christian Theology PPT      God–Christian […]

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Many in our churches who spend time on our college campuses have come across the rather strange sect which teaches about the Mother Goddess. I had not come across this group personally until a recent experience while sharing my faith at Bakersfield College in Bakersfield, California. Normally, I like to avoid writing against groups I […]

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Dr. John Oakes is doing a very brief teaching tour in Mexico, specifically in Tlaxcala and Puebla.  These two cities are part of old Mexico. Tlaxcala is the location of the first Catholic diocese in Mexico and is the route through which Cortex conquered Tenochtictan/Mexico City.  Heb 11 Living by Faith Tlaxcala   Viviendo por la […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class on the biblical doctrine of predestination for an all-Mexico conference in Toluca, Mexico 7/20/19. The class includes biblical evidence against “once saved, always saved,” a history of the doctrine of predestination, a description of Calvinism, a refutation of Calvinism and a presentation of the biblical doctrine of predestination. Notes […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class on the history of Christianity for the Los Angeles School of Ministry and Missions Nov 30-Dec 1 2018 and March 8-9, 2019.  Notes and power point are here:  church history notes Part I    Church History Notes Part II    Church History PPT    Church History audio 1     Church History Audio […]

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I will be posting many lessons from my current teaching trip.  All will be in English, but with translation into Russian, Japanese, or Mongolian.  Freedom in Christ Russian     FreedominChrist Russian ppt     Hebrews Russian 1   Hebrews Russian 2   Hebrews Russian 3     Hebrews Russian PPT  Christian World View Russian   Christian World View Russian PPT   From […]

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Editor’s Note:  The following document, clearly, has no relationship to Christian evidence, but a good friend published this treatise on the Restoration Movement which I believe will be of interest to some of our subscribers.  It is written by a friend John Teal who has himself been part of a group within the Restoration Movement […]

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Dr. John Oakes is delivered a number of lessons on a missionary teaching trip in South Asia Jan 5-22, 2017.  Attached are power points, notes and audio for these lessons.   From Shadow to Reality India Audio    Existence of God Audio    Reliability of the Bible Audio   Marriage Divorce and Remarriage Audio   Marriage and Divorce Notes   Acts […]

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We are reposting an article on a biblical and historical perspective of Christmas from 2007 for your enjoyment.  Merry Christmas.  John Oakes Question: Is Christmas a Christian Holiday? Answer: Christmas sure has taken a beating lately, seemingly from all sides.  The secularists demand that we say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas,  while some believers have […]

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Last weekend we brought together eight teachers from across the US for a conference on History, Archaeology and Christianity.  We are really grateful to York College in York, Nebraska for hosting the conference.  A few of the notes and power points from the conference are attached here.  The audio is available through the membership option […]

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Question: I was just wondering if you could answer some of these questions. Keep in mind I don’t expect you to answer every single question but maybe a couple answers would help. I recently compiled most of the complaints from a very unusual website called Jesusneverexisted.com. Honestly at the end of the day none of […]

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Question: Have you read questioningpaul.com ?  Hab 2 is quite the prophecy about the coming of Shwaul as the”plague of death” and the one who “gathers all the Gentiles unto himself”, etc.  Paul never quotes the Torah correctly. Response: I spent some time looking at the document you suggested and found this to be a […]

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QUESTION: Hello.  I was wondering about the information on the Gospel of Barnabas. I’d like to know who after this site and from which point of view was the gospel taken. I couldn’t find about the writer or the author? Another question please, how can the author judge the language of the bible and even the […]

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Question: I talked with someone from Asembly church and they say we should worship God on Saturday which is Shabbat day. Here are some scripture he showed me.   Gen 2:1-3   Exo 20:8-11   Num 28:9-10     Mat 5:17-18    Jn 1:29    Lk 4:16    Mat 7:21-23   Mat 15:7-9     Mk 16:9    He said, worshiping God on Sunday is the ritual of men […]

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QUESTION: I have been a devout follower of Jesus Christ for 22 years.  Recently, I have been questioning the validity of Christianity. The Freemasons tell their members that they have made up Christianity and all world religions as a way to better society. When I look at the ancient Sun God worship Mithraism and other forms […]

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[Editor’s note:  This question has little to do with Christian evidences, but I have gotten several versions of the question.  Apparently it is on the minds of many EFC users, so I am providing an answer.] QUESTION:  In Acts chapter 8 Philip, one of the Seven, goes to a city in Samaria and preached the gospel. […]

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Editor’s Note:   I just posted a Q & A on cremation a couple of weeks ago.  Normally, I would not post two in a row on the same topic, but apparently my fairly short answer raised as many questions as it answered, so I am publishing a second question and the follow-up.  I suggest that […]

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Comment: I think Mr Oakes needs to take a course in logic. He attempts to discredit Robert Eisenman by using, not the extant historical evidence, but the unsubstantiated writings of “early church fathers”,and the new testament “writings” of Peter and Luke. First of all there is not a single writing of the church fathers and […]

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Question: This is starting to circulate on the internet. Facebook……etc. I am sure young christians in our congregations may have a hard time with it. Just curious if you guys have heard about it yet.  http://uk.prweb.com/releases/2013/10/prweb11201273.htm Response: Ancient Confession Found: ‘We Invented Jesus Christ.’ A new “theory” to explain the genesis of Christianity is making […]

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Question: I have recently been troubled by a theological dilemma regarding 1 Corinthians 11 and veiling. Actually, I should say I’ve been wrestling with it for years and the conflict comes and goes.   How can we as disciples of Jesus KNOW that Paul is speaking culturally? I know that David Bercot is popular throughout churches […]

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Question: I have seen your view about the book of Enoch.first I have to tell you where I am from , I am actually from Ethiopia. the only christian country that accepted the book of Enoch as canon.please I want much evidences that can disprove its authenticity. do you have? Answer: I did not say […]

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Questions: I was listening to a Rabbi debate with a Christian and wanted to ask you about some of the points that the Rabbi made that the Christian didn’t respond to, if i may. 1. Christians had to “make up” the second coming of the Messiah to harmonize why Jesus did not restore peace in […]

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Question: Reading several articles, I have the impression that many people don’t trust Josephus’ writings because of the additions by the Christian scribe[editor’s note: He is talking about the “Testimonium Flavium” which mentions Jesus]. It seems that if one passage was tampered with then we don’t know what to trust.  Also, concerning the passage in […]

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Question:   [editor’s note: this lengthy question and points being made come from a Jewish Christian who believes that Christians are required to obey kosher food laws, such as the prohibition of eating pork and shellfish.  The article he and I both refer to is one about the interpretation of Acts 10.  I am attaching […]

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