
1. I read more than a couple of your articles about Krishna a deity in Hinduism.  You said that Krishna is a mythical figure demanding details like where did he live? Where was he born? When was he born? What did he look like? Who were his parents and where did they come from?  These details are available, here in India, people celebrate his birthday.  I hope Hindu scriptures have those details, Please kindly check them once! Do you say that we don’t have the information about those details or that those details are not trustworthy?

2. I hope you have studied literature or details about the life of Krishna and Rama their births, actions, lifestyle. I want you to compare the life of Krishna and Rama with the person of Jesus Christ, as per my understanding though considering the life accounts of Rama and Krishna for the sake of discussion, The person of Jesus Christ is so ahead of them in many aspects like for example he lived a sinless life and high standard ethical life, in expressing his love to the humankind on that cross by crucifixion claiming that he died for the remission of the sins of the humankind and the ability of his forgiveness being valid for all the humankind of the past, present and future and his resurrection which is an objective reality.

On the other hand, Krishna was said to have been born miraculously, whereas Hindu people claim that all his relationships with the Gopikas and women were spiritual and should not be taken as physical given that Krishna never had any sexual relationship with women but thinking about the Person of Jesus Christ, it is not even like that like Krishna having some romantic times with the women, so we can tell that Jesus lived more ethical and Holy life.  Krishna came to this world to establish righteousness and destroy evil kings or men, in recent times I heard a very different interpretation about Krishna destroying the evil kings that even destroying those evil kings or men is for their good, so now even if we take this interpretation into the consideration Krishna did favor to some group of people and more important his contributions were limited to the age or yuga.  Jesus showed his concern and love toward the whole of humanity by dying on that cross which is an objective reality that happened in history, and the applicability of his forgiveness for all humankind of the past, present and future tells the ability of his forgiveness which is not limited to some group of people and age or yuga.

Finally please give me any of your observations comparing the Life of Krishna and Rama with Jesus (Rama is optional) and let me know why the Person of Jesus Christ wins.


You say that answers to questions such as where and when did Krishna live are available in India.  Where?  Sorry, but there are NO such historical records.  None.  People can celebrate the “birthday” of fictional characters, but this does not prove that they are real!  Those who believe Rama or Krishna were real people have a really big problem.  There is no evidence that either was a real person!!!  There is literally no evidence for this. Hindus say that he was a real person, but there is a HUGE problem with this.   When was he born?  What year?  They have literally no answer for this.   Where was he born?  What city?  What historical records are there for this?  Again, there is literally NO answer for this question.  None.  These are the facts.  Perhaps, just possibly, there may have been an actual human being who lived at an unknown time and place in the distant past whose story became the basis for what became the myth of Krishna. I cannot absolutely rule this out, but for this there is literally no evidence.  None.  Hindus can claim that Krishna was a real person, but they have literally no evidence.  This amounts to belief without evidence, which is a very sketchy thing to believe.  This is in dramatic distinction with the evidence for Jesus.  We know the location and year of both this birth and his death, as well as many dozens of other facts about him with great certainty.  Hindus may say that this is the same as Rama, but this is simply not true.  Period.
Why would I compare the life of a non-person to the life of a real person?  It would be like comparing Barack Obama to Spiderman. What is the point?  No, I will not do this.  It would be to play into the hand of a person who is trying to make a point that I rather strongly disagree with.  No, I will not compare Jesus to Rama or Krishna.
John Oakes

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