Where does Jesus say he is God? I haven’t seen a verse in the Bible where Jesus says he is God. Also I am sure that you are aware that many people think that the Bible is corrupt, it this is not true, where are they getting this belief from? Answer: The answer is that Jesus did indeed claim to be God. Jesus was somewhat circumspect about this. He did not go about every day declaring loudly, "I AM God." He was cautious because he was aware of the timing. He had to die on a Friday on the eve of the Passover in Jerusalem in order to fulfill the prophecies of the Messiah. To declare publicly that he was God was to court an early death, as you will see in the passages below, but he left it abundantly clear in his discourses with the apostles who he was. For example, in John 8:58, Jesus said about himself, "I tell you the truth, before Abraham was born, I AM." Here Jesus took the name YHWH, the name God gave to himself when he spoke to Moses in Exodus 3:14. (It is worth noting that the book of John uses the Greek equivalent, whereas Jesus spoke in Aramaic a close kin of Hebrew). Like it says in John 8:56, At this they took up stones to stone him." They did so because they were very clear on what Jesus had claimed to be: deity. Another example is found in John 10:30. Here Jesus simply says, "I and the Father are one." Again, the Jews picked up stones to stone him, saying they did so because, "You, a mere man, claim to be God." Notice, Jesus did not correct them on this! As for worship, Jesus did not demand that people bow to him while in the body, but he did not refuse it either. For example, when Thomas saw him for the first time after the resurrection, he said to Jesus, "My Lord and my God." Jesus did not correct his thinking and ask him to stand up. Below is a bit of an outline on the deity of Jesus: Compare Coll 1:16 to Hebrews 2:10Besides, just look at Coll 1:16 all things were created by Christ. All things were created by him and for him. Heb 1:2 the entire universeOT: God is the creatorNT: Jesus is the creator Jesus is God.Jn 8:58 Before Abraham was born, I AM (Exodus 3:14) They picked up stones to stone him.Jn 10:30 I and the Father are one. Clear enough? Read through vs. 33.Coll 2:9 The fullness of deity lives in bodily form.Jn 20:28 My Lord and my God.Titus 2:13 Our great God and savior, Jesus Christ Is 43:11 God says that only he savesGod our savior and Jesus Christ our savior used interchangeable in Titus
Phil 2:5,6 Who being in very nature God.Zech 12:10 They will look on me, the one they have pierced?Isaiah 9:6,7Heb 1:6 angels are commanded to worship (proskuneo) Jesus. It is difficult for me to say where people get the idea that the Bible is corrupt, because this idea comes from a number of sources. Two or three hundred years ago, the idea that our current Greek New Testaments and Hebrew Old Testaments may have been significantly corrupted was more believable and less difficult to disprove. Since that time, tens of thousand of Greek manuscripts, including whole Greek New Testaments from AD 350 and partial manuscripts from the second and third centuries have made the claim that the Greek New Testament has been significantly corrupted nearly impossible to sustain. With the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls, the idea that the Old Testament has been corrupted has been significantly damaged. My experience is that those who claim the Bible have been corrupted have a very good reason to try to undermine faith in the scriptures. One group which has been most active in claiming corruption of the text is the Muslims. Islamic groups make a big deal about this supposed corruption because it is essential to their claims. They claim that Jesus was not God and did not claim to be God. They say that he was not crucified or resurrected. Yet the Koran tells them to respect the writings. You can see why they want to claim the Bible is corrupt. Mormons also want to claim Bible corruption because of problems with the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, as do humanists and atheists who do not like the moral tone of the Bible and its claim of authority. You ought to listen to these claims but understand that they are coming from people who generally do not know the evidence well or have a deep-seated reason to corrupt the evidence. The Greek New Testament we read is a virtual exact copy of the original. You will find more on this in my book Reasons for Belief: A Handbook of Christian Evidence ( John Oakes, PhD