Are the recent findings reported from Khirbet Qeiyafa evidence of Biblical history or just a hoax?
I found interesting article on findings in Khirbet Qeiyafa. May I ask, what is your opinion about that, is it another archeological proof of Bible historicity, or just a hoax?
No, this is the real thing. This is a very exciting discovery. Garfinkle is a highly respected archaeologist and this find will surely hold up. People will debate the interpretation, of course, but the facts remain. This was a clearly Jewish city from the late eleventh century with unmistakable marks of a unuquely Jewish worship and culture. Professor Yosef Garfinkle of Hebrew University announced in May of this year his discoveries in the Jewish city of Khirbet Qeiyafa. The city was occupied from about 1020-980 BC, during the reign of King David. It was a border city between Israel and the Philistines. Items in the city demonstrate conclusively that a uniquely Jewish cult, without graven images, existed at the time. Also, many kinds of meat were eaten there, but definitely not pork. The find also confirms and explains much of the detail in 1 Kings regarding the construction of the temple of Solomon. The discovery predates Solomon’s temple. This is a very significant find because it establishes that a monotheistic religion we call Judaism existed in Canaan in the eleventh century BC. Up to this time, many skeptics and archaeologists have questioned that there even was a religion we call Judaism before about 600 BC. I believe we will be hearing more about the discoveries in Khirbet Qeiyafa.
John Oakes