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Dr. John Oakes is teaching a seven-week class on Christian Theology at UC Merced, Wednesday nights at 7:30 in Rm GLCR 120, beginning on 2/5/2025.  For those not in the Merced area (most of you!), I will be posting the notes, power point and audio here: Christian Theology Notes    Christian Theology PPT    Christian […]

Dr. John Oakes is  now leading a church planting in Merced, California.  Please join us 11:00 Sundays at 500 Buena Vista Ave., Merced or on zoom at 342-225-5971 pw 857096.  Also, join us for midweek devotional Wed. 7:30 at UC Merced Rm GLCR 120 or the same zoom. Also, visit our website at 2/19  […]

Dr. John Oakes is teaching a ten-part, twenty hour class on Christian Apologetics for a ministry training program in Haiti.  The class will be taught in English, but translated into French.  Notes, power point and audio will be posted, with the notes in English, but the PPT and audio in both languages. Existence of God […]

Read, Watch & Listen

Question: I’ve been reading a good amount on the Old Testament canon. Jesus quoted some of the Deuterocanonical texts. The writer of the book of Hebrews did so as well. This books mention events that happened in the Deuterocanon as well. Not to mention that many early church fathers quote the Deuterocanonical books as well. […]

Question: Please clear up for me the discussion below I found on line in which the writer tries to argue that the resurrection of Christ was invented by the later Christians for religions reasons: Christian apologists and conservative scholars have tried to argue that, while there was a belief in a coming general resurrection, the […]

Question: Could you please make a response to this atheist who claims Galatians 1:9 is an interpolation? Response: First of all, I am pretty sure you are talking about Galatians 1:19, not Galatians 1:9.  This question has been “out there” in the internet lately, so I assume you made a little error in your question.  […]

Dr. John Oakes will be taught an in-depth Christian Evidence class, sponsored by the Western US ICOC Teachers Service Committee, Sept/Oct, 2024. All notes, power points and audio for the students are here. Existence of God Power Point    Existence of God Notes    Existence of God Audio      Evidence For Jesus PPT    Evidence […]

Dr. John Oakes taught a series of classes at the Univ. of California, Merced for the campus group.   Notes, Power Point and audio are here.     Revelation PPT     Revelation Notes    Revelation Audio I    Revelation Audio II    Revelation Audio III     Revelation Audio IV    Revelation Audio V    Revelation VI Audio    […]

Dr. John Oakes gave a class at a recent teacher’s conference in Antelope Valley, California Jesus, the Master Teacher  The class was titled the Humility of the Christian Teacher, in which he discussed the qualities necessary to the Christian teacher.  This includes, of course, humility, but also passion, giftedness for teaching, training, an open-mindedness. patience for […]

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