
According to the Koran (3:146-148), there were many Prophets who have done Jihad and large numbers of God-devoted men have fought alongside them. They did not surrender to the non-believers merely because of their numerical inferiority and lack of resources.  Can you show me such Prophets in Biblical history who have done Jihad? Please response this!


This distinction you note is a valid one.  It is true that the Qur’an describes prophets, including its main prophet Muhammad engaging in warfare and killing people.  This is a tragic fact about Islam—that its leaders were violent men whose career included killing in war.  The biblical prophets were not guilty of making war or promoting killing in the name of God.  Even today, some, but not all Muslims promote violent jihad and the killing of their enemies.  This is an evil aspect of Islam which should be publicly rejected by all Muslims.  In a debate which we sponsored, we asked the Muslim imam and apologist Shabir Ally to renounce violence in the name of Allah, but he pointedly refused to do so.  Jesus was not a violent man.  In fact, he taught his followers to love their enemies, not to kill them.  None of the early Christian leaders supported killing in the name of Jesus, and none of the major Old Testament prophets did so either.  This is a positive point about the Bible and a strongly negative point about Islam.  I hope that you will renounce violence in the name of Allah.  This is a good reason for you to leave Islam and to become a follower of Jesus.  The true God does not support violent Jihad, and neither should you.
John Oakes

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