
Can you give me factual references to scriptures/books which I can use to refute reincarnation theory? I was born in a Hindu family. However God blessed me and I found my true faith. My entire family is Hindu. I have read Bhagavad Gita and Bible. Both have strongly written verses and theories in supporting reincarnation and resurrection respectively. The Holy Spirit within me is enough for me to believe in one true God Christ however how do I refute the non-believers? I cannot simply refute saying that Bible is true and factual while Gita is mythology because Hindus will also say that Jesus was a mythical character. These days they are even digging up archeological proofs for existence of Krishna and the happenings of Mahabharat. It is not easy to convince just by saying that Mahabharat did not happen or even if it happened, Krishna might be a normal human being or a deity but not God. I need more in terms of texts and facts. Can you provide this to me?


I am not aware of a book written on refuting reincarnation using biblical arguments.  To be honest, this is an interesting question, but I do not think it needs an entire book.  The arguments are convincing and they are fairly simple.  They do not need an entire book.  The Bible says, in Hebrews 9:26-27 that “he [Jesus] has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself.  Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.”  The Bible is clear.  End of story.  If the Bible is inspired by God, then reincarnation is a false idea.  We live, we die, and we face judgment for the deeds committed in the body.  There is absolutely no possible way to even remotely suggest the possibility of reincarnation if we take the Bible seriously.
I have only read small snippets of the Bhagavad Gita, and I suppose perhaps we can describe it as having “strongly written” verses, but I absolutely agree with you that the Gita is human-created myth.  There is no evidence for it being inspired by God.  I have spoken with many Hindus and have never met one who believed that Jesus was merely a myth.  The Hindus I have known will freely admit the obvious fact that Jesus was a real person.  What they try to do is somehow transform Jesus into a Hindu-like guru.  This, of course, does not work, as Jesus claimed to be the one and true God and Creator of the universe (John 8:58-59), which is clearly not compatible with him being some sort of guru or even an avatar such as Krishna.
Krishna is certainly not an historical figure.  When did he live? I have heard somewhere between 2000 BC and 400 BC.  Where did he live?  In a mythical city whose location we do not know.  Krishna is a myth.  Or to be more fair, he is a semi-mythical figure whose story we know virtually nothing about, and about which a highly mythicized story has been written.  This is in diametric opposition to Jesus, whose birthplace and time we know, whose means of death we know, as well as the place and date. We know the name of his mother, his father, three of his brothers and several of his friends, more than one of whom left written accounts within forty years of his death.  Jesus of Nazareth is a real person. Krishna is a myth, and reincarnation is a false belief if we take the Bible seriously.
Besides, if all humans have been reincarnated dozens or hundreds of times, how do we deal with the fact that something like 25% or more of all who have ever lived are still living today.  When and where did these dozens of lives occur?  This Hindu idea of the multiple migration of souls is disproved by common sense fact.
I have written a book in which I argue that Hinduism presents a false and easily refuted world view.  It is “True, Right, Better.”  It is available at   In fact, here is a link:
I hope this helps.
John Oakes

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