
if Jesus is fully God and fully man at the same time right now in 2024 , do you mean for example that Jesus knows and does not know at the same time right now ?  God knows everything but man does not know everything.  If Jesus is fully God and fully human, do you mean Jesus knows and does not know at the same time ?  For example:  Do you believe that Jesus knows when Donald Trump will die but at the same time Jesus does not know when Donald Trump will die ?


It is my understanding that Jesus accepted temporarily to become human–to accept a human nature–when he came to the earth.  A good passage to express this truth is Philippians 2:6-8. About Jesus, the passage says, “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather he made himself nothing, by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man.
I believe that Jesus temporarily accepted a great diminution of his power as God in order to take on human flesh.  However, as God, in his current state, he is again omniscient omnipotent and omnipresent.  But he willingly chose not to be those things when he took on human likeness.  Jesus took on the very form and nature of a human being, but only for a time.  Jesus did not come to judge but to save, but in his current form, he will judge.  Jesus, as a human, suffered in every way like us.  This is not true of him in his restored God-self.  Before accepting human limitation, Jesus, presumably, knew the thoughts of every human heart, he was not only immortal, but eternal.  He had no flesh, and was not subject to decay and death.
Exactly how Jesus chose to let himself to be limited while in his human body, I do not know with certainty.  However, as a human, he accepted some level of lack of his normal God-nature omniscience.  For example, in Matthew 24:26 Jesus told his people that not even the Son knows the day or the hour of his return.  I believe that this veiled understanding was a temporary effect of his accepting humanity.  Jesus did know the hearts of some of those around him, but I believe that, unlike now, while in the body, Jesus did not know all the thoughts of everyone’s hearts.  Jesus accepted becoming sick and becoming tired.  Surely, this no longer applies to him.
My response is that Jesus became (with the word became being key) fully man when he came in the flesh.  Jesus willingly accepted human-like limitations in both his mind and body.   In his restored God-nature, Jesus again knows everything—he is omniscient.  What he “did not know” for a time, he now fully knows.  I assume that, in his restored equality with the Father, Jesus is well-aware of the final destiny of Donald Trump and of you and me.​
John Oakes

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