Jesus failed to bring universal peace (Mic. 4:1-4; Isa. 11:6-9) because, after him, bloodshed occurred multiple times in Jerusalem. Former dominion was not restored nor was kingship established as predicted (Mic. 4:6-8). What’s your response?
Jesus fulfilled Micah 4:1-4 word-for-word and in detail. He died to establish the Church, which is the Mountain of the Lord, in the last days (Hebrews 1:1-2). The Christian Church is the largest religion in the world today. It has been “exalted above the hills.” Literally, all nations have streamed into it (Micah 4:2). The Church of Christ is the new “Temple of the Lord,” established by Jesus of Nazareth. As prophesied, the word of Christ went out from Zion/Jerusalem, and Christ has helped to settle many disputes between nations. There is not complete world peace, as you mention, but that is because so many people are not under submission to Christ, but Christ has brought peace within the church between black and white, old and young, rich and poor, European, African, Asian, Arab, Israeli, liberal, conservative. All are one in Christ in his church. I have experienced this personally. This passage is fulfilled in the church, but not in the broader world. Jesus fulfilled every single part of this passage. Micah 4:5 makes this clear (that he is talking about his kingdom, but not the entire world). It says that “we” (ie those in God’s kingdom) will walk in the name of the Lord our God. The Bible never says that all people will become Christians or that universal peace will reign before the return of Christ. Jesus himself made this clear (Matthew 24:9-31).
The same can be said for Isaiah 11:6-9. This passage is apocalyptic and highly symbolical, obviously. It is not talking about wolves and lambs, but it is talking about Jew and Gentile, Roman and Greek, German and French and any other groups which oppose one another in the world being united in God’s church. I have experience this personally, seeing Russians and Ukranians hugging in church, as well as black and white fellowshipping on equal terms in South Africa. In this passage, God is prophesying what will happen “on all my holy mountain.” In other words, he is talking about what happens withing his church. Jesus is the root, the Branch of Isaiah 11:1-2, and the Spirit of the Lord truly rested on him. Jesus fulfilled every part of the prophecy in Isaiah 11:1-9, and he is a spiritual king of spirtual Israel, which is the Church of Jesus Christ.
Whoever said that Jesus did not fulfill these prophecies does not understand the nature of these prophecies. Either that, or they have not read them carefully and tried to understand what they are a reference to, which is to the Kingdom of God or to the church that Jesus died for.
John Oakes