Roman Catholicism:  A Power Point.   See notes below.

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                                       Roman Catholicism

A ridiculously brief history of Catholicism:

The history of the Christian church can be summarized as the gradual corruption of primitive Christianity into a paganized, hierarchical, Roman Catholic Church.

Interestingly, Catholics can legitimately claim that their church traces back to the original church established by the apostles.  Most "Christians" cannot legitimately make that claim.

1.  Source of authority:  Church,  tradition (which is known as the "rule of faith" and

     Scripture but in the final analysis, church

    and tradition.  Mark 7:1-13  "You nullify the word of God by your tradition that you

    have handed down."

2.  Apostolic (papal) authority.   Matthew 16:17-19.   You are Peter (rock, stone, petros) and

     on this rock (bedrock, large rock, petra)  The "rock" that the church will be built on is

     not Peter.  It is the confession and the fact that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God.

3.  False teachings:

         a. Prayer to God through Mary and the saints.    1 Tomothy 2:5

         b. Original Sin.     Infant Baptism       Ezekiel 18:19-20

         c.  Transsubstantiation.     (The elements in the Lord’s Supper literally become flesh and


   d.  Lord’s Supper is a sacrifice.   Luke 22:19  "Do this in remembrance of me."

         e.  Immaculate Conception.    (Mary was born from a virgin as well)

         f.  Sacramentalism.   Power in the act rather than in faith and repentance.

         g.  Not all Christians are priests    1 Peter 2:9   2 Corinthians 5:17-20.

         h.  Purgatory.  Works salvation.

   i.  Salvation is found, not "in Christ" but in the church.  Irenaeus:  She [ie. the church] is the entrance to life; all others are thieves and robbers.

4.  Traditions taught which cause Catholics to nullify the word of God.

         a. Church calendar

         b. Statues, icons, vestments

         c. Celibacy of priests

         d. Monks, nuns

         e.  Popes, cardinals, archbishops, etc.

Suggestion:  We need to know church history.   When did such teachings enter the church?


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