The Bible makes it clear that sacrificing children is evil, yet he allowed Jephthah to sacrifice his daughter. Am I missing something?
It is true that in the Judges passage it is not exactly clear what it means that Jephthah “sacrificed” his daughter. What is really clear is that it does not involve actually killing her! It is far more likely that Jephthah gave her over to the service of the Lord in some form that we are not sure about. It may be something similar to what Hannah did when she gave Samuel over to Eli, to the service of God. It may be something equivalent to a father sending his daughter off to a convent, which broke Jephthah’s heart. Again, we do not know for sure exactly what Jephthah’s did to his daughter, but almost certainly it was not to kill her! Your understanding of the Leviticus, 2 Kings and Jeremiah passages is correct, but your understanding of Judges is probably incorrect, at least in my opinion.
John Oakes