What about the two different and contradictory authors of the creation accounts and the flood account (other supposed contradictions as well)
The work that I have been reading a great deal about is that of Christina Hayes, who is absolutly brilliant. Also, the work of Naham Sarna is another of my favorite biblical scholars. They both are finding many examples of symbolism and contridictions.
You say that these things are simply not true, but I have to correct you here. There are examples of multiple sources with different stories in the OT. An example is the story of Noah, which is full of contridictions. The number of animals is different in different places, the number of days is different in different places.
Also, the sins of the father being passed to the son:
ISA 14:21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.
DEU 24:16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.
Creation. In the Priestly Tradion:
Day 1: Sky, Earth, light
Day 2: Water, both in ocean basins and above the sky(!) Day 3: Plants Day 4: Sun, Moon, stars (as calendrical and navigational aids) Day 5: Sea monsters (whales), fish, birds, land animals, creepy-crawlies (reptiles, insects, etc.) Day 6: Humans (apparently both sexes at the same time) Day 7: Nothing (the Gods took the first day off anyone ever did)
In the Yahwest Tradition:
Earth and heavens (misty)
Adam, the first man (on a desolate Earth) Plants Animals Eve, the first woman (from Adam’s rib)
I am so sorry to say it, but you simply are wrong: there are clear contriditions in the Bible. Now my question: why shoud I gamble my eternity on something that is inspired by a god who allows discrepencies? How do I know if everything that I read is simply doctored to suite the agendas of humans? Is the Book holy, or was it ever holy? I am 16, and I have faced death so many times, I want to be sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that the God that I serve is the same God who is the king of the universe. Are you sure? How are you sure.