A negative comment about theistic evolutionists and a response
I agree with you and I tell audiences wherever I go around the world that the universe was created out of nothing (Hebrews 11:2-3). I also believe and teach that life itself was a special creation and Adam and Eve were a special creation. I often quote Matthew 3 in that context , as you do. Just last week I taught this in both Iloilo and Davao, Philippines. I appreciate your respect for biblical inspiration and agree completely with you.
Having said that, I will admit that I also accept that the evidence from science is overwhelming that the earth is very old (perhaps 4.5 billion years old). I also agree that the theory of evolution is very useful in explaining the data we have on how species have changed over time. I do not believe that Genesis 1 can reasonably be interpreted in lines with this thinking.
Although I appreciate your devotion to God’s word, I detect an unchristian atttitude toward Christians who do not agree with you on maters which are not a salvation issue, such as the exact manner in which God brought species into existence. To call the beliefs of fellow believers "pitiful" is not worthy of a follower of Jesus. The Golden Rule precludes calling a fellow believer a "compromiser" and saying they deny the glory of God. I am willing to publish the ideas on debatable matters by those with whom I do not agree, including those who lean more toward theistic evolution than I do. I have never published a single article in which believers in theistic evolution criticize creation-out-of-nothing. In fact, as far as I know, all theistic evolutionists believe in creation out of nothing of the universe and most of them also believe in life’s creation out of nothing. Let us please lower the level of angry rhetoric and behave in a more Christian way. When I travel and teach, I always mention that although I believe the earth is old, I believe that the young earth is a possible theory and ask that we respect those who believe this.