Question: 1. Do you think the Hadiths that Muslims commonly use today like Sahi al Bukhari, Al tabari etc… contain true records? Are they completely reliable? There is a sect of Muslims called the quran-only Muslims and they disagree with the Hadiths. If they are true, then we can easily prove how pathetic and cruel […]

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Archaeologists recently reported in National Geographic on excavations in the Negev desert which supports the biblical picture of Solomon as a powerful and wealthy king of Israel.  They appear to have discovered some of “King Solomon’s mines.”  Evidence from 3000 year old dung supports the belief that Solomon’s kingdom stretched from the Mediterranean to the Negev. […]

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Questions: 1) In your answer of my previous question, you said that Original Sin is unbiblical. But doesn’t the Bible say that all humans inherit the evil tendencies/desires ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God for the first time? 2) In the book of Joshua, it is mentioned that God stopped the sun from moving […]

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Question: I would like to ask about John 20 : 28.  While I was searching in Islamic websites, I found one that claimed that there are some manuscripts that don’t contain the word “the”, so the verse will mean that Thomas thought that Jesus was a god not God, like Moses.   What is your […]

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Question: In Jeremiah 45, God says that Egypt will fall and most all the remnant of Judah will be destroyed.  How does this work historically?  I don’t see where Babylon invaded Egypt at this time in history. Am I incorrect? Thanks for clarifying. Answer: I assume you mean Jeremiah 46.  In this prophecy we are […]

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Question: For a while I have been considering the relationship between man’s consciousness, free will, and his physical nature. This naturally brought me to questions regarding our free will. Namely, is there an intrinsic sense of randomness to our free will, an irrepeatable nature? Given the same circumstances repeatedly, would we make different choices or […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class on life in Christ, focusing in the amazing blessings we have in Christ, in Albuquerque June 5, 2017.  It focuses especially on freedom in Christ.  This is part of a series on grace taught in San Diego.  In Christ Los Alamos audio In Christ PPT...

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John Oakes gave a lesson for a group of college students and interns in San Diego on 6/20/17.  The class focuses in on how Jesus created a vision and how he implemented that vision by resolutely setting about his own mission.  Jesus the Leader Audio    Jesus the Leader PPT    Jesus the Leader Notes...

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Question: How should I respond to someone who holds to the “young earth” theory that states that the universe is only 7000 years old because the genesis account was not written with any figurative language in it and that the bible means the literal definition of the Hebrew word for day as the 24 hour […]

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Question: I have seen so many contradictory claims about the philological and linguistic analysis of the Book of Daniel. Does the Book of Daniel resemble Aramaic and Hebrew dialects from an earlier or later period? Does this depend on what part of the book one is looking at? Typically the sources I have found on […]

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[Editor’s note: The context of the two questions below is a Christian living in the Middle East, debating about Jesus with Muslims who use Catholicism against Christianity] Question: What does the Holy Bible say about Mary? Did she marry  after Jesus’ birth?  Who are Jesus’ brothers?   And does this verse “The LORD said to me, “This […]

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Question: What do you think of the Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri? Apparently he was Israel’s leading religious teacher up until 2006 when he died at 108 years. Supposedly during the latter years of his life he focused very intently on the teaching of the coming of the Messiah and how to recognize him. He wrote a […]

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Dr. Gregg Marutzky was the lead teacher for a conference on grace in San Diego 4/29-30, 2017.  John Oakes and Doug Lovgren also taught classes.  The audio is attached.   Growing in Grace I Marutzky Audio  Growing in Grace Marutzky II Audio   Grace Filled Evangelism Lovegren Audio   Live In Christ Oakes Audio    Law and Grace Marutzky Audio...

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Dr. John Oakes and Pedro Figueroa are teaching an in-depth class on the books of Philippians and Colossians on six consecutive Saturdays from 9:00-10:45 beginning 2/25/17.  We have now started Colossians.  Pedro has started teaching.  The PPT and notes below include Pedro’s.  The class is at the Chinese Community Church 4998 Via Valarta, San Diego, CA […]

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Question: Should I have faith in the canonical Bible being reliable and inspired because of those who established it back then, or should I mix this with trying to see the biblical evidence for myself? It is tempting to want to find all the evidence myself, as if I am the one who determines what […]

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Question: It makes me extremely uncomfortable to be the devil’s advocate regarding Exodus but just to give fair treatment to both sides of the story, I read the Wikipedia section summary of numbers, logistics, and archaeology. They all seem to have strong arguments of how the Exodus just couldn’t have happened. Do you have any […]

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Editor’s Note:  The following document, clearly, has no relationship to Christian evidence, but a good friend published this treatise on the Restoration Movement which I believe will be of interest to some of our subscribers.  It is written by a friend John Teal who has himself been part of a group within the Restoration Movement […]

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Question: I believe that you have heard about the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Reading its historical background, I see that this was used by Bobby Henderson as a logical supportive argument why Intelligent Design should not have equal attention in science classes along with evolution. The argument is that a religious faith such as a belief […]

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Question: In Luke 8, Jesus is touched by a woman who was subject to bleeding for 12 years. If Jesus was touched by her, wouldn’t that make him “unclean” as stated in Leviticus 15:25-27? Is there a punishment for unclean persons who break the law by making others unclean? Answer: This is an interesting question.  […]

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Question: What are the biggest differences between Christians and Jehovah Witnesses? I know JWs don’t believe in a hell when in fact Jesus talks more about hell then he does Heaven so why don ’t they believe in a Hell? Answer:  There are a rather large number of absolutely fundamental differences between what the Bible […]

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Question: On what basis do some commentators say the 70th week of Daniel 9:27 is still in the future? Why would the 70 week prophecy be broken down as 69 continuous weeks with the 70th week potentially some 2000 years detached from 69th week? Answer: Good question.   There are two reasons that many commentators delineate the […]

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Question: This question is about the Law of God, which is pretty controversial among the people. In Matthew 5:17-20, Jesus states that He has come to fulfill the teachings of the Law of Moses (the Torah) and the prophets. He also states that “not the least point of the Law will be done away, not […]

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Question: I’d like to ask a question.  It’s about the book of Revelation.  I read that the book of Revelation wasn’t accepted until now in the Syriac Orthodox Church… Is that right???  In addition, is there another difference between churches about the canonicity of the books of the New Testament today?  Another question, Why were […]

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Question/Comments: Why are you misinforming the public about the Holy Catholic Church? I see that you state priests wearing vestments is unbiblical?  How wrong you are. God commanded they be used in the Old testament. ‘For your brother Aaron you will make SACRED VESTMENTS to give dignity and magnificence…they will use gold and violet material […]

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Questions: If the Passover of the New Covenant (Jesus flesh and blood) is the only way to receive forgiveness of sins, then why did the Council of Nicaea remove this important teaching in AD 325? If the Passover of the New Covenant (Jesus flesh and blood) is the only way to receive forgiveness of sins, then […]

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Question: How is Christianity true when true ancient Satanism and the ancient satanic Scriptures pre-date Christianity and Jesus himself? Answer: I am afraid that your argument is a classic example of the logical fallacy of appeal to age.  This logical fallacy is that something is right or better simply because it is older.  If that […]

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Question: Firstly, thank you for making this website and authoring the book “Is there a God?” Especially for the book, I found it to be faith-strengthening as well as enriching my knowledge in “explaining” God of the Bible from a scientific perspective.  I have two questions about Qur’an and Hindu cosmology. My questions will be […]

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Question: Is it true that 1 john 5 :7 was added later and was not in Greek manuscripts until the 1500s?  Please explain this to me. If so why is it in King James Version?  If this is the case, has the Bible been subject to changes by human hands? Answer: Yes, this is true. […]

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Dr. John Oakes and Pedro Figueroa gave a six week, nine hour class on the books of Philippians and Colossians March, 2017 in San Diego.  The audio, ppt and notes are attached.   Christ in You Audio I    Christ in You Audio 2    Christ in You Audio III   Christ in You Audio IV   Christ In You...

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