Dr. John Oakes taught a number of classes for churches in Abidjan and Daloa, Cote d’Ivoire and Dakar, Senegal February and March, 2023.  Notes and Power Points are available elsewhere. Church History I Abidjan Audio    Church History II    Church History III    Church History IV    Church History V    Church History VI ...

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Question: Theologian Bernhard Duhm (1912) wrote:  “This process of editing the Prophetic Writings, with such added expositions, enlargements, and supplementation, went on to so large an extent that now no single prophetic writing exists in its original form. Indeed, more than once we find that what was originally not at all the work of Prophets […]

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Question: I have learned that about 55% of Matthew’s gospel is just Mark’s material.  If Matthew was an eyewitness why would he use 55% of Mark’s gospel? He even uses material from his gospel for events that he witnessed such as the last supper. In the last supper, the last part in Matthew and Mark […]

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Question: What would you tell someone who was having trouble figuring out which religion is the one true religion? What would you tell him if he said he believes it must be Christianity, Islam or Zoroastrianism but he isn’t sure which of these three is the one true religion and isn’t sure how he can […]

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Question: Several prophets make no definite promise of a “single person” as the Saviour; such as Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Haggai, the Deutero-Isaiah. All didn’t have a perception of the future salvation in connection with an individual.  ​Dr. Oakes, What is your response? Answer: First, I ask the one who is posing this […]

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John Oakes gave a series of classes on the Book of Hebrews for the teaching ministry for the LAICC Fall, 2023.    Hebrews Audio I  Hebrews Audio II-A      Hebrews Audio II-A    Hebrews LA Audio IV  Hebrews V Audio    Hebrews Audio VII  Hebrews Notes Oakes    Hebrews PPT Oakes...

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[Editor’s Note: This is a two-part question, as the one asking clarified his initial question] Question: Can you explain to me why there is such a difference in the Genesis 5 and 11 chronologies of the antediluvian and post-flood patriarchs? I understand there is about 1380 years difference between the Septuagint and Masoretic translation texts, […]

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Dr. John Oakes is teaching a five part series on how Christians ought to respond to false teachings which are found out there in the “Christian” world for a church in Guadalajara, Mexico.  The recording is in both Spanish and English.  Areas that will be covered include Roman Catholicism, Calvinism, Evangelicalism, Pentecostalism, Premillennialism, Mormonism and […]

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Question: If we don’t know who wrote the gospels then why should we trust them? Anyone could have just made them up. I want to be able to trust the gospels but since their anonymous I don’t know if I can. Answer: First of all, we very likely DO know who wrote the gospels.  It […]

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Question: How can I answer atheists and Muslim’s arguments like this:  1.) If Christianity is the truth, why there are so many sects and schisms? Imagine thinking you have the truth when you’re just a part of sub sect 26-times schism offshoot of another sect. Christianity has already changed from believing Jesus as a prophet […]

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Question: Jesus will NOT be man of peace when he will come again according to Bible. For example Jesus will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel (2 Thessalonians 2:8), Jesus will fight a battle against God’s  enemies (Zechariah 14). Christians should not blame Muhammad when their Messiah will […]

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Dr. John Oakes is teaching a series of classes for the Sacramento Metro Church of Christ 7/9-11/21.  Notes, power points and audio are here:  Problem of Suffering PPT    Pain and Suffering Audio    Problem of Pain Notes    Hebrews Audio I    Hebrews Audio II      Hebrews Notes    Hebrews Living by Faith […]

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Question: What are your thoughts on irreducible complexity? I read your essay on the four kinds of theistic explanations of creation a while ago and I remember you writing that you do not side with Intelligent Design and that irreducible complexity is an ID teaching. I’m currently reading your book “Is There A God?” and […]

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Questions: My friend has been struggling with his faith because he read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.  He also says that there is a lot of evidence of the multiverse and he is turning towards atheism/materialism.  Can you can answer his concerns? Answers: I wrote a review of The God Delusion that will be […]

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Question: It is said by some on youtube that there are over 10 significant major changes in the Bible and that the Bible has become corrupted over time. If it is true and that there are plenty of changes in the Bible, does it affect the core values belief of our Christianity like the resurrection […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a seven-part series of classes on the Book of Isaiah for both the San Diego Church of Christ and the Bakersfield Church of Christ March-April, 2021.  Isaiah I Audio    Isaiah II Audio    Isaiah III Audio    Isaiah IV Audio    Isaiah Audio V    Isaiah VI Audio    Isaiah 60-62...

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Dr. John Oakes gave a series of 15 sermons from the Gospel of John for the Bakersfield Church of Christ in Nov-Feb, 2020/21. Notes, power point and audio are attached.    John Whole Series Notes    John Whole Series PPT      John I Woman in Adultery audio    John II Meet Jesus Audio   ...

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Question: If Jesus of Nazareth indeed did miracles, healed the sick and raised many dead people, was crucified and was resurrected, then why don’t we have documents by non-Christian authors (Romans or Greeks or others) within His lifetime or within the first century.  Many prominent leaders, kings, historians will surely have heard about such unique […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a class on Modernism and Postmodernism for the Dacca Church of Christ in Bangaladesh Saturday 10/24/2020.  The class is not necessarily a condemnation of either modernism or postmodernism, but discusses the strengths and weaknesses of both, as well as where they fall short of being helpful to a Christian worldview.  Here […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a four-part eight-hour class on the post-exile prophets in Bakersfield September, 2020  Repent, Return, Restore, Rebuild Audio I    Repent, Return II Audio    Repent Return Restore Rebuild III    Repent Return Restore Rebuild IV    Repent Return Restore Rebuild notes    Repent Return Restore Rebuild PPT          ...

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[Editor’s note: the one asking this question did some follow-up research, finding his own really useful additional information on what Nebuchadnezzar did to fulfill the prophecies in Ezekiel and Jeremiah.  His additional information is at the end of my original response.] Question: I want to ask some things relating to some answers you’ve given on […]

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Question: When Jesus said to Thomas “blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed” what does he mean? Does he mean that we should have a blind faith without looking for facts? Today we search for answers regarding the evidences of Bible’s reliability, we find solutions for apparent Biblical contradictions, we search for […]

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Question: If we are 100 percent sure that the 4 gospels are written by authors whom we attribute them to, why don’t they identify themselves in the gospels? Let’s exclude 2 and 3rd gospels (Mark and Luke) because they were not eyewitnesses, but let’s take 1st and last gospel (Matthew and John) if these gospels […]

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Question: In Matthew 11:25-27 (Luke 10:21-22)  Jesus says, “I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned…this is what you were please to do…no one knows the father except the son and those to whom the son chooses to reveal him…come to me all…”  […]

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Question: Would you be able to explain the words Jesus spoke in his monologues to himself and with the devil (being tempted in Matthew and Luke 4… etc)?  If He were alone at those times, how were the Gospel writers able to report what transpired ‘accurately’ – since no one except Jesus could be there […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a series of lessons for the International Churches of Christ in Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya in March 13-20, 2020.  Audio for the lessons in both English and Bahasa is attached.    Hebrews 11 Bahasa Audio    Hebrews Bahasa I    Hebrews Bahasa II  In Christ Bahasa Audio    Holy Spirit Bahasa...

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Question: I have done a Bible study about the COVID 19 Virus and I wanted to get your thoughts on it.  I was recently asked if I think that “meeting on line” would satisfy the command from when God said “Do not give up meeting together as some are in the habitat of doing but […]

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Question: Hi Dr. John. I want to have a better understanding about Melchizedek and the relevance of him to Jesus.  Based on the text found in Gen 14:18 and Hebrews 7.  What is his relevance to Jesus Christ?   Thank you! Answer: Good to hear from you.  It just so happens that I just published a […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a series of six sermons from the Book of Ezekiel Fall, 2019 in Bakersfield.  Audio, PPT and notes are included. Ezekiel I God Commisions a Prophet  Ezekiel II God’s Watchman    Ezekiel III God’s Justice    Ezekiel IV God Calls a Remnant  Ezekiel V God Saves a Remnant  Ezekiel VI Gog […]

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Dr. John Oakes is doing a very brief teaching tour in Mexico, specifically in Tlaxcala and Puebla.  These two cities are part of old Mexico. Tlaxcala is the location of the first Catholic diocese in Mexico and is the route through which Cortex conquered Tenochtictan/Mexico City.  Heb 11 Living by Faith Tlaxcala   Viviendo por la […]

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Question: Which of the Jewish biblical customs that are still binding on Christians today? Answer: This goes down as my easiest question this week.  None.  Period.  Not one.  We are not subject to the Law of Moses.  Jesus fulfilled the Law (Matthew 5:17) so that we are not obligated to the Law of Moses.  Jesus put […]

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Question: Why do people use the first eleven chapters of Genesis for data on creation even tough it is one big poem pointing to our amazing creator? Answer: Probably the best way to get an answer to your question is to ask the people who do this. They are in a position to tell you […]

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Question: A Jewish Rabbi said that the Hebrew Tanakh (Tanach) and the Christian Old Testament are quite different . It seems Tanakh is not an Old Testament. More so, he said that Catholic Church misinterpreted  several important verses (over and over) of the Old Testament to suits New Testament claims in order to make it fit […]

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Dr. John Oakes is teaching a twelve hour class on Christian evidence specifically for a group of campus ministry interns in Fresno, California July 11-12. Power Point presentations and audio will be uploaded from the class.

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Question: Is Zechariah 13:7 talking about the Messiah or is it about the false shepherd whom God strikes in Zechariah 11:17 or perhaps the false prophet in Zechariah 13: 1-6? Answer: The shepherd of Zechariah 13:7 is the Messiah.  I know this for sure because in Matthew 26:31 the inspired gospel writer Matthew tells us […]

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Question: I have three questions: 1- I have searched and found that there is division between scholars about dating the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. Although some believe that they were written before 62 AD because there is no mention of Paul’s death or destruction of Jerusalem, most scholars believe that they […]

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John Oakes taught a four-day thirty hour class on Church History for the Los Angeles School of Mission and Ministry.  This is a lot of material!!!    Church History audio 1   Church History Audio 2   Church History Audio 3    Church History Audio 4   Church History Audio 5   Church History Audio 6   Church History Audio 7   Church...

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