Cosmic Origins   The significance of the Big Bang for Theism   Matt Longhorn, Reading, UK ( September 21, 2006   The story of our understanding of the universe has been charted well in the agnostic author Robert Jastrow?s – God and the Astronomers. Jastrow traces the Big Bang theory back to mathematical calculations by […]

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THE PROBLEM OF PAIN AND SUFFERING   I  An apologetic/intellectual problem. II  A human problem.   I  Pain and Suffering: an apologetic problem.   Agnostic says:    God is completely good and all-powerful. Given the pain and suffering in the world, this cannot be true.  He could be either:   A.  All-powerful, but certainly not completely […]

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ARE THE GOSPELS RELIABLE?    By John Oakes   A number of questions have come to the web site  from people who question the validity of the gospel accounts.  Groups such as the Jesus Seminar have sought to find the ?genuine? sayings and acts of Jesus among what they consider to be the chaff added by believers […]

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? THE INTELLIGENT DESIGN DEBATE   From Kansasto Dover, Pennsylvaniato BaylorUniversitya debate has been raging across the United Statesover whether or not the theory of intelligent design should be taught in schools.  Recently, televangelist Pat Robertson said of the voters in Dover, Pennsylvaniawho turned out a pro-ID school board, ?If there is a disaster in […]

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A Refutation of Acharya S’s book, The Christ Conspiracy By Mike Licona Copyright ? 2001, TruthQuest Publishers All Rights Reserved. No reproduction of any kind permissible without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Acharya S is a skeptic with an interest in mythology who has written a book entitled The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest […]

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Note:  I do not know the author of this excellent article.  It was found at    http:/ /  Origin Of Life (and irreducible complexity)    notes            Origin of Life – 1 "Any theory with a probability of being correct that is larger than one part in 1040,000 must be judged superior to […]

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THE MIRACLE OF CREATION               In this book, we will principally consider the miracles performed by Jesus Christ during his approximately three year ministry on the earth.  We will ask questions about the evidence that these miracles actually happened.  We will make the effort to consider what is implied on a physical, scientific level […]

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Checkable Biblical Accuracy In each of the following cases, the Biblical writer had an opportunity to either state the widely held erroneous belief of his day, or to state a factually true description. In each case what was stated was true, demonstrating knowledge beyond the writer’s ability and thus necessarily from God. FACT AS STATED […]

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A PRECAUTIONARY TALE ABOUT MISQUOTING SCIENTISTS     Charles Darwin wrote, To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd […]

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Abstract: Many major fields of science were founded by Bible-believing Christians. A number of these are listed and discussed. Newton, Faraday, Kelvin, and Maxwell, who are among the greatest physicists in history, were all Bible-believing Christians. Many of the major fields of science were founded by Christians. This information was taken from the book Men […]

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The following article is a transcript from a live presentation given by Dr. Howard Loree (PhD, Medical Engineering – Harvard / MIT) June 30, 1998 Howard M. Loree II, Ph.D. Who I am: Background and training in applied science, both theoretical and experimental, and in design. Firmly grounded in the scientific method: objective […]

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We live in an age of incredible technological growth. I can remember when my school system brought me the first small computer that I had ever seen. It was a Commodore and the only language that it knew was BASIC. I learned the language and wrote my own programs for my students because there was […]

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