Reasons For Belief:  A class taught by John Oakes, PhD at Harvard University 10/16/2009.  The subject is reasons to believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. See EFC store for the recording   Reasons For Belief Harvard 2.76 Mb   The Bible: From God or Man? Delos B. McKown:             "Christianity is scientifically unsupported and […]

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  Scientific Materialism/Naturalism an article by John Oakes, PhD Apologetics and the Christian World View Part II Scientific Materialism/Naturalism In the previous essay we looked at why people ought to think carefully about their view of the world, and at the importance of forming and holding to a consistent world view.  We have considered a […]

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Induction, Deduction, Revelation:  Notes on a class on how to interpret the Bible and to determine what is best to do, suggesting that we need to take into account first, revelation, which is the direct teaching of the Bible, second Bible principles and third, experience as a source of wisdom.   Induction, Deduction and Revelation How […]

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 what_is_truth 576.00 KbNotes and Power Point for a lesson taught at San Diego State University 11/14/2008   What is Truth? Is Anything True Any more? John 18:37-38    Jesus:  "I came to testify to the truth.  Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." Pilate:  "What is truth?" Now that is a good question.  This […]

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An outline on the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life by John Oakes, PhD   The Holy Spirit The Facts About the Holy Spirit Genesis 1:2  The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.  "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts." (1 Samuel […]

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 Hebrews: Fate or Freedom 21/07/2008,19:41 An outline of the class can be seen by clicking on the link below, or click on the power point icon to see the power point presentation.    by John M. Oakes, PhD   Fate or Freedom June 26, 2008 Outline: I. Extremely brief overview of Hebrews II.  Brief introduction to […]

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The following is the notes by Dr. Robert Kurka from his class on the Christian worldview and that of other world religions at the 2008 International Apologetics Conference.    2008 International Apologetics Conference                                Dr. Robert C. Kurka                                                                                                      Chicago, IL                                                                    Prof., Theology and Church in Culture June 6-8, 2008                                                               Lincoln Christian Seminary                      […]

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 Power Point: Hebrews, Fate or Freedom? 358.50 Kb   Salvation, Predestination and Falling Away Sept 16, 2007   Theme of Hebrews:                              The preeminence of Jesus   I   Jesus is greater than all the prophets II  Jesus is greater than the angels III Jesus is greater than Moses IV Jesus the great High Priest […]

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Editor’s Note:  Below is an outline for the talk given by Robert Kurka at our recent Apologetics Conference.  At the bottom is included an outline on a case study:  The Problem of Pain and Suffering.   International Apologetics Conference                                                             Dr. Robert C. Kurka Irvine, California                                                                                             Professor, Theology and Church in Culture June 22-24, […]

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Editor’s Note:  Below is an outline for the talk given by Robert Kurka at our recent Apologetics Conference.  At the bottom is included an outline on a case study:  The Problem of Pain and Suffering.   International Apologetics Conference, Irvine, California   June 22-24, 2007     Dr. Robert C. Kurka  Professor, Theology and Church in Culture        LincolnChristian Seminary Lincoln, […]

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BIBLICAL ELDERSHIP:  QUALITIES OR QUALIFICATIONS?               ?The reason I left you in Cretewas that you might straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders (presbuteros) in every town, as I directed you.? (Titus 1:5).   In this passage and others in the New Testament, God is providing a model to his church for church […]

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The Holy Spirit   The Facts About the Holy Spirit   Genesis 1:2  The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.    ??Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.??   (1 Samuel 16:13 Samuel, oil, David, ??The Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power.) […]

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