Question: I am reading your book on Daniel after listening to the sermon you gave out in Riverside back in 2005 about the book of Daniel.  This was prompted by a read through the Bible were I am currently in Daniel. I notice in most versions the "ab" is translated father in Dan 5:18.  However, […]

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Question: Where was Daniel when the trio were in fire?  What is your view on the rapture, pretribulation, posttribulation or midtribulation? Answer: The Bible does not answer this question.  In such a case, one is left to propose reasonable speculation.  Such "reasonable speculation," is just that–speculation.  Bottom line, we do not know.  Let me share […]

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Question: I read the explanation of Daniel chapter 9 prophecy in your book “From Shadow to Reality”. You were really quite explicit on that. What I am unable to understand is verse no 27 which predicts the putting to an end of sacrifice and offering. I think the prophecy refers to the crucifixion which took […]

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Comment: 1) The Medes became Zoroastrian before the Persians 2)Daniel 6;9 has King Darius signing a decree that no prayer should be directed to anyone except the king. This would be unthinkable for a Zoroastrian and therefore the account cannot be historical. 3) The word for king is totally separate from the word for governor […]

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Question: What is the significance of the angel that appears to Daniel in chapter 10 telling him that he was summoned 21 days ago but was held up by “the Prince of the Kingdomof Persia”? I believe every scripture is there for a reason and God does not bother with insignificant issues, so what is […]

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Question: I was looking on the internet and i saw some intresting books in PDF form at this website,, they are intersting but I would like to know what you think of them. Answer: This person’s arguments work as long as he is only talking with people who already agree with him and who […]

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Question: In your section on the 10 horns-the 11th being Domitian, what historical sources can you site that show that Vespesian and/or Domitian subdued Otho and Galba? I have only been able to find sources for Vitellius’s overthrow by armed forces who supported Vespesian. Could the three who were subdued actually be ordinal… For example, […]

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In Daniel 7:27 it says “Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the most high. My question is in what way were the sovereignty, power and greatness of the those kingdoms handed over to saints? Being somewhat prideful, I […]

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Please give me all the information you can on Daniel the prophet in the Old Testament. I would like to write an essay on him. I have published a book on Daniel, so I certainly do have a lot of material on him. You can purchase a copy of the book at . I […]

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In Daniel 2:44 it says that: “…it will crush and put an end to all those kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.” In what way will the kingdom “crush” the other kingdoms? Is he talking about when Christ returns and destroys the physical realm which include the earthly kingdoms or is he talking about […]

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That is a good question! Because I wrote the book, “Daniel, Prophet to the Nations” I have had to research this question somewhat carefully. The best I can tell, the Bible gives absolutely no direct information as to the lineage of Daniel, or where he was born. For this reason, one is left to speculate […]

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