Question: It is taught that by some that only 144,000 people will receive eternal life in heaven with Jesus Christ as co-rulers over the earth. Witnesses believe that in the war of Armageddon, which they believe to be imminent, the wicked will be destroyed. The survivors of this event, along with individuals deemed worthy of […]

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Question: I hear a lot of talk about prophecy concerning Israeland that what is going on with current events invloving Israelas fulfilling this prophecy. I suppose they are referring to scriptures such as Ezekiel 37:21 and Psalm 83:4. I always interpret these scriptures about the “nation” or “people Israel” as being symbolic for true Christians, […]

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Question: Is the book of Revelation prophesying what is going to happen or stating what happened a long time ago? Also, in Revelation it says that the locusts were not given power to kill the people with the gold seal on their head but to torture them so does that mean God’s people will be […]

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Question: Please help me understand the prophecy about 666. Is it literal? Will some people really get forehead markings? Answer: As far as I know, the only use of the number 666 is in Revelation 13:18. Almost without question this number is to be taken symbolically, not literally. Of course, many have used the actual […]

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Question: My question is on your interpretation on the two olive trees on pg 102 of you book “From Shadow to Reality.” You said ” The two who are anointed are a reference to the high priest Joshua and the governor Zerubabbel, both of whom were foreshadows of the anointed one: the Messiah”. I was […]

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Question: I was looking on the internet and i saw some intresting books in PDF form at this website,, they are intersting but I would like to know what you think of them. Answer: This person’s arguments work as long as he is only talking with people who already agree with him and who […]

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