Question: It has been argued that one reason for the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection, as opposed to the disciples having stolen the body, was that the idea of a crucified and subsequently risen savior was foreign to first century Jewish thought. If I understand the argument correctly, its strength is in the assumption that the […]

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Question: Why was it such a sacrifice for god to lose his only son Jesus, when he has the power to tell the future and knew he would be resurrected? Answer: I am guessing that you are not a parent. For me, to imagine watching my one and only son (I actually have one son […]

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Question: If the miracle stories and the resurection are myths started years after the crucifiction wouldn’t there be alternate stories of Christ that would be written down? I don’t know of any stories of a non-miracle working Jesus so isn’t this very strong evidence that the stories are not myths? Why don’t I ever here […]

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Question: Ever since last year, I’ve been sharing with a Jewish friend I have. He told me about this small book he read about why you can’t trust the Christian Bible and why not to believe in Jesus. The thing that made me think the most is when this little book talked about how scriptures […]

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Question: For a long time I have wondered why Luke and John describe the Mary?s and the disciples not recognizing Jesus after the resurrection. Even Thomas didn?t recognize him until he saw the scars (even after the other disciples told him who he was.) I guess I just always chocked it up to the disciples […]

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Question: When Jesus’ resurrection happened why did he appear to his apostles first? Why did he not appear to the Pharisees & teachers of the law who handed Jesus over to be crucified? Answer: The Bible does not answer this question, at least not directly. This requires me to speculate to some extent. First of […]

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Question: Quoting from page 238 of your book From Shadow to Reality, Psalm 16: 10-11. How can you possibly use this as a “prophecy” of anything? The Psalmist is speaking personally. What principle of hermeneutics authorizes the injection of additional significance? Answer: I do so for at least four reasons. First, there are several examples […]

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Question: I am currently studying the resurrection of Jesus in an apologetic manner and have started looking into the Greek texts. Matthew 27:65 mentions the guard requested by the Jews, I noticed that the word translated as “you have” appears to be “I have” (echo as opposed to the ete ending denoting you plural). Unfortunately […]

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Question: I was talking to a Muslim and he told me that the word that was used in the original Hebrew New Testament for the cross actually meant Stick and that the word has changes over time to mean cross, is this true? Also I am readibng your book “Reasons for Belief.” It is very […]

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I’m doing a brief study on the foundation of Christianity for our Bible study group and have been browsing your website. Am I correct in that in accordance with Jewish burial customs Jesus’ body would have been wrapped similar to that of an Egyptian mummy? If so would that not be further evidence against the […]

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