Question: There so many things in the Bible I don’t understand up to now. For example, I struggle to understand the nature of Jesus Christ.  Some verses show us that  he is God but some show that  Jesus and God are different.  In  John 17 Jesus was praying God. So If he is God why […]

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Editor’s Note:  This response comes from Kedron Jones, a member of the board of Apologetics Research Society Question: Thanks for following up about my baptism issue I brought up. Basically it was an article on the question as to whether “baptism” is necessary to be saved/go to heaven? The article went through many scriptures and […]

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Question: I want to seek your thoughts on who Paul speaks to in 1 Corinthians 3:1-9.  Is he talking to saved people who are sinning or to people who have gone back to their sinful ways, fallen away and are no longer saved?  In the passage he says “you still live in flesh” which tells […]

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Question: I’ve been reading Judges and, boy there are some good parenting lessons in this book. I’m writing because I would like your take on chapter 11, specifically the vow Jephthah made to God. Why do you think God allowed him to go through with his vow and not stop him, especially since she was […]

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Question: I was wondering if you can send me some material on the question that many Christians and others struggle with….”Why is God so angry,violent and vengeful in the Old Testament and gracious in the New”?? Would really appreciate if you can provide some good material on this. Answer: This is a good question.  First […]

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Question: Parchment 470–a Catholic writing from 250 AD that says they worshipped Mary in the early Christian church..this is from a Catholic scholar’s site from Canterbury England, I should have written down his name but I forgot to….he is trying to win Protestants to his Catholic faith. Answer: It is true that there is a […]

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Question: How does the view on suffering in Christianity differ from other religions?   Does Christianity have a better answer? Answer: A great question.  Before I describe the different worldviews and their view of suffering, let me note that individuals may not act according to the worldview that they appear to believe in.  Although atheists, […]

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Question: In this corrupt world, how much does God expect us to forgive? Recently in my country a girl was gang-raped in the most horrible way and finally she even died.  Does God expect her parents to forgive those rapists?  Why does god even allow such things? Answer: God expects us to forgive up to […]

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Question: I have a friend who is Seventh Day Adventist and we constantly debate whether hell is eternal.  I show him passage after passage that demonstrates that the Bible teaches everlasting punishment, but he continues to bring up the fact that, for people in hell, their ultimate fate is to be thrown into the lake […]

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Question: I’ve been listening the audios of the Evidence for Jesus classes.  Thank you very much for them. But I have a doubt about the claims of Jesus in John 10. Verses 34 to 36 are rather confusing for me. It says:     34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, […]

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Question: The book of Numbers says Balaam practiced divination and was certainly a wicked man, worshiping idols.  How could a holy God talk through him and even made him bless Israel when Balak wanted them cursed?   Doesn’t God detest things like sorcery, divination and witchcraft? Answer: God certainly hates witchcraft, divination and idolatry.  However, […]

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Question: I have a question about Psalm 51:5.  In this passage David says “Surely I was sinful at birth, from the time my mother conceived me.” This scripture was used by a friend as an argument for infant baptism.  He claimed that babies do have sin because David said so in this passage. God says […]

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Question: I believe that a Christian can lose their salvation. However, I hit a metaphorical stone wall when I read Romans 11:29.  “For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.”  Salvation is referred to as a gift in the New Testament, so where do I go from here? Answer: From the tone of […]

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Question: In your post from April 5th, you state “Biblically, the only way we receive the indwelling Holy Spirit is at baptism (Acts 2:38). ”  From Acts 10 it appears that salvation (receiving the Holy Spirit) comes before baptism (Acts 10:47), What is you response to this event?  In full disclosure, I hold to the […]

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Question: I want to ask you a question in relations to this article –  The section of your article that says this:  God will discipline us and even bring harm on us for disobedience How would you explain that in relations to this verse:  Jeremiah 29:11(NIV)- For I know the plans I have for you,” […]

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Question: I had a conversation with a friend who has been convinced by looking at scripture that baptism is not needed to receive the Holy Spirit and that we have NO part and our Salvation due to God choosing us and that Salvation cannot be lost.  (Calvinism) I wanted to see where I could be […]

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Questions: I hope you don’t mind but I have a couple questions that have served as mental stumbling blocks for me. 1. Are all Persons of the Triune God eternal? For instance, while Christ is the Alpha and the Omega and the Firstborn of all creation, does Scripture indicate what Christ’s existence (as the Second Person of the Triune […]

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Question: The Bible says that God is a jealous God; the Bible also says that God is love. Despite all this 1 Corinthians 13:4 says “love does not envy” (NKJV). So my question is: how can God be a jealous God and a God of love when the Bible says that love is not jealous? Answer: […]

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Question: I’ve been discussing different god and the bible with an atheist friend of mine and there were two points which I felt really unsure of. 1. The first was the problem of suffering; I explained the idea that creation was corrupted at the fall of man, but he pointed out that this in no […]

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Question: Hello, I have a couple of questions concerning our souls.  If consciousness can be determined to depend on the physical brain, does this mean our consciousness ceases to exist after death? Isn’t it obvious that if the brain is damaged in any way that it directly affects our consciousness immediately.  Also, if we have […]

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Question: Does 1 Corinthians 12:28 and Ephesians 4:11-12 imply that the church should be led by apostles only? What bearing do these scriptures have on the church today and it’s leadership? Answer: To be honest, I do not see where you could get the idea that the church should be led by apostles only from […]

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Question: Are apostles and prophets supposed to be part of Christianity today? Answer: No, apostles and prophets are no longer a part of the New Testament Church.   Apostles, by definition, had to be personal witnesses of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:21-24).  Obviously, there are no candidates for this office today!  As for prophets, these were men […]

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Question: I am finding it difficult to accept the concept that one could actually have an intimate relationship with God. God in His most simplistic definition is invisible and an immaterial being, additionally why would the very creator of the universe speak a human language. Isn’t that a hint the mankind has formed and molded […]

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Question: My college friend started to study the Bible and started really well. In fact, she quit her job (she’s a CPA) when she realized it was causing her to sin without us challenging her. But she suddenly sent me a message saying she will no longer attend the service and will not continue to […]

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Question: An argument that is used by atheists comes from the situation concerning Pilate, Judas and others associated with condemning Jesus to be crucified.  The point that is made is that none of these people had a choice in what they would or would not do. If any of these had changed what they were […]

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Questions: I have a couple of general questions below I wanted to ask: 1.) How can Jesus be a Divine Person when He had a literal human body made of flesh. Wouldn’t His fleshly body violate His divine nature and status? 2.) Why did Jesus have to be a male in physical terms to begin […]

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Question: Why does the church follow the doctrine of the divine right of kings, in this country (USA) ?   The founding fathers established a government based on limited government and a free market economy.   Did the first century church believe in no king but king Jesus ? [editor’s note: This question included a […]

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Question: I have a question on God’s will.  Romans 12:2 and many other passages suggest that doing God’s will can be pleasant, pleasing and perfect, yet It was incredibly hard even for Jesus to do God’s will. Also there are many passages that suggest that doing God’s will entails suffering and hardship. How do we […]

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Question: I have been guilty of skipping over the Old Testament but am reading it now with renewed vigor.  I love that I can now search for Jesus in the old testament as well.  My problem comes in with Jesus’ teaching about the greatest commandment being that we must “love God with all our hearts”. […]

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Question: I was so grateful for your sermon yesterday in the Cape Town church. I was wondering how you would assist someone who comes from the quantum physics background to believe the Bible.  In particular my friend adheres to the teachings of Bruce Lipton “The Biology of Belief”? Answer: Bruce Lipton is a well-qualified molecular […]

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Question: Does god play dice?  Quantum events are random. So how can God know who is going to heaven? The Bible mentions that those who are saved have been written in the book of life before creation. You also mention the universe has a sort of free will so how does God know about events […]

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Question: I’ve been interacting with a lot of punk rockers on facebook and on occasion one will post something anti religious and I’ve been making some gentle answers.  However, I am hoping you can help me with the question below.   Do you either have verses for me to cite or some short hand answers for this […]

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Question: Is implicit knowledge of Christ saving? Specifically, is it necessary to have explicit knowledge of Christ or is it enough to have faith in God (belief in one leads to the other)? If explicit knowledge is necessary for salvation, what is the soteriological effect of being unable to adequately describe the nature of the […]

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Question: Can you explain how evil exists in the world without either compromising God’s goodness, His omnipotence, and/or implying dualism? For instance, in Isaiah it is written “I form light and create darkness, I make weal and create woe; I the Lord do all these things,” (45:7) willed into existence by God “I have spoken […]

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Question: I have become fascinated with the shadow and reality relationship between the OT and NT.  I just bought your book, “From Shadow to Reality” and look forward to reading it.  It had a link to this website, so here I am.  I have a question/thought that I would appreciate your thoughts on if you […]

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Question: I have become fascinated with the shadow and reality relationship between the OT and NT.  I just bought your book, “From Shadow to Reality” and look forward to reading it.  It had a link to this website, so here I am.  I have a question/thought that I would appreciate your thoughts on if you […]

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Question: I have a question regarding practical Christianity in light of these verses: For He says to Moses, “I WILL HAVE MERCY ON WHOM I HAVE MERCY, AND I WILL HAVE COMPASSION ON WHOM I HAVE COMPASSION.” So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on […]

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QUESTION: I have a question concerning the usage of numerous names for God. I have been reading that Yahweh developed from the word El which was a Canaanite god. In addition El Elyon was a different deity from Yahweh and was a Caananite god in the city of Salem inhabited by the Jebusites. Why would […]

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