QUESTION: Why would non-Israelites want to take Yahweh seriously? He’s the god of Israel, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Each nation had its own god: Dagon, Chemosh,Molech, the Baals and Astartes etc. Yahweh is just one among many gods. A local god. A God of War. Because victory in battle was what they were preoccupied […]

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Editor’s note:  The following is a series of questions and answers.  The tone is more familiar than usual because this discussion is happening with a good friend. Question: I just read your paper, “A Closer Look at the Laws of Thermodynamics.”  It was great.  Thanks.  I have a comment, though.  From Pr 16:33 we learn that anything that […]

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Question: Have you ever heard of the Doctrine Molinism?   I haven’t studied concerning the process of salvation in awhile. The last place I essentially left off was being convinced of the ideology of this doctrine. And as of now I still hold to Molinism. Thanks much. Answer: I am copying and pasting an article from Google […]

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Question: Although there were a number of issues as to why Adams, Hamilton, Washington, etc., decided to declare independence from England, taxation, for the most part, was the bottom line issue. But were their actions Biblical? Jesus said to “render unto Caesar…”. Also, regarding Jesus’ pacifism, and teaching the same, should we have not gone […]

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Question: Hello, John! Thank you for always answering questions, and your answers are always wise and humble! I have a question regarding the passage in Genesis 15:16. It says that the measure of iniquity Amorites not yet fulfilled. What could this mean? Does this mean that this, and perhaps other Nations, was allotted a certain […]

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Question: My brother recently vacationed in Utah and visited some of the Mormon sites, including the Mormon Tabernacle. He was quite convinced that they are Christian. I explained to him that they are not and introduced him to your website. Question he asked was about the Mormon Tabernacle choir. They sing Christian music, including songs […]

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[editor’s note:  This question rambles quite a bit.  I did a lot of correcting of grammar, spelling and the like, but I am afraid it still is a bit hard to follow.   Hopefully, you will get the idea.] Question: Aren’t the Bible and the Christian religion a Catch-22?  This would be defined as a […]

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QUESTION: I have never really thought about the ten plagues of Egypt this way until I was on an online forum where skeptics were lambasting Christians and saying that it is not only wrong but hypocritical for both Christians and God to condemn abortion/infanticide when God killed so many children in the plague that brought […]

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Question: I have a couple of questions that are somewhat related. A good friend and myself were discussing what happened to Robin Williams. My friend’s dad committed suicide many years ago, under very similar circumstances. He tried for years to get help, but in the end, he decided to do what he did. My friend […]

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QUESTION: I have studied and read some of the ancient rites that other nations practiced in regards to tattoos and cutting themselves. For a follower of Jesus, how would Leviticus 19:28 relate for today? Anthony: The common interpretation of Leviticus 19:28 is that it prohibits what we would call tattoos for those under the Covenant […]

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Question: I recently looked over an essay from Douglas Jacoby on the doctrine of hell and it has changed my views of what it is. I believe the scriptures are pretty clear on it not being eternal torment although some scriptures are up for debate because of ambiguity regarding the word eternal but nonetheless my […]

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Question: I am  having a hard time seeing how the Christian spiritual condition has anything to do with our physical body (and vice versa). If the physically corrupting nature of sin (like lust, greed, selfishness etc.) affects our spiritual condition, shouldn’t the process of a purified spiritual condition (one redeemed by Christ) affect our physical […]

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Question: I read in one of your recent Q & A in which you explained Calvin’s predestination (or was it more accurately Beza’s double predestination) as a false doctrine. In this light, what is your opinion of the most logical relationship between God’s atemporality, foreknowledge, sovereignty, omniscience, and humanity’s free will without infringing upon one […]

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[Editor’s note: This is a series of interchanges which might be a bit hard to follow, but I decided to post this pretty much as is.  It is a series of exchanges on the rather abstract question of where Quantum mechanics interacts with free will.] Question: Dr. Oakes,  I am researching a study for my […]

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QUESTION: I listened to your lesson on Baptism (thank you, it helped me to better understand this aspect of our walk in Christ). However, I am not able to find any scriptural passages where it mentions that the apostles were baptized.  Scripture mentions they did baptize others. Can you help with this question please? Thank […]

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QUESTION: I listened to your lesson on Baptism (thank you, it helped me to better understand this aspect of our walk in Christ). However, I am not able to find any scriptural passages where it mentions the followers of Jesus were baptized? (The 12 disciples) Scripture mentions they did baptise others. Can you help with […]

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Question: Could you kindly explain in brief whether the widely accepted precept  “Once saved is always saved” is consistent with Biblical teaching? Answer: The once saved always saved teaching is false doctrine.   It originated as a result of the type of theology most commonly known as Calvinism, having been named after the 16th century theologian and […]

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QUESTION: I am studying with a pre-millenialist who is particularly caught up with Israel, end-times, and the special role of Jerusalem. The materials on Jacoby’s [editor’s note: he is referring to] site recently published on the mass conversion of Israel were timely as well as John Oakes messages on the Kingdom of God. Thanks!   […]

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Comment: I am wondering about the idea of sins of the Father being passed on to the future generations or in this case all of us being blamed for Adam’s sin.  By ANY measure you wish to use, this is against all natural justice and fairness as is the idea that someone/anyone can take away […]

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Questions: If Genesis is not literally true (for example Adam and Eve made in our image as we are now), then can Christians at least accept it calls into question the fall of man and a need for redemption by God via human sacrifice of Jesus? Simple question 1. If you accept the Bible as […]

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QUESTION: I have tried to convince Jehovah Witnesses that Jesus is God but they interpret differently the scripture.  Do you have a different aproach or material about this question? Answer: I address the question of Jehovah Witness teaching in notes and a power point at the web site. I suggest you go to the power point […]

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Question: Does Einstein’s Theory of Relativity require that God be temporal or atemporal to logically interact with His creation?  What is essentially the effect of God that is greater than the speed of light in this understanding?  In his book A Brief History of Time in pages 25-28, Stephen Hawking describes time existing as a […]

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Question: I need your help on a few hard questions an atheist friend asked me: Before I state the questions, I wanted to let you know I have thoroughly looked at your articles on your website- Apologetics and Old Testament Atrocities.   So here are the questions asked: What do you expect from a religion whose […]

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Question: I talked with someone from Asembly church and they say we should worship God on Saturday which is Shabbat day. Here are some scripture he showed me.   Gen 2:1-3   Exo 20:8-11   Num 28:9-10     Mat 5:17-18    Jn 1:29    Lk 4:16    Mat 7:21-23   Mat 15:7-9     Mk 16:9    He said, worshiping God on Sunday is the ritual of men […]

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Question: The saying ‘Faith is released by speaking words’, is used by some preachers to describe that sick people remain sick though ‘saved’ because of their inability to release their faith and be healed. They say God has put authority under us to move mountains therefore we should exercise it for the purpose of healing. Also […]

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Question: Hey Dr. Oakes, I have a question about predestination.  I have been running into people that use Romans 9, or Romans 8:28-30. They claim that God chose those who are saved already and we have no free will. The particular verse in Romans 9 was verse 11-18. Answer: I have taught a class on […]

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Question: Hello! I was just looking through you’re site – a very interesting one, very thought provoking – and came across this article: Now, I should say at the forefront that I am what you may call a “Calvinist” – that is, I believe that the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints is […]

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QUESTION: I studied with a Catholic guy long time ago… He argued that they believed in baptizing infants because there are example(s) of such in the Bible, citing Acts 16:31-34; 16:15. I tried to convince him on the essence of ‘faith’ in salvation(Gal. 2:16; Romans 3:25-26;Romans 6:8) of which infants can’t even understand. but the […]

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[Editor’s note:  This question has little to do with Christian evidences, but I have gotten several versions of the question.  Apparently it is on the minds of many EFC users, so I am providing an answer.] QUESTION:  In Acts chapter 8 Philip, one of the Seven, goes to a city in Samaria and preached the gospel. […]

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Editor’s Note:   I just posted a Q & A on cremation a couple of weeks ago.  Normally, I would not post two in a row on the same topic, but apparently my fairly short answer raised as many questions as it answered, so I am publishing a second question and the follow-up.  I suggest that […]

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[Editor’s note:  This question clearly has nothing to do with Christian evidence, but I have gotten similar questions enough times, that I thought I should post an answer.  John Oakes] QUESTION: Is it right to take communion/Lord‘s supper even if someone is in sin or have unconfessed sin or hidden sin? Answer: The Bible does […]

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Question: You may already know of my doubts of my Calvinistic views from one of my previous emails. Specifically the lore of election.  Now I was wondering if you can absolutely refute the five points of Calvinism? [Editor’s note: he is referring to the standard formula of Calvinism: TULIP Total Depravity, Unconditional election, Limited Atonement, […]

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Question: When Did God give Jesus all authority on heaven and Earth?:    After His resurrection, and just before Jesus returned to heaven, He told the disciples, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:18)  Then, in Ephesians 1:20-23 we are told […]

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Editor’s Note: This question and answer are taken from an exam by Randy Hroziencik, a student in our ARS Apologetics Certificate Program.  It is used by permission. Question: In your own words, try to present the “explanation” of evil from the point of view of at least three other world views other than Christian theism.  […]

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Question: It is almost unreasonable to deny that God has shown some evidence of His existence ( in the resurrection of Christ as prophesied before His time and witnessed afterwards) But, one reason why people don’t believe in God is because He doesn’t seem to answer or guide when there is a physical need (starving […]

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QUESTION: I recently came across a friends post on Facebook in which he quoted Jesus saying to love one another, to bless those that curse you and do good to those that persecute you. One of the follow up posts was from another person who quoted the section in 2 Kings 2 where Elisha curses […]

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Question: The typhoon that hit the Phillippines was completely devastating. Possibly over 10,000 dead.  I understand through Christian teaching, that these events, according to some, are the result of a fallen world. Others say that this is just a natural part of God’s created Earth. My question is this. There are thousands of Christians living […]

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Question: If God understands my humanity and sin nature better than I do, why does He still hold me accountable for what I cannot help doing?” Answer: A good question.  When my children were young, I understood their “humanity and sin” better than they did. Despite this, I held them accountable for their actions because […]

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Question: I wanted to thank you for your last email and for answering some of the questions I had. I appreciate you taking the time out of your undoubtedly busy schedule to do so.It helped me greatly. I hope I do not wear you out with my somewhat simplistic inquiries.    The reason for this question […]

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Question: I have recently been troubled by a theological dilemma regarding 1 Corinthians 11 and veiling. Actually, I should say I’ve been wrestling with it for years and the conflict comes and goes.   How can we as disciples of Jesus KNOW that Paul is speaking culturally? I know that David Bercot is popular throughout churches […]

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Question: One of the main reasons our founding fathers declared independence from Britain was because of taxation. Based on what Jesus said about” render unto Caesar…” in reference to paying taxes, were our founders going against what Jesus had said? Answer: This is a fun question.  Probably there is no practical implication of this since […]

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