Class Announcement: History, Archaeology and The Bible
This will be the eight in our series of ten-hour classes on Christian Apologetics. The class on History, Archaeology and the Bible will be taught by Dr. John Wilson, Pepperdine University, Dr. Douglas Jacoby, AIM, Dr. John Oakes, ARS and Foster Stanback. Date: October 29,30 in Irvine, California. See below for schedule, outline and other information. To register or Jan at 858-505-8841. See below for course outline etc.
Flyer: History, Archaeology and the Bible
Registration Form
History, Archaeology and the Bible. A ten hour class on the evidence supporting belief in the Bible.
Schedule: Friday, October 29 6:00-10:00, Saturday October 30 9:00-4:30.
Location: 10 Goodyear Ave, Irvine, CA 92618
Instructors: Dr. John Wilson, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Archaeology, Pepperdine University, Dr. Douglas Jacoby, Athens Institute of Ministry, Dr. John Oakes, Apologetics Research Society, Foster Stanback, Apologetics Research Society.
Cost: $40, which includes a light dinner on Friday evening. $25 for Friday or Saturday only.
Class Outline:
1. The Use and Misuse of Archaeology. John Wilson
2. Jesus and Archaeology. John Wilson
3. Old Testament Archaeology. Doug Jacoby
4. Archaeology and the Exodus. Foster Stanback
5. Using Biblical History and Archaeology in Teaching and Preaching. John Oakes
6. Things I Have Learned While Digging. Stories from John Wilson’s 40 years of Field Work in Palestine.
Required reading for the class: Archaeology and the New Testament, John McRay, Baker Books.
Optional reading: Discovering the Bible: Archaeologists Look at Scripture, Tim Dowley, editor, Eerdmans. John Wilson is a contributing author to this book. It is out of print but copies are available at Amazon at a very reasonable price.
Other books on biblical archaeology will be accepted for extra credit upon approval.
The class can be taken for credit, in which case an exam and a paper will be part of the class, or students may "audit" the class, in which case we request you do the required reading.