Dr. John Oakes and Kene Izuchukwu will be be team-teaching a class on Hermeneutics: How to Study the Bible on six consecutive Saturdays beginning Sat. February 17th 9:00-11:00 PDT on zoom. 342 225 5971 pw 857096  Hermeneutics Course Description   The course is free.  We will be posting notes, power point and audio. We hope to see you there.  Hermeneutics PPT Oakes    Hermeneutics Notes   Hermeneutics Audio I     Hermeneutics Audio II    Hermeneutics III Audio    Hermeneutics IV Audio  (sorry, but I lost about 25 minutes of this class)    Hermeneutics Audio V    Hermeneutics VI    Hermeneutics VII  Part VIII by Kene was not recorded. Apologies!    Hermeneutics IX    Hermeneutics X

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