
I am writing a paper on Soteriology for the Chicago MDA (ministry development academy)class I am in.  Any research/book suggestions? We went through Shelley’s, ‘Church History in Plain Language’ for the class.

Answer:  You are giving me a rather broad topic.  I assume you paper has some aspect of salvation theology involved.  Is this a general paper or something quite specific?  Historical or principally biblical?  I am not an expert on this and my recommendation will depend on what aspect if the history of ideas about salvation you are most interested in.   I find the debate between Augustine and Pelagius and the debate between Calvinists and Arminius to be instructive to cause us to think about the nature of salvation and the role of faith and works.  If Calvinism and predestination is your interest, I can suggest a book titled "Life in the Son" and another by Legard Smith titled something like "Troubling Questions for Calvinists."  I am currently writing a church history which will have quite a few comments on soteriology, but it is not out yet, so I cannot recommend that!  I also want to suggest you get in contact with a good friend and elder in the Chicago Church of Christ named Steve Staten.  He has certainly studied out these issues more carefully than I have, and he has the advantage of being in your own back yard. 

Hope this at least gets you started.

John Oakes, PhD    

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