[Editor’s note: This is a list of several questions, with the answers interspersed between them]
Is the idea of crucifixion and resurrection originally a Judeo-Christian view? 
The idea of a crucified saviour is unique to Christianity (not Judeo-Christianity), of course.  In fact, execution by nailing to a cross was a fairly recent invention of the Romans at the time of Christ.  Besides, I would not call crucifixion a “view.”  What would it mean to call crucifixion a “view?”  The crucifixion of Jesus is a fact–and a brutal one, not a view, and it is unique to Christianity.
The idea of resurrection of a mythical god or demi-god is not original to Christianity.  What is original to Christianity is the fact that a real actual historical person named Jesus, who was from Nazareth and who was crucified in Jerusalem under Pontius Pilate and was indeed actually physically resurrected from the dead.  The idea of producing a myth of a resurrection was not original to Christianity but an actual historical resurrection of a crucified savior was original to Christianity. That is for sure!  There are other supposed (but clearly not real) “gods” such as Osiris, of whom it was said that he was resurrected, but, of course, Osiris is a mythical figure,
Do we have any hints on the idea of crucifixion and resurrection of a divine being in other religions?
Absolutely not.  The idea of a resurrection—yes, but a resurrection after execution by crucifixion, certainly not.  And remember, what makes Christianity unique is that the event was not mythical.  It was not a story invented about a person who never actually lived, and who was resurrected, and whose resurrection was observed by hundreds of eye-witnesses and recorded when a majority of those eye-witnesses were still alive.  The actual historical nature is what makes Christianity completely unique in this case.  Of course,, some say that the church invented the story of the crucifixion and resurrection, but this is nonsense.  Whether Jesus was actually resurrected, one can possibly debate, but what no reasonable person will debate is that the crucifixion is a fact, and that the resurrection was claimed in Jerusalem in the immediate aftermath of his death.  This is a fact, and no ‘mythicist” can prove otherwise.
Does the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus make the Christian faith a unique one? 
Yes.  Full stop.  Yes.
Do we have the concept of the multi-nature of God in other religions?
That is debatable, but I would say yes.  Some have said that Hinduism has a sort of a “trinity” of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.  These are not a single god, but three separate gods, but some have pointed out a degree of similarity in Hinduism and Christianity.  Of course, a major difference is that Shiva is not real.  Neither are Vishnu or Brahma.  They are sheer human inventions.
 Is the Christianity only religion that tells the remission of sins is only possible by the shedding of the blood of the divine being? 
Why should someone endorse the Christian idea of the remission of sins by the Holy blood of Jesus? 
Because it is true.  Because it was declared to be true by Jesus, who fulfilled dozens of precise prophecies, who walked on water, calmed the storm, healed thousands and raised Lazarus from the dead.
Do we have any persons like JESUS in history being born like him, lived like him, and made statements like him?
Quite simply, no!  My organization Apologetics Research Society put on a debate with a leading Jesus-as-myth advocate, Robert Price.  If you go to my web site, you can look up a review of this debate.  You can also purchase a copy of the debate at www.ipibooks.com  The title:  Jesus: Man, Myth or Messiah.  You will see immediately that claims of parallels between Jesus and mythical gods in the Near East are either pure fabrications, or obvious exaggerations, and most of the accounts which Christianity supposedly borrowed from where actually written down after the gospels.  There is no one who is even remotely similar to Jesus of Nazareth.  The idea is absurdity
John Oakes

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