Power Point for Daniel, Prophet to the Nations
Daniel, Prophet to the Nations Power Point 1.48 Mb
Notes to accompany Daniel Power Point Presentation
Background to Daniel:
Theme: God Rules the Nations, Do Not Fear!
Main messages:
1. How to stay pure and uncorrupted?to maintain your integrity in a world
in which you are surrounded by unbelievers.
2. God is in control. He will protect his people. Do not fear. God will deal
with those who persecute or otherwise oppose your service for him.
Principle Audience:
Jews who suffered under the persecutions of Antiochus Epiphanes (167-164 BC)
Historical background.
1. 722 BC Samariadestroyed by Assyria.
2. 612 BC Assyria/Nineveh destroyed by Nabopolassar (Babylonian) and Cyaxares
605 BC Nebuchadnezzar son of Nabopolassar king of Babylon
Nebattacks Jerusalem, Jehoiakim submits, captives and
tribute/treasure taken to Babylon. (beginning of Jeremiah?s
600 Judahrebels
597 Nebreturns, attacks Jer. Jehoachin taken as captive to Babylon.
Zedekiah installed as puppet king.
586. Zedekiah rebels, Neb. Returns, Jerusalemand Solomon?s temple
leveled. (beginning of the 70 years of captivity?)
550 Cyrus reigns over Media/Persia
a. 546 Lydia
b. 538 Babylon
c. 530 Egypt
538 Babyloncaptured by Cyrus? armies. Decree to return to native lands. (Ezra 1)
(Daniel 5) Media/Persia takes over Babylonian empire.
537/6 Jewish captives return to Jer. to build temple
334-332 Crosses into Asia, Conquers entire Persian Empire
185-163 Seleucid king Antiochus Epiphanes rules over Jerusalem.
167 Templedesecrated.
164 Macabeean revolt. Templecleansed
Outline of Class
I. Practical examples in the lives of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Ch 1,3-
6). Remaining righteous in a pagan world.
II. Prophecies of the future. Ch 2,7-12
Daniel, Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael children of aristocratic families, taken
as captives.
Babylonians try to make them Babylonian
Change their names
Daniel ? Belshazzar (named after the chier pagan god of Babylon: Bel)
Hananiah ? Shadrach etc? v 5,6
Ch III The image of gold and the fiery furnace THE FIRES OF PERSECUTION
Do not conform to the pressure of the religious world to conform.
How will your faith hold up?
The Scene:
A few years after DSM&A entered service to Nebuchadnezzar.
A giant idol is built in the plains of Dura. (a large open plane not far from B
abylonwhere tens of thousands could gather.
Where is Daniel? Off on a mission?
Nebuchadnezzar calls a big party, and guess who is invited. Attendance was not optional!
3:4-6 Imagine you are SM&A What thoughts go through your mind?
?I will bow my head, but not my heart. God will understand?
Talk about peer pressure!!
Their religious friends (and even fellow-Jews?) Don?t be so hard line.
Appn: Jews in time of Antiochus Epiphanes. Many wanted to combine Greek culture and
philosophy with Judaism.
Appn: Persecutions of Diocletian: Some offered the sacrifice to the Roman god. What shoul
d the church do with these people after the persecution ended?
Appn: the denominational world/ecumenical movement, etc?.
You don?t really have to be so committed.
Are you really saying all these people are lost? How could you be so arrogant.
Daniel 1: Pressure on the job
Daniel 3: Pressure from our religious friends.
SM&A: Would God really want me to die now? Doesn?t he have great things in store
for me? What would it hurt for me to compromise?
Q: What would you have done? Really?. My kids?.
Me: Barney Ellison
V 7 the horn etc. blow. 30,000 bow and three remain standing. Being a disciple might make
you stick out. Are you ready for that? (Remember Antiochus Epiphanes)
v. 13. Dragged to furnace. Nebis furious. Gives one more chance to repent
SM&A refuse to bow.
I love v 16-18. Note
1. God is able
2. But even if he does not, we refuse to compromise our devotion to God.
Is that your attitude about the truth of the gospel? Imagine how awesome an example
this was to the Jews suffering under Antiochus Epiphanes.
Even as they were dragged to the flames, they could have changed their minds.
7 times hotter.
What was going through their minds as they were dragged to the furnace?
1. Nebuchadnezzar praised God
2. SM&A promoted.
Were they guaranteed this result? No!!!!
Part II Prophecies of the Future
CH II A Dream of the Future.
v. 1 In the second year of his reign? 604 BC
Neb has a dream. Interpret it for me. Fine, tell us. Neb: no, you tell me the dream
first, so I will know you are not religious fakes. Or I will kill you all.
v. No one can reveal it to the king except the gods, and they do not live among
men. WRONG.
Many so-called charismatics are the same. God told me? I know it in my heart? Do not
be intimidated by religious fakes. The world will be able to tell the difference.
Daniel?s prayer: God rules the nations. Do not fear.
v. 28 gives God the glory
The vision
A head of gold.
Chest of Bronze,
Belly and thighs of silver
Legs of iron, but legs are part iron and part clay
v. 37 God has given you dominion and power.
Head = Babylon
Chest = Media/Persia
Belly and Thighs = Greece
Legs = Rome.
Divided kingdom Diocletian AD 284 Permanent after Theodosian AD 395
Clay: Western Rome
Iron: Eastern Rome?Byzantium until AD 1453
603 BC- AD 1453 over two thousand years.
In time of Rome, God will establish the kingdomof Godon the earth. V 44
When God proposes, he disposes.
Daniel VII Daniel?s First Vision. Four Beasts.
This vision focuses on Rome! (so much for 160 BC date of authorship)
First year of Belshazzar (regency) 553 BC
v.4 A lion Babylon lion a major motif. Eagle: Jer 48:40 Look, an eagle is swooping
The heart of a man given to it. Nebuchadnezzar repents.
v. 5 a bear. Strength. Persia/Media 3 ribs = Lydia, Babylon, Egypt.
v. 6 a leopard. Speed Greece four heads = Antigonus, Cassander, Lysimachus and
Ptolemy. (See ch. 8)
v.7 a terrible beast. This vision about Rome. Persecutions.
v. 7 10 horns = 10 kings (v. 24) (The Emperor?s Club)
v. 8 another horn. An eleventh king. Domitian. First systematic persecutor of Christians. AD
This horn will speak boastfully.
Domitian was proverbial for arrogance and pride.
Go to v. 20-25.
v. 21 waging war against the saints. Imagine how 1st century disciples felt when they
were persecuted by Domitian, the 11th emperor!!!! God is in control. Do not fear.
Subdue 3 kings: Galba, Otho and Vitellius defeated by his Father, actually. How did Daniel know
(Revelation 17:1-18 7 heads and 10 horns (ignoring G, O & V)
v. 8 the beast who once was (Antiochus Epiphanes), now is not, and yet will
come (Domitian) God is preparing his people. v. 10,11 the eighth king is Domitian. He is going
to his destruction. God is in control, do not fear)
back to Daniel
v. 25 will try to change the set times. Domitianus a new month
(got rid of it the day after he died)
v. 25 and the laws. Set up an entirely new set of laws. (like Napolean)
v. 25 3-1/2 times ? of seven A limited period of persecution.
v. 26,27 so cool (or go back to v. 9) Massively inspiring. But imagine being a 1st-3rd cent
ury disciple.
CH VIII Daniel?s second vision. A Ram and a Goat. Greeceand Antiochus Epiphanes.
v. 2 in the citadel of Susa. Later the capitol of Persia.
v. 3 A ram with two horns.
v. 3 A horn which was longer but grew up later. What a strange vision! Persia. Cl
early, Daniel sees Media/Persia as one kingdom!!!
v. 4 Charged West (Lydia) North (Babylon) and South (Egypt)
v. 5 Suddenly, a goat charges form the West. Prominent horn: Alexander the Great. 33
4 BC crossed the Dardenelles.
v. 5 Without touching the ground.
v. 8 At the height of his power? 323 BC.
v. 8 Four Prominent horns. Antigonus, Cassander, Lysimachus, Ptolemy
(v. 21,22) Not 3, not 5, 4!!!!!
v. 9 Out of one of them. Seleucus 312 BC
v. 9 to the South (Syria) East (Persia, Media, Elam) toward the BeautifulL
and(Palestine) All this took over 100 years.
v. 11 It set itself up to be as great as the Prince of the host?Antiochus had
a statue of himself put up in the inner sanctuary of the temple.
v. 11 It took away the daily sacrifice. For three years.
a. see how specific!!
b. See how the Jews would be helped by this!!!!
v. 12 truth thrown to the ground. Hellenizing Jews set up as high priests
?Because of rebellion? God is in control
skip to v. 23-25
24. He will become very strong, but not by his own power.
25. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power. Is this subtle?
Back to v. 14 2300 evenings and mornings = 1150 days.
The actual desecration lasted from early Dec 167 ? Dec 25 164 BC
About 1150 days.
Dec 25, 164 Judas Maccabeeus successful revolt Maccabeean kingdom.
Hannukkuh celebrates this. See 1st Maccabees.
v. 25 Antiochus died the next year.
How Did Daniel know all this?
Intense persecution. Temporary. God is in control. Do not fear.
Darius who was made ruler. An appointed governor, not a hereditary emperor. Daniel is not
9:1 538 BC The prophecy is coming true.
v. 24-27
v. 24 Seventy ?sevens? = 490 (years? let the fulfillment interpret the prophecy)
finish transgression?. anoint the Most Holy (anoint = Messiah)
v. 25 issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem
539 BC Darius Ezra 1 return and rebuild temple
520 BC Darius Ezra 6 rebuild temple Neverworked on wall
458 BC 7th year of Artaxerxes Ezra 7:13-16 specific permission to
rebuild the city of Jerusalem.
445 BC 20th year of Artaxerxes To Nehemiah decree not quoted
but implied. Specific permission to rebuild wall. Confirmed
458 BC.
458 – 490 = -32 no! there was no zero BC = AD 33
The simple treatment. The Messiah is coming to Jerusalemaround 33 AD.
Read in more detail. The Messiah is coming to Jerusalemduring the seventieth week–between
26 and 33 AD. Most likely date of crucifixion was AD 29 (Passover Sabbath
on a Saturday 29,33)
Let?s back off. Daniel predicted the year when Jesus would be crucified!!!!
v. 26 The people of the ruler will come. AD 69 Vespasian AD 70 Titus
Destroy the city and the sanctuary. Exactly what happened in AD 70.
Luke 21:20 When you see Jerusalembeing surrounded by armies?
v. 22 the time of judgment on the Jews has finally come.
Matthew 24:12-14 sounds almost exactly like Daniel 8 under Antiochus.
Matt 24:15,16
This is the abomination of desolation of Jesus Christ
My opinion: God gave the Jews 40 years to consider Jesus, then he cut off their religion
Daniel 9:27 He will put an end to sacrifice and offering. So much for the premillenial
Hebrews 8:13 It will soon disappear.
The abomination of desolation. It is over folks. Titus performs a pagan sacrifice right on
the site of the temple.
v. 16 An overwhelmingly intense vision.
11:2 Three more kings? Cambysses 530-522 Darius I 522-486
Xerxes 1 Attacked Greece Artaxerxes Biggest attack on Greece
Then a mighty king Alexander
Parceled out to the four winds. Not go to his descendents. Four successors.
Again, how did Daniel know this?
v. 5 The king of the South (the Ptolemaic dynasty under Ptolemy 1)
v. 5 But one of his commanders? Seleucus I Nicator
Go to outline. and Read my book p 173 bottom for a while.
v. 28-30 Ships of the western coastlands (The Romans intervene to save the balance of power!)
Antiochus returns frustrated and angry to attack Israel
Read 1 Maccabees 1:10-16 also 1:41-64 4:36-40
v. 35 (also Daniel 8:25) Encouragement for the faithful Jews. God is in control. Do not
v. 36-45 Romevs Greece. The fulfillment of v. 35. The battle of Actium31 BC The
end of Greek power.
v. 36 He will exalt himself above every god.
Rome allowed all kinds of gods, as long as you would also worship the god Roma
v. 38 he will honor a god of fortresses. Roma (which later morphed into emperor worship)
v. 39 client kings
v. 40 The battle of Actium. The greatest sea battle in history up to that time.
Octavian (Autustus) vs Marc Antony and Cleopatra.
Why is this here? God is judging the Greek power which persecuted the Jews. God is
in control. Do not fear.
v. 44 Reports from the North (the Parthians attacked some outposts)
CHAPTER XII THE TIME OF THE END (still part of the vision)
Daniel 12 ? Revelation 20-22
12:1 persecutions under Rome?
12:2 Rev 20:11-15 Resurrection at end times, followed by judgment
12:3 Those who are wise (like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego)
will shine?.
Theme of Daniel?
Those who lead many to righteousness. ? Do not forsake sharing your faith!!
v. 5,6 How long will it be? My guess; events of AD 70 (see v 7 When the power of the
holy people (Jews) is broken)
v. 8 What will happen?
Reply: Daniel, mind your own business. Just trust in God. God is in control. Do not fear. Some will
be wise. Some will stubbornly oppose the truth. You, just keep your head and trust in
God?s final encouragement to Daniel (and us) You will rest and live with me forever.