
When will the end of this world come according to the Bible?


That is a great question. Jesus made it clear that no one knows the time
of his return. Anyone who tells you when he will come again is deceived.
You should not listen to such people. Here is what Jesus said:

Matthew 24:36-41 “No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels
in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Jesus told us to keep
watch, not to speculate about the time of his coming. It is extremely
presumptuous of those who try to predict when Jesus will come back. Jesus
said, about those who say they know in Matthew 24:23, “At that time if
anyone sayls to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not
believe it.”

What we can say is that Jesus will come back. If you had asked the
Christians in the early church, they would have responded that he was
going to come fairly quickly. Many believed that Jesus would come back in
the first or second century. These people, apparently, were wrong. It is
an unhealthy practice for followers of Jesus to spend a lot of time
speculating on the timing of the end. Instead, according to the parable
of the virgins in Matthew 25, and according to other teachings of Jesus,
we ought to put our energies into being prepared for the coming of Jesus,
as he may come at any time. I pray that you and I will be prepared for
the time when Jesus comes back. That way, if we die before the great
event, we will be in heaven with Jesus when he does come.

John Oakes, PhD

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