Apologetics Class on Biblical Criticism and Inspiration 12/11-12/12/2009
Glenn Giles, Elder for the Denver Church of Christ will be teaching a class for the ARS Apologetics Certificate Program in San Diego Friday Dec. 11th and Saturday Dec. 12th. The title is Apologetics, Biblical Criticism and Inspiration. This will be a 10 hour class. The cost is $40 to include dinner on Friday. For more information or to register contact Jan Oakes at 858-505-8841 or at joakes01@san.rr.com. Class will start at 6:00 on Friday. Schedule is below Biblical Criticism and Inspiriation Flyer 117.57 Kb registration form
This class can be taken for credit toward the apologetics certificate or it can be audited.
Class Outline for Apologetics and Biblical Criticism:
Required Reading:
2. Paper by Glenn Giles entitled "The Jesus Seminar and HIgher Criticism" which can be found at www.Rockymountainschoolofministry.com under "Articles and Studies"
Extra credit readings on-topic will be accepted by permission of the instructor.
Class Schedule:
Fri 12/11 5:30-9:30
Sat 12/12 8:30-4:00