Pedro Figueroa and Dr. John Oakes taught a six-week class on the Book of Romans at the Mission Center of Hope in San Diego on six consecutive Saturdays, beginning October 3rd.  The notes, power point and audio are posted here.   Romans Notes John  Romans Notes Pedro     Romans PPT Pedro       Romans PPT John    Romans Audio […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a number of lessons which were translated into Thai, Khmer and Vietnamese.  They were classes on Hebrews, on Living by Faith, on Who is Jesus, on the Holy Spirit and more.   Hebrews Thai Part I    Hebrews Thai audio Part II    Evidence for Jesus Bangkok Audio    Hebrews Batambang I audio    Hebrews Batambang...

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Question: The book of Ezra mentions that after Artaxerxes stopped the rebuilding of the temple that it began again during the reign of Darius. Is this Darius II that reigned after Artexerxes or is this Darius I and the Ahasuerus and Artexerxes mentioned in chapter 4 Cambyses and Smerdis? This is all a bit confusing. […]

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Question: Thank you for the interesting site. And I have fond memories of your lessons at Novosibirsk in 2011. In one of your answers you have written: “It is God’s will for my children to be saved, and my faithful, unremitting, unselfish prayer will increase the chances that they will be saved.” What passages […]

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Question: I am reading your book on Mormonism [editor’s note: available at] and I came across the section about Mormon belief and one of the beliefs was baptism for the dead.  Do they take this from the 1 Corinthian 15:29 verse? What does the verse mean? Answer: Mormons do not get baptism for the […]

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[editor’s note: This is a follow-up from an inquiry last week.  The original question is below to give context to the concern of the one who asked. As you read the question, bear in mind it is a follow-up to the original, which is if Luke grossly exaggerated the number of converts in Jerusalem in […]

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Question: Dr. Oakes, I am reading a book for one of my classes called “the rise of Christianity” and the author makes a point that if the early church had well over 3,000 adherents then a significant of the population in Jerusalem would have been Christian. He claims that there is no evidence of this […]

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Question: Is Foxe’s book called Foxe’s Book of Martyrs historically and biblically accurate? I was interested in purchasing it, and wanted to know what you thought about it. Answer: Foxe’s book of martyrs is mostly accurate, but it is extremely biased against the Catholic Church.  The coverage of them martyrdoms in the early Church is generally good. […]

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Question: Someone asked me “With all other religions in circulation why do you feel that only Christianity is the way?” How can you prove that it is the only way? I couldn’t prove this with scripture because this was a man who didn’t believe in scripture. So I ask how can a young man show […]

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Question: God is, in principle, against human sacrifice: the religious ritual killing of innocents to appease God, or any gods, for that matter. So it would be likewise true that God is, in principle, against anyone’s ever *thinking* that God is ever in favor of such sacrifice. So, if God caused Abraham to think that […]

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Question: Why do most scientist reject the possibility of God`s existence?  Why do they embrace evolution? Answer: Two really good questions!  First, it is simply not true that most scientists reject the possibility of the existence of God.  Many do, but more do not.  This is a stereotype which is created largely because the atheist […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a six hour class on Calvinism–the history and theological problems.  It focuses in on the reason this led to the twin false doctrines of praying Jesus into our heart and once-saved-always-saved.   The whole class: Answering Calvinism Entire Audio   First and last parts in higher quality audio:  Calvinism I Audio   Calvinism IV...

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Dr. John Oakes gave a sermon on Acts chapter 20 for the San Diego Church of Christ on 10/26/15.  It focuses primarily on the farewell sermon of Paul to the Ephesian elders.   The outline, power point and audio are attached.     Acts Ch 20 sermon notes        Acts Ch 20 sermon […]

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Question: I would like your perspective on the Hebrew Israelite faith (African Americans claiming Hebrew decent, specifically from the tribe of Judah). I will continue to dig deeper in my research, but was curious about your perspective, and how you would deal with someone like that.  Thanks! Answer: I am not sure I understand the […]

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Question: Is there really a mother God in the Bible/Christianity?  What about these scriptures: Revelation-21:9-10, 22:17 and Galatians-4:16? Answer: I assume you want the Christian answer to this question.  Other religions do propose a mother goddess.  This would include Mormonism and, in a sense, Hinduism.  However, Christianity, like Judaism and Islam, is avowedly monotheistic.  There […]

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Question: Thank you sir for answering my many questions.   My Hindu friend insists that the Bhagavad Gita is the best book ever, and gives so many answers to the questions of life.  Can you give me an answer as to why this book doesn’t solve the problem of the sin of mankind?  Also, are there […]

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John Oakes and Pedro Firgueroa taught a six week 9 hour class on the Book of Romans.  Audio, notes and power points are available here.   Romans Audio Part I   Romans Part II audio   Romans Audio Part III   Romans Audio Part IV    Audio Romans Part V    AudioRomans Part VI   Romans Audio Part VII   Romans Part VIII...

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Question: First of all I would like to thank you for all the teaching you have available on your website.  As a new believer, it has helped me tremendously to better understand the Bible and strengthen my faith.  I do have one question (well have many more, but start with this one).  In one of […]

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Question: Regarding the story of the flood: If God flooded the Earth, all the land mammals and insects would die, but not the sea animals. Maybe some of the birds would survive. Isn’t this unfair and needlessly cruel? Why would God destroy innocent creatures like deer and rabbits but leave sharks and killer whales alone? […]

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Answer: I was reading my Bible this morning in Joshua, I noticed the word “darkness” in Joshua 24:8. I looked it up in Strong’s and in the Hebrew, it is called “maaphel”. In your opinion, is this literal darkness or something else? Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance says “something opaque”. Joshua 24:7 NIV But they cried […]

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Question: I was hoping you could help me understand how the the setting of Zechariah 14:16-18 could be referring to somewhere other than Earth.   “Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles. […]

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John and Jan Oakes taught classes for a singles conference in Tijuana focusing in on the claims of Jesus.  Notes and Power Point in English and Spanish and audio in Spanish.   I AM The Way Notes  I AM the Way PPT   Yo Soy El Camino PPT     Yo Soy El Camino Audio   I AM The Truth Notes    […]

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Question: I have a question about creation: In Genesis 1 it says God made vegetation, water creatures and birds before making man but in Genesis 2 it’s says that man was made before vegetation and animals Is this a biblical contradiction? I ask this question as a disciple who struggles with being logical at times, […]

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Question: I wonder why isn’t the name Yahweh mentioned anywhere in the NT?   We only see Christ calling him Father in the gospels as well as the apostles addressing Him in the same way.  Has it been omitted anywhere in various translations?  For a new believer isn’t it essential to know that the Father […]

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Question: I think it is hard to understand the trinity because  a man cannot be  in America, in Africa and in Asia at the same time: that  make the trinity hard to understand when I take it in a human way.  I want to ask you if the trinigy is like this:  3 forms of […]

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Question: My teacher at my university claims that Daniel was written in 165BCE. [editor’s note: probably the professor meant that it was written after 164 BC when the events surrounding Antiochus Epiphanes occurred]  He says that it was written with the Babylonian setting to make it look like it was prophesying the future. He also […]

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Question: There so many things in the Bible I don’t understand up to now. For example, I struggle to understand the nature of Jesus Christ.  Some verses show us that  he is God but some show that  Jesus and God are different.  In  John 17 Jesus was praying God. So If he is God why […]

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Question: I hope this email finds you well. I am a Christian and have a friend who is going through some unbelief, and he sent me this video to watch: which illustrates his thought process. He doesn’t believe in God anymore, and doesn’t believe Christianity is any more right than any other religion.  My […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a sermon and public lecture on the evidence that Jesus is who he said he is.  He asks what the most reasonable conclusion is–is Jesus a liar, a lunatic, or is he who he said he is?  He looks at the claims of Jesus as well as the fulfillment of messianic […]

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