The Apologetics Research Society, along with the South Florida Church of Christ put on a Christian Evidence weekend in Miami/Dade and Broward County, including at Florida International University Sept. 18-20, 2015.  The audio and some of the power points and outlines are attached.   God is Good: The Problems of Pain, Suffering and Evil PPT    Problem […]

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Question: Hello Dr Oakes. I am taking an early Judaism and Christianity course in university and I have a question about the Bible.  My teacher is very critical towards the New Testament writers and writings (as most are in the department of religion) and he told us in class the other day that the first […]

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Dan Conder rand Kate Oakes gave a class at a Christian Evidence Conference in Miami Sept. 19, 2015.  The class was on the wise use of Christian evidence in outreach to unbelievers.  They suggest finding common ground, asking lots of questions and gently leading people to their own conclusions.

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class on the Book of Genesis, focusing on the scientific implications as well as the worldview implications of the book–especially the first four chapters.  He also gave a comparitive analysis of other creation myths.   The class was given at a Christian Evidence Conference in Miami Sept 18, 2015....

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class on the Book of Ephesians for the Coastal Region of the LA Church of Christ August, 2015.  The first is a sermon on the greatness of what we have in Christ and the second is a class on deepening our relationship with God.  It uses Ephesians, but also Matthew...

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Editor’s Note:  This response comes from Kedron Jones, a member of the board of Apologetics Research Society Question: Thanks for following up about my baptism issue I brought up. Basically it was an article on the question as to whether “baptism” is necessary to be saved/go to heaven? The article went through many scriptures and […]

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Editor’s Note:  Rich Wright, one of the students in our ARS Apologetics Certificate Program, has written an excellent paper on the question of the inerrancy of the Bible, focusing in on the most important document on that topic ever published, which is known as the Chicago Statement on Inerrancy.  He criticizes their approach, especially with […]

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Question: I want to seek your thoughts on who Paul speaks to in 1 Corinthians 3:1-9.  Is he talking to saved people who are sinning or to people who have gone back to their sinful ways, fallen away and are no longer saved?  In the passage he says “you still live in flesh” which tells […]

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Comment: I’ve been reading your book “Daniel: A Prophet to the Nations” and I’ve been very inspired and overwhelmed by the very specific prophecies. I’m thankful for how God is using you to reveal his word to others. So suffice it to say, while I have a problem with your response to Daniel 11:36-45 my […]

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Question:   [editor’s note:  This is a series of two questions from the same member of the same topic] I wanted to know if you know much about fulgurites and the evidence they give to support the reality of the ten plagues in Egypt?   How about this for a bible study?  Studying out about […]

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Question: I’ve been reading Judges and, boy there are some good parenting lessons in this book. I’m writing because I would like your take on chapter 11, specifically the vow Jephthah made to God. Why do you think God allowed him to go through with his vow and not stop him, especially since she was […]

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Question: Is the material found below about Jesus having a wife valid or false? Answer: I would have to do some more care research to validate the age and to look at other attempts to translate, but please allow me to give my first quick impression.  I would say that with a quick glance, […]

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Question: I was wondering if you can send me some material on the question that many Christians and others struggle with….”Why is God so angry,violent and vengeful in the Old Testament and gracious in the New”?? Would really appreciate if you can provide some good material on this. Answer: This is a good question.  First […]

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Question: I found your book From Shadow to Reality to be great and have since purchased your book Reasons for Belief.  I have a question about a statement you made on page 144 of From Shadow to Reality.  I understand the 2 classes of sacrifices… worship/offering and for sin, and how the worship sacrifice is […]

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Question: My question is on this passage:  “For even if there are so-called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords, yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by […]

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Question: Parchment 470–a Catholic writing from 250 AD that says they worshipped Mary in the early Christian church..this is from a Catholic scholar’s site from Canterbury England, I should have written down his name but I forgot to….he is trying to win Protestants to his Catholic faith. Answer: It is true that there is a […]

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Question: I have a comment regarding your response to the question “If the Hebrew word “yom” in Genesis means a 24 hour period, why do you interpret it figuratively to be a period of time?”  I do not agree with your answer.  In NET translation it says “There was evening, and there was morning, a […]

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The South Florida Church of Christ is sponsoring a Christian evidences retreat/conference Friday to Sunday Sept. 18-20 in the Miami/Fort Lauderdale area.  ARS will providing the speakers for the conference.  It will be focused on campus, teens and singles, and will be evangelistically oriented.  Speakers will include Foster Stanback, Dan Conder and Dr. John Oakes–members […]

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Question: I’ve been reading through the Book of Esther and some small nuances have caught my attention. One has to do with the background of Haman the Agagite.  Most websites I’ve found claim that he was a descendent from Agag King of the Amalekites from 1st Samuel 15. They say that his existence is a […]

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Question: Is there any evidence in Roman records of Jesus’ body being stolen? There is an account of the body being stolen in Jewish records, but what about Roman records?  Answer: The answer is no.  There are no ancient Roman records of Jesus’ body being stolen. We have the Roman Tacitus reporting in the very early second century that he was […]

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Question: In the sermon on the mount, Jesus commands us not to swear at all and, “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” (Matthew 5:37; NIV). So is it ok for a Christian to make vows at a wedding and to swear to tell […]

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Question: I’ve been studying out prophecies of the Old Testament and in studying out the prophecies of Isaiah I looked up what Wikipedia had to say about it.  According to Wikipedia “The exact relationship between the Book of Isaiah and any such historical Isaiah is complicated.  One widespread view sees parts of the first half […]

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Question: I have some general questions concerning Christianity. How can the Bible be considered inerrant if there are instances of copyist errors such as tht which occurs in 2 Samuel 10:18 and 1 Chronicles 19:18.  The second passage mentions 700 and the first mentionsr 7000 slain charioteers? I realize that most of these copyist errors […]

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Dr. John Oakes is taught a class on Answering the Hard Questions at the 2015 International Christan Evidence Conference at York College in York, Nebraska, June 19-21.  He gave a brief overview of the Christian world view before launching into the Christian answer  to the questions both believers and non-believers often struggle with, such as […]

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Question: How does the view on suffering in Christianity differ from other religions?   Does Christianity have a better answer? Answer: A great question.  Before I describe the different worldviews and their view of suffering, let me note that individuals may not act according to the worldview that they appear to believe in.  Although atheists, […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class on Presuppositional Apologetics and World View Apologetics at the 2015 ICEC in York, Nebraska.  The class covers the common worldviews, including the Christian worldview and shows why the Christian Worldview is by far the one which makes the most sense.  It is also a critical look at the Calvinistic […]

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