Question: I read in one of your recent Q & A in which you explained Calvin’s predestination (or was it more accurately Beza’s double predestination) as a false doctrine. In this light, what is your opinion of the most logical relationship between God’s atemporality, foreknowledge, sovereignty, omniscience, and humanity’s free will without infringing upon one […]

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Comment: I’ve been reading your book on Daniel [editor’s note: Daniel Prophet to the Nations]  with considerable interest and coming across your note on 11v37 regarding “the one desired by women” wanted to put a consideration that this might refer to the fact that the Roman Emperors (mere men “the one desired by women”) […]

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[Editor’s note: This is a series of interchanges which might be a bit hard to follow, but I decided to post this pretty much as is.  It is a series of exchanges on the rather abstract question of where Quantum mechanics interacts with free will.] Question: Dr. Oakes,  I am researching a study for my […]

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Question: I was just wondering if you could answer some of these questions. Keep in mind I don’t expect you to answer every single question but maybe a couple answers would help. I recently compiled most of the complaints from a very unusual website called Honestly at the end of the day none of […]

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QUESTION: I listened to your lesson on Baptism (thank you, it helped me to better understand this aspect of our walk in Christ). However, I am not able to find any scriptural passages where it mentions that the apostles were baptized.  Scripture mentions they did baptize others. Can you help with this question please? Thank […]

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QUESTION: I listened to your lesson on Baptism (thank you, it helped me to better understand this aspect of our walk in Christ). However, I am not able to find any scriptural passages where it mentions the followers of Jesus were baptized? (The 12 disciples) Scripture mentions they did baptise others. Can you help with […]

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Question: I did want to ask you if you have heard of an alleged inscription in the supposed largest near-eastern Mithraeum which was built in western Persia at Kangavar, which is supposedly dedicated to ‘Anahita’, with an inscription reading “the Immaculate Virgin Mother of the Lord Mithras” dated to around 200BC? I see this claim […]

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Question: I was trying to do some research on the claims that the founding fathers of the United States either believed in God and or were Christians.   I understand that the founding fathers were guided by secular ideas, and self, class, or state interests. Do most scholars believe that the fathers were deists, while other scholars […]

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Question: Have you read ?  Hab 2 is quite the prophecy about the coming of Shwaul as the”plague of death” and the one who “gathers all the Gentiles unto himself”, etc.  Paul never quotes the Torah correctly. Response: I spent some time looking at the document you suggested and found this to be a […]

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Question: How do you reconcile Matt 16:26,27?  They are two distinct prophecies in these verses.  One is about the distant future which is the judgment.The other happened six days later. Answer: First of all, I assume you mean Matthew 16:27-28, not 26-27. In this little prophecy of Jesus he is doing what he often did, which is mix prophecies […]

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Question: Could you kindly explain in brief whether the widely accepted precept  “Once saved is always saved” is consistent with Biblical teaching? Answer: The once saved always saved teaching is false doctrine.   It originated as a result of the type of theology most commonly known as Calvinism, having been named after the 16th century theologian and […]

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(editor’s note: This is a follow-up to a previous question which explains his asking about my “methodology used to acquire the [claim of] 99% [accuracy for the Greek NT]) Question: Thanks Dr. Oakes for taking the time to look at my contact form.  he openly admits that we should avoid like the plague knowing with […]

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QUESTION: I am studying with a pre-millenialist who is particularly caught up with Israel, end-times, and the special role of Jerusalem. The materials on Jacoby’s [editor’s note: he is referring to] site recently published on the mass conversion of Israel were timely as well as John Oakes messages on the Kingdom of God. Thanks!   […]

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Comment: I am wondering about the idea of sins of the Father being passed on to the future generations or in this case all of us being blamed for Adam’s sin.  By ANY measure you wish to use, this is against all natural justice and fairness as is the idea that someone/anyone can take away […]

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Questions: If Genesis is not literally true (for example Adam and Eve made in our image as we are now), then can Christians at least accept it calls into question the fall of man and a need for redemption by God via human sacrifice of Jesus? Simple question 1. If you accept the Bible as […]

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Question: I have a roommate who I am reaching out to.  He said that the origin of the word “Christ” comes from the Indian God Chrisna [sic. he means Krishna] (didn’t give the exact spelling) and that ancient monasteries have record of Jesus coming from Judea. He quoted John 10:34. Where it says we are […]

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Comment: Saw this pop up today on Facebook. Not sure how old the whole thing is but it often cracks me up even though I find it sad at the same time that people throw this around social media to discredit Christianity and in their eyes it’s always that one “smoking gun”. Response: I […]

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We are excited to announce that the last of ten classes for the ARS Apologetics Certificate is now ready for students to take.  The class is Apologetics and World Religions.  It is taught by Dr. John Oakes and Dan Conder.  It, along with our other nine classes are currently available.  For more info, click on […]

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Normally, we do not post a lot of doctrinal material, but many believers do have questions about the biblical teaching about salvation, so we are publishing an outline, power point and audio of a class taught by Dr. John Oakes in San Diego 1/30/2014.  Part 1 of the class is also at the site   Baptism–In […]

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QUESTION: I have tried to convince Jehovah Witnesses that Jesus is God but they interpret differently the scripture.  Do you have a different aproach or material about this question? Answer: I address the question of Jehovah Witness teaching in notes and a power point at the web site. I suggest you go to the power point […]

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QUESTION: Hello.  I was wondering about the information on the Gospel of Barnabas. I’d like to know who after this site and from which point of view was the gospel taken. I couldn’t find about the writer or the author? Another question please, how can the author judge the language of the bible and even the […]

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Question: I was going through a book by Spinoza and he describes a substance as having its characteristic as existence and independence from any other substance. But if that’s the case, then matter has existed ever since and will continue to exist. It cannot be destroyed or created.In this sense isn’t matter self-existent? My physics […]

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Question: My brother-in-law is an atheist and mathematician. He has a couple of master’s degrees in “pure math.” He also has completed all his doctoral classes in this area. He challenged me to send him a few of the most compelling prophecies and he would research them. He is contends with great assurance that God […]

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Question: I am now reading one of your books “Is There a God” [editor’s note:].  I wondered about this: do simple one-celled organisms contain DNA? (I have heard of Dr. Flew’s view that DNA is too complex for accidental origination.) Answer: That is a simple question. All living things have DNA. Even the simplest […]

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Question: Does Einstein’s Theory of Relativity require that God be temporal or atemporal to logically interact with His creation?  What is essentially the effect of God that is greater than the speed of light in this understanding?  In his book A Brief History of Time in pages 25-28, Stephen Hawking describes time existing as a […]

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Question: I need your help on a few hard questions an atheist friend asked me: Before I state the questions, I wanted to let you know I have thoroughly looked at your articles on your website- Apologetics and Old Testament Atrocities.   So here are the questions asked: What do you expect from a religion whose […]

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Question: I talked with someone from Asembly church and they say we should worship God on Saturday which is Shabbat day. Here are some scripture he showed me.   Gen 2:1-3   Exo 20:8-11   Num 28:9-10     Mat 5:17-18    Jn 1:29    Lk 4:16    Mat 7:21-23   Mat 15:7-9     Mk 16:9    He said, worshiping God on Sunday is the ritual of men […]

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Question: I had a recent debate with an atheist friend who claimed that those who believe in God have the burden of proof to support their claim.  I would like to hear your thoughts on this question.  Also, I came up with my own response shortly after debating my atheist friend.  It attacks the prolific misuse […]

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