See below for a review of the evolution forum at the 2010 International Christian Evidence Conference.  The review is by Brian Colon, a member of the ARS board. Review:  ICEC Forum, "Four Christian Views of Evolution"  Editor’s note:  In the interest of full disclosure, John Oakes, who was one of the participants in the forum, did […]

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Question:  I read your article on why there is no Mark 11:26, and it made me wonder,  how than can we be sure that the Bible hasn’t been altered by other scribes somewhere else down the line. If scribes tryed to insert their own verses, han how can we be sure that the Bible is perfect […]

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Question: Transubstantiation has been described on the website as a false doctrine of the Catholic Church (a doctrine I am not convinced of one way or another). Please, allow me a moment to play devil’s advocate…   Several close Catholic friends of mine have explained that the doctrine for Transubstantiation was extrapolated from several biblical verses […]

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Question: I recently saw an article in the telegraph stating that a scholar had claimed Jesus was not crucified on a cross but rather a stake like the Jehovas witnesses believe, explaining that "stauros" does dont mean cross but pole or stake. While I couldn’t care less on what shape the wood was that Jesus was […]

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Question/Comment: You say, with regard to the Letters, that "my assumption….  is that these are inspired writings."  I have to point out that whenever God-inspired Scripture is spoken of in the NT, that it is the Jewish Bible that is spoken of.  There is in fact no Biblical warrant for the inspiration of the NT […]

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Question: I am a Christian, but I am tempted to let go of my faith.  My faith is based on fear (eternal damnation, hell, etc.).  I just want to know  any evidence of the authenticity of Christianity which is different from other religions.  Others also have their divine scriptures and revelations.  What makes Christianity different […]

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Question:  Out of curiosity, how do you address the problem of Israel’s population in Exodus? Supposedly I’ve heard that the increase in population from 70 to 600,000 isn’t realistic? Answer: I can see how one might wonder about this.  Well, let us assume 430 years for the time in Egypt.  I am not at all […]

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Questions:  1. Moses was prevented from crossing the Jordan and entering the promised land by God, because of Numbers 20. If the promised land is a foreshadow of heaven, and Moses did not enter it, are we to infer that Moses did not make it to heaven? 2. We can see how God has protected […]

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Question:         Looking at Mark 9:1 and 1 Cor. 15:51, it is clear that both Jesus and Paul were mistaken in expecting,  the arrival of the Kingdom of God in the case of Jesus   and in Paul’s case, the second coming, in the lives of some of those present in each situation. How do you cope […]

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                                                                                                                                                                                    As part of the 2010 ICEC John Clayton will be giving a public lecture titled Why I Left Atheism.  Clayton was once a devoted atheist who set out to write a book "The Bible: A Book by Ignorant People in and Ignorant Age"  The result: he became a Christian!  7:30 PM Location: 10 Goodyear, Irvine, […]

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Question:  I have recently come across this website apparently relating toward prophecy in the Bible ( In the website, there are articles of apparent prophecies in Ruth, Ester as well as other books of the Bible. How should we respond to anyone who may bring these viewpoints up? Answer: I spent some time at this […]

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Question: Are there any specific arguments you can make that would make the possibility of an afterlife highly likely? For example, what about arguments for the soul, the resurrection of Jesus, or whatever? I keep running into people who say that when we die, we’re just dead. How would you respond to this? If we really […]

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Question: How can one refute the ideas presented in Michael Drosnin’s Bible Code or other premillennialist viewpoints? Don’t these types of concepts hurt the integrity and validity of scripture? Answer: My answer with respect to Michael Drosnin and premillenialists will be very different.  I believe it is not fair to lump premillenialists together with Bible […]

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Pregunta:   ¿Hay alguna base bíblica o escritura que soporte que ayunemos parcialmente o de algúna cosa por determinado tiempo? ¿es igualmente aceptable y agradable para Dios? Muchas gracias por tu atención a nuestras inquietudes. Respuesta: .No hay apoyo bíblico, por lo que yo sé de un ayuno parcial o para el ayuno de algo distinto […]

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Question:   Is there any [strong] evidence that the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke were written after 70 AD? I’ve been browsing wikipedia and found that some scholars believe that those 3 gospels, specifically Luke, believe that it was dated sometime after 80 AD to maybe around 125 AD. Is there any [strong] evidence […]

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Question: There is a link to an audio message by Darrel Falk available on Douglas Jacoby’s website.  The title of the talk is “Bridging the Worlds Between Faith and Biology”.  In this talk, Darrel talks about Noah and the Flood as follows: "We can use science to test the story of Noah, and when we […]

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Question: I’ve recently learned about these so called Deuterocanonical books that are accepted by Catholics and Eastern Orthodoxs, but not by Protestants. I even came across this from an Orthodox Christian (not a friend of his btw) on Facebook who claims that this predicts the coming of the Messiah: "The Book of Wisdom was the […]

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