Question: Some non-believers do believe Christ rose from the dead.  The historical evidence is great.  We mark our calendars by the event.  Sadly even liberal Christians buy the baseless fairy tale that the writings of Josephus were "revised" or the book of Luke was "planted" in the Roman libraries despite not a shred of evidence […]

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Question: I wonder about the Eden "project" and the fact that it was so imperfect, so how did God plan for it to exist (even if man haven’t sinned)? – If Adam and Eve were immortals, why did God ask them to multiply; where would all their descendents live if there would be billions of […]

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Question: I am interested of what do You think about "theistic evolution" aka BioLogos? (including I read a book of Collins "The language of God": and found it very interesting. As a PhD student, I am attending one course called "History and Philosophy of Science and Technology" and I have to write some […]

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Question: Is Saint Augustine’s exegesis of the 2nd and 3rd chapters of Genesis correct? Do a Google search: First Scandal. Answer: No, it is not. I found the article you are talking about using Google. He makes a bit of a simplication to conclude that there are two points in Augustine’s exegesis of Genesis 2 […]

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Question: I’m sending you this question in hopes that you can help me or at the least shed some light on these issues. In looking at what natural sciences (Astronomy, evolution, etc.) have seemed to reveal to us about the age of the universe and the development of life, it appears that the subsequent response […]

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Question: After taking an Anthropology course (which is preceded by my philosophy course) I have to wonder what reasons are there for God creating Bonobo’s with such striking similarities to humans? Viewing footage of Jane Goodall’s work and other anthropological studies I saw, although through a biased lense, that bonobo’s and other species of primates […]

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Question: I have looked at your Power Point Presentation entitled: “Genesis and the Christian World View”. What exactly do you mean by Genesis 1 being a “true myth”? Would you please elaborate on the relationship between Genesis chapters 1-3 and the view that the earth is several billions of years old? Did the things described […]

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Question: Why is it that people try to compare the ancient Sumerian tablets, saying that they are similar to the book of Genesis? Why is it that people try to relate those gods to the God in the Old Testament? Answer: It is difficult to judge the motives of people I have never met. I am […]

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Question:  You appear to support the evolutionists theory.  However, other Christian scientists e.g. Ken Ham totally refute this theory and provide evidence of the creation, even challenging carbon dating, etc… I welcome your thoughts. Answer:  I am well aware of Ken Ham and his arguments. I have read some of his work. I do not […]

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Question: I was enjoying some of your writings and responses this morning, and I am provoked in thought. Does any passage in the Bible discredit the existence of living planets beyond Earth? If not, what are your thoughts on the possibility of other "living" planets? You wrote somewhere that intelligent design cannot be proved experimentally, […]

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Question: I understand that you believe that Adam was a literal man. How do you understand the genealogies and the time between Adam and Christ’s existence? I know many theistic evolutionists say that generations were missed out (where?) but I don’t understand how, because in Genesis it gives the age that men were fathered so […]

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Question:  Why did God create planets?  What is their purpose? Answer: God did not tell us why he created planets.  Planets are the natural result of gravity acting on the matter in the universe which God created.  If we assume that God had a "purpose" in creating a universe with planets, then the most obvious […]

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Question: What was the hominid species that rejected god? I know that that Neanderthals wore clothes (before the fall we were naked), and that they even buried their dead and decorated gravestones. And they are known to exist 200,000 years ago. Does this mean that the fall happened to Neanderthals? Answer: The simple answer is that […]

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Question: I was reading that you believe that God used evolution to create modern man.  However, to refute this point, I’ve heard Christians point out that evolution is a process that is achieved through death.  However, death did not exist until Adam (a fully developed human) brought sin into the world.  Now, this is a […]

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Question: You mentioned in one post that you believe in the coexistence of God and macroevolution and the idea that God controls this process. Take a look at 1 Corinthians 15:39 and explain: "For not all flesh is the same, but there is one kind for humans, another for animals, another for birds, and another […]

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Question: I have believed in God and the main teachings of Christianity for my whole life up until this past year. I was taught there was a God by my parents and the main points of Christian belief (heaven, hell, free will, gift of eternal life, sacrifice of Christ). I never questioned these beliefs or thought […]

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Comment from "Disappointed":    We most certainly did evolve, over the period of millions of years.  As a matter of fact, if one were to visit the earth just 30,000 years ago, one would have found not one but several species of "human" forms.  Today, scientists from around the world direct major projects pursuing answers to outstanding […]

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Question: Under the heading of Biblical Manuscripts and Textual Questions, the following query was posted at your site: "I learned that the Pentatauch is attributed to Moses was, in fact, a compilation of 4 very different sources, which reflect the interests and biases of the author. This is a highly accepted theory and can be […]

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Question:  I have a question on your answer to the 13 year old wanting proof that evolution is not real. You say that you believe in God’s creation and that he guides the evolutionary process. I was wondring if you think that the earth is older than 6000 years old or if you think evolution […]

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Comment: After reading your reply to the question regarding the geology of Hawaii could you explain to me why anyone should believe the Bible? 2 Timothy 3:16 states that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God" and Titus 1:2 says that God cannot lie. Now, the question arises, what does one believe? Is it […]

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Question: How would you respond to the late Henry Morris’s comments in his book The Genesis Record?: In the first place, the order of creative events narrated in Genesis 1 is very different from the accepted order of fossils in the rocks representing the geological ages…. Second, as already pointed out when discussing the gap theory, […]

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Question: On the Discovery Channel I saw a show on the subject of Hawaii.  The show touched on how the Hawaiian Islands were formed.  According to the dominant view among geologists, the crust or plate on which the Hawaiian islands rest, is slowly moving north and each island was formed when the crust or plate below the future island […]

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This is a very interesting article by a good friend Jerry Maday on the evidence from the human ability to perceive music as evidence for design and an intelligent designer.  He also includes an interesting analogy to the mathematical relationship between musical scales and the radius of orbit of the planets, reminiscent of Kepler’s "Music […]

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Samuel;Question:  I have a friend who works with NMR and he would like to do research to analyze some samples of soils by NMR and IR analyzes and compare with some analyzes of human issue. He would like to prove that man "comes from earth". Do you know if there is some material published about this?  How could he make […]

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Question:  As you are a scientist,  I would appreciate your explanation as to how it is possible to get plants reliant on photosynthesis on the third day, before the creation of the sun on the fourth.  Answer: Genesis 1 has night and day on the first day, but the appearance of the sun, moon and stars […]

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Question/Comment:  I believe that Genesis should not be read literally as it conflicts with our current scientific models such as the dating of the universe and Evolution. As a result I believe that we must read Genesis as a theological poem not a scientific textbook. Thus I see that we were created and we fell […]

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Question: I wanted to ask you about how to start a evangelism with a person who believes in the theory of the evolution of man? He thinks this can’t be explained in the Bible.  Answer: You will find a number of articles on this at my web site.  I suggest one by William Golightly.  Christians have […]

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Question: According to the Apologetics Bible, and other sources I have read/heard, physical death hadn’t occurred until Adam/Eve sinned.  I disagree because of the fossils that would have existed prior to Adam as well as Genesis 3:22; And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. […]

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Question: I often read articles from Christians and other Creationists in which most of their time is spent on disproving arguments which are put forward by scientists against Creationism. For example, a great deal of time and effort is dedicated to raising issues inherent in the theory of evolution. In fact, most Creationists have gone […]

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Question:  I have a question about the idea of theistic evolution (I have been reading many of the articles under "creation" by you and John Laing).  This interpretation seems to resolve many questions such as: Why was Cain was afraid someone would kill him?  Who would be living in the city Cain built? etc… (Genesis 4:14-18) […]

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Question:  I am not a Christian and had no kind of guided religious upbringing, though I have admittedly felt drawn towards Christianity at times.  I never really thought about my origins or the reason for my being.  However, lately I have been nearly consumed by those "big questions."  The idea that the universe and our […]

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