Question: I was rereading your article on the ID debate after reading through an interesting article found at the link below It made me reconsider your statement: “There is no experiment one can even conceive of which can test the design hypothesis. What could one do in a laboratory to test whether a system […]

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  INTELLEGENT DESIGN CONTINUED From all this, we can conclude that intelligent design is real.  It is not the product of religious presupposition, but the only reasonable conclusion from the evidence.  Those who persecute the supporters of ID would do well to consider the facts.  But then again, most of them approach the question already […]

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? THE INTELLIGENT DESIGN DEBATE   From Kansasto Dover, Pennsylvaniato BaylorUniversitya debate has been raging across the United Statesover whether or not the theory of intelligent design should be taught in schools.  Recently, televangelist Pat Robertson said of the voters in Dover, Pennsylvaniawho turned out a pro-ID school board, ?If there is a disaster in […]

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I just read the article by Professor Geisler about early monotheism and had a few questions. I’m guessing that the author is assuming that Adam and Eve were the first ‘homo sapiens’ , and that the levant civilizations, particularly that of the ancient ‘habiru’ was the very first. I have read that the Chinese and […]

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CREATIONISM   By   C. Foster Stanback   Creationism is a term that has frequently been misunderstood by its opponents.   In its most general sense the term means a worldview which attributes the existence of the earth, the cosmos, and life to a divine Creator.  Yet within this broader sense there are a number of […]

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1. Cro-Magnon lived up to 100,000 and Neanderthal up to 300,000 years ago. What was the most recent dates for those species and when were they extinct? What year was Homo-Sapien on the scene – 45,000 years ago? Cain was the first agricultural farmer as far as evidence in the Bible, were the Homo-Sapiens the […]

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As I was reading Genesis, I came across a scripture that I don’t quite understand. In Genesis 1:3, “God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light… there was evening and morning the first day” However, the sun was not created until the fourth day, right? In Genesis 1: 14 “Let there be lights […]

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Had a thought while reading, “Is there a God?” – you list ‘Elementsessential for life’ as carbon and H20. I’m interesting in your thoughtsabout adding oxygen to the list. First its ability as an aerial solvent(to help create/sustain an atmosphere – and seems as strong an argument as H20 in the solvent arena?) & essential […]

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In Genesis 2:7b What does it mean when it says “and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”? is the “breath of life” referring to oxygen or the spirit/soul? I would say that, when in doubt, we should let the obvious meaning stand. Genesis seems to be saying that God made the inanimate Adam […]

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Note:  I do not know the author of this excellent article.  It was found at    http:/ /  Origin Of Life (and irreducible complexity)    notes            Origin of Life – 1 "Any theory with a probability of being correct that is larger than one part in 1040,000 must be judged superior to […]

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The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories By: Stephen C. Meyer Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington September 29, 2004 On August 4th, 2004 an extensive review essay by Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, Director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture appeared in the Proce edings of the Biological Society […]

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A Closer Look at the Laws of Thermodynamics In chapter four of this book, the application of the laws of thermodynamics to the question of the origin of life was introduced. There are some more subtle and technical questions which could arise concerning the use of thermodynamics to investigate whether life could have originated spontaneously. […]

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THE MIRACLE OF CREATION               In this book, we will principally consider the miracles performed by Jesus Christ during his approximately three year ministry on the earth.  We will ask questions about the evidence that these miracles actually happened.  We will make the effort to consider what is implied on a physical, scientific level […]

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How Old is the Earth? How old is the earth? That is a good question. Although I could provide my best estimate based on the scientific evidence, I can honestly say I do not know. One thing which can be said with confidence (as will be shown in this chapter) is that the earth appears […]

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We do not know when the flood happened, but presumably it was at least several thousand years ago. I can only assume that human beings evolved the different “racial” characteristics over the past several thousand years. In a gene pool with a fairly broad genetic diversity, the physical characteristics which lead to the greatest survival […]

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1) The natural amino acids are L and D, and in proteins are only L. So in any hypothetical primordial soup, surely there would have been an equal proportion of both. The problem for the materialist is to answer how did the first proteins become just L amino acids (since racemic proteins can’t exist). If […]

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This is probably the most controversial question which relates to science and the Bible. In fact, many Bible believers have divided along the lines of this controversy. In addressing this question, one would do well to remember the words of Paul in 2 Timothy 2:23,24; “Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, […]

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Science says the earth is old, but the Bible says the earth is young. Which is correct, and how can I know? The first statement is correct, while the second statement is a question of interpretation. In other words, scientific evidence, from any of at least a dozen independent methods of calculation leads to the […]

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