Question:  (a very long one!!!)  The books of the Bible are written by people claiming inspiration from God.  Many people claim inspiration from God or supernatural forces. Muslims claim the Koran is divinely inspired, Mormons claim their Book of Mormon is divinely inspired, and I am sure many pagan sects say that their "book of […]

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Question: Is Jesus really an acceptable sin sacrifice according to the Old Testament?  The new covenant couldn’t have been active till after Jesus’ death and resurrection, right? So it would make sense to say the initiation of the new covenant shouldn’t violate the standards of the old. Does Jesus REALLY count as a sin sacrifice? […]

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Question: Are there any examples of failed Prophecies in the Bible and scientific contradictions in the bible as claimed by some books? Answer: No, there are not. Of course, there are people who say that there are, and I have heard such claims. For example, in a debate held last June in Chicago, the claim […]

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Question: Were the original prophecies of the Messiah altered?  Jews state that Jesus did not fulfill all of the prophecies realting to the Messiah. They also claim that the followers of Jesus in the early ages sincerely believed he was the Messiah, and altered the Old Testament to suit their needs. Answer:  It is true […]

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Question:  Are there any specific prophecies that have been fulfilled? Many skeptics claim that prophecies are too broad to be reliable. Answer: The answere is a resounding yes.  You will find a wealth of information on this topic in three of the books I have published.  The three are Reasons for Belief,  Daniel, Prophet to […]

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Question:  What proofs are used to show the book of Daniel was written in the 600s and what evidence is used to prove a later composition, around the time of Antiochus Epi arephanes? Answer: There is no evidence to support the idea that Daniel was written in the 600s, as Daniel died in about 535 BC.  […]

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Question: Is the situation in Irael just now, prophecy being fulfilled? Should we as Christians be concerned for the Israeli people? Answer: The quick answer is a definite no.  I discuss in some detail the premillenialist view and the tendency to view modern events as fulfillment of prophecies in Revelation, Daniel or Ezekiel in an appendix […]

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Question: How, John, can you state so confidently that hostages were taken and that some items from the temple were taken." This clearly is what you would like to be able to establish in order to be able to clear up the conflict between  2 Kings 24:1 and Daniel 1:1. The author of Daniel transfers things that […]

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Question:  1. I was looking a little at a book called "A History of the Jews" by Abram Leon Sachar. He seems to suggest that the Bible’s account of Solomon is incorrect, exaggerated, and biased. He says his genius was never of a moral or spiritual quality, but the Bible says otherwise. He also says […]

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Question:,Why did Jesus get baptized by John if he had no sin?,Answer:,This is a very good question. Jesus actually answered the question for us, although his answer is a bit enigmatic. To quote Matthew 3:15, “Let it be so now,it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Of course the question […]

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Question: How has Isaiah 11:12 been fulfilled by Jesus? Jews consider this to be a passage about the Moshiach. They specifically say that Jesus did not fulfill this therefore he cannot be the Moshiach. They think that all Jews will return to Israel. How is that passage to be interpreted?Answer: Your Jewish friends are right. […]

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Question: I read the explanation of Daniel chapter 9 prophecy in your book “From Shadow to Reality”. You were really quite explicit on that. What I am unable to understand is verse no 27 which predicts the putting to an end of sacrifice and offering. I think the prophecy refers to the crucifixion which took […]

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Question:,One of my sons asked me a Bible question tonight and after doing a little study I am still baffled, so I wondered if you had any insight into it. The question is: how do we reconcile Matthew 16:27 and Matthew 16:28? I read your response to a questioner who asked about Matthew 16:28 and […]

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Question:,What is the evidence that the kingdom Chist promised his appostles that “Most of you will not taste death until they see it come?” Or are the apostles still alive? Did the Kingdom exist before they died?,Answer:,The kingdom of God came with power within the lifetime of almost all the apostles. This prophecy of Jesus […]

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Question: I have many Jewish friends. How can I prove that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah? Answer: Good question! Let me make a couple of suggestions: 1. Purchase a book on Judaism and its relationship to Christianity. My favorite is “You Bring the Bagels, I’ll Bring the Gospel” by Barry Rubin. […]

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Question: Ezekiel 26;14 says that Tyre will never be rebuilt but it is there to this day and HAS been rebuilt. Can you explain this? Answer: Yes, but not on the original site. The original site is still basically a bare rock, even today. It has been excavated. The rock Tyre stood on lies just […]

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Comments: What is interesting about the Gospel writers is the way in which they fit the details of the story to match the “prophetic” passages which are pre-existent to the story and are already selected as “must be” parts of the story. How for example do you know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem? The […]

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Comment: One of the benefits of reading Essene interpretations of Scripture written 100/200 years before the Gospels, is that it enables one to see how religious Jews of the period would happily wrest any passage of Scripture from its clear ancient context and apply it allegorically either to the present or the future. The evangelists […]

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Question: My husband and I are planning a Passover meal for our Bible group. Do you have an outline of the Passover meal and the coorelations between it and Jesus’ life? Answer: I have a friend who is an expert on this. He is Phillip Lester. His e-mail is He did a Passover seder […]

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Question: According to Jer 43 Egypt would be conquered by Babylon, but secularhistorians attribute this conquest to the Persians. Do you have any infoon this? Answer: Your information is correct. The Persians/Medes did conquer Egypt under Cambysses, the son of Cyrus in 525 BC. However, the Persians were not the first to conquer Egypt. The […]

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Question: Ever since last year, I’ve been sharing with a Jewish friend I have. He told me about this small book he read about why you can’t trust the Christian Bible and why not to believe in Jesus. The thing that made me think the most is when this little book talked about how scriptures […]

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Question: What is the significance of the angel that appears to Daniel in chapter 10 telling him that he was summoned 21 days ago but was held up by “the Prince of the Kingdomof Persia”? I believe every scripture is there for a reason and God does not bother with insignificant issues, so what is […]

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Question: Why did God choose to deliver His only begotten through a virgin when He has the ability to use another way, for example turn a rock into Jesus Christ? Answer: It is always tricky to answer “why” questions about God when he has not answered the question for himself. This requires an educated guess […]

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Question: Quoting from page 238 of your book From Shadow to Reality, Psalm 16: 10-11. How can you possibly use this as a “prophecy” of anything? The Psalmist is speaking personally. What principle of hermeneutics authorizes the injection of additional significance? Answer: I do so for at least four reasons. First, there are several examples […]

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Question: I have done some studying on Psalm 22, with its supposed prophecy about the Messiah having his hands and feet pierced. I did some more work on this at I am happy to accept “pierced” as a possible translation, but think it is questionable as one of the authorities says, “we do not […]

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Question: A Muslim friend made an outrageous claim to me that in Deuteronomy 18: 15-19 it is speaking of Muhammed and not Jesus. One hole in this claim is that Muhammad was an Arab, not a Jew. (Genesis 22:18). He would be of the house of David (Jeremiah 21:5). What do you think of this? […]

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Question: My question is on your interpretation on the two olive trees on pg 102 of you book “From Shadow to Reality.” You said ” The two who are anointed are a reference to the high priest Joshua and the governor Zerubabbel, both of whom were foreshadows of the anointed one: the Messiah”. I was […]

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Questions (there are several here): Let us take the final 11 verses of Mark for which the earliest evidence is non-existent. Why and by whom were they later added? Why was Jesus described as riding on a donkey? Because the writer knew it would be seen as the fulfilment of OT prophecy and would therefore […]

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Question: In your section on the 10 horns-the 11th being Domitian, what historical sources can you site that show that Vespesian and/or Domitian subdued Otho and Galba? I have only been able to find sources for Vitellius’s overthrow by armed forces who supported Vespesian. Could the three who were subdued actually be ordinal… For example, […]

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I understand that Psalm 2:7 is talking about Jesus but what do the words “Today I have begotten you” mean? Is he referring to physical birth? If not what is it talking about? I would say that the most obvious place to look for an answer is in John 1:14. “We have seen his glory, […]

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Someone told me that most scholars say that Revelation was written after AD 70. Where can I find what scholars say regarding the date of Revelations? If it’s after AD 70, is it possible that most of Revelation has not happened, which is this individual’s view? From what I understand it was written more so […]

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Please give me all the information you can on Daniel the prophet in the Old Testament. I would like to write an essay on him. I have published a book on Daniel, so I certainly do have a lot of material on him. You can purchase a copy of the book at . I […]

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Are you able to provide a summary of non-messianic prophecies for which there is written evidence of them being proclaimed before being fulfilled? This would restrict prophecy to the Old Testament, as the earliest ‘significant’ copies we have of the New Testament are dated in the 4th century AD, well after most (if not all) […]

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In Daniel 2:44, when he says “setup a kingdom” does it mean the one in heaven or the church? to me it seems heavenly. Also can you let me know some scriptures where it says “kingdom…” which refer to the heavenly kingdom and some which refer to the church (OT & NT).If you cant answer […]

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In Daniel 2:44 it says that: “…it will crush and put an end to all those kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.” In what way will the kingdom “crush” the other kingdoms? Is he talking about when Christ returns and destroys the physical realm which include the earthly kingdoms or is he talking about […]

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*Did the messianic prophecies foretell of the “second coming?” *Does God explicitly reveal to Moses the 8 day circumcision decision procedure or is it more like it was a “best practices” act that was handed down over generations and then was written down by Moses? *Do we know how long Jesus was in Egypt? There […]

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I was wondering what your take on Matthew 24:14 is. I’ve been reading through it and, before reading any commentaries, I thought that perhaps Jesus was teaching us that when we’ve accomplished the great commission, reaching all the world with the gospel of God’s kingdom, he would come back for his church and for judgment. […]

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Are there still prophecies that need to be fulfilled from the Old Testament and the New Testament? Absolutely. If you think about it, you will realize this yourself. For example, consider 1 Thess 4:16f, “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with […]

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Where in the Bible did God promise David that he would place one of his descendants on his throne? That would be in 2 Chronicles 17:12-14 and Psalms 89:4 as well as 2 Samuel 7:14-16. Other passages could be used as well, such as Psalms 2:7, where he is speaking through David to his “son” […]

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