Question: Why did God allow people in the Old Testament to have more than one wife, even though we do not practice this today? What about “white lies?” Did Rahab sin when she lied? Did God allow immorality, such as with Jacob and his maidservant, which was consented to by his wives Leah and Rachel? […]

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Question: Note: This question came in French. I have attempted to translate it, but it may not make complete sense. (J. O.) HOW to LIVE A LIFE OF DISCIPLE everyday WITHOUT HAVING THE CULPABILITE OF sins; HOW to GIVE THE BEst of ONESELF for GOD WITH such restricted time? AND HOW ETRE OUTSIDE ONESELF IN […]

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What was Paul’s purpose for writing Romans? What was the pleasues soughted? What principles stressed? What are the potential for today? Most commentators believe that with Romans, although the letter is addressed to the church in Rome, it is a general epistle. In other words, the letter was intended all along to be a letter […]

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Would you please share some scriptures for learning respect and responsibility. For passages in the Bible on respect and responsibility, I would definitely suggest turning to the book of Proverbs. In fact almost any aspect of one’s character will be addressed in the Proverbs. Specific passages I would mention would include; Prov 1:8 Listen, my […]

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I have been studying the new testament for the past 6 months and found a lot of encouragement generally throughout and it was leading me to begin to believe, though some parts of the text I found a bit troubling and not often addressed by other Christians other preachers. I even discovered some misinformation on […]

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The simple answer is that we are not required to keep it holy. This is a basic New Testament doctrine which, unfortunately, many religious groups have distorted. To prove this, consider Colossians 2:9f. “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who […]

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Como ser um cristao constante. (which translates from the Portuguese as “How to be a faithful Christian?”) There are many ways to answer this question, and I would suggest you find someone you know who is a faithful Christian and ask them. (By the way, I do not speak Portuguese, and am hoping faithful is […]

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I would like to know difference between choice and fate in our Christian walk. Starting from Adam to Judas. This is certainly one of the most significant theological/doctrinal debates in the history of Christianity?indeed in all religions. Given that God is all-knowing and all-powerful, and given that he exists outside of time, it seems logical […]

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I would refer you to the web site There you will find a book titled “Deep Convictions,” by Tom Jones. This book was published in 1992 and has sold over 100,000 copies. It contains thirteen studies which will help anyone build deep convictions. Deep Convictions Tom Jones ISBN # 1-884553-01-X Discipleship Publications International.

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