Question: 1. Which is the best atheist argument?  2. Can science disprove or prove the existence of god?  3. What do you think about this video on free will debunked?  You don’t have free will, but don’t worry. In this video I explain why free will is incompatible with the currently known laws […]

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Question: People usually accuse religions, including Christianity, of having a black and white view on sin. They are very direct like “you shall do this and you shall not do this” without considering the nuances. If God wrote his law in our hearts (conscience), then shouldn’t everyone or at least most people understand how homosexuality […]

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Question: Christians (non-Calvinists) tend to say that we have free will and that we ourselves are responsible for going to hell because we have the ability to choose between Christ and our worldly desires. But does free will exist to an extent that people generally believe? Isn’t everyone a subject to the family they were […]

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Question: It is clear in the Bible that we are saved by Grace through faith in Christ Jesus alone, but the confusing part is, if we are saved by grace alone through faith alone, why do we need to keep holy or doing good works to maintain(or maybe earn) salvation? Does this have the effect […]

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Questions: Will science be able to explain consciousness? What if this happened, how would it affect our understanding of spirit and soul?   Why did god created us using evolution ínstead of creating us ex nihilo? Answers: This is a good question, but it is also a difficult question.  It is a hard question because consciousness […]

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Question: Unitarians claim that Zechariah 12:10 cannot be used to prove that Jesus is God because Zechariah 12:10 says that Yahweh will be pierced, but according to trinitarians- Yahweh is God the Father- and we know that God the Son was crucified and pierced- not Yahweh or Father. As a Trinitarian, how to respond to […]

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Question: A commenter who is unbeliever said the following.  Can you respond to this? The comment: So God put himself on the same level of his creation just to sacrifice himself for his creation, getting killed by his creation? Just doesn’t add up. Why does God of the go to such levels just to forgive […]

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Question: My friend is losing his faith because in history we are learning about wars, and some of these wars we are studying include wars that were made because of Abrahamic religions. In these religious wars, a lot of people were murdered and tortured as well as other bad things done to them. How would […]

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Questions: My materialist friend says that we are just some cells that have not reached entropy yet.  How should I answer this?  Why would a loving God torture his sons in hell? Answers: On the first question, we are certainly more than mere cells.  Your friend is taking an hyper-materialist stand here which will not […]

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Question: Do we act because of our brain or because of our soul?  Are all NDE (near death experiences) unreliable?   Did Plato prove that the afterlife is real? Answer: Your first question is a good one, in my opinion.  I do not think that this is a particularly “Christian” question.  The Bible will not help […]

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Question: My question is in regards to these types of scriptures on prayer (I capitalised some of the bits I’m trying to unpack).   1 John 5:14-15. “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: That if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us–WHATEVER […]

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Question; Why was there so much confusion even in the first and second century about whether Jesus Christ of Nazareth even existed as a historical person or not. One example of someone who questioned the reality of Jesus was Marcion of Sinope, a 1st century historical person. Also there were the Docetists, Gnostics and others […]

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Question:  I️ am reading through the gospels right now, I️ am in Luke. As I️ have been reading through it I️ have noticed a majority of the time after Jesus heals someone He tells them not to say anything. He also tells the demons to be quiet when they try to speak about Him. Why […]

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Question: Why did God tell Hosea to marry a prostitute?  Many from other religions such as Hinduism and Islam ask me this question. If God of the Bible is sinless how can he tell Hosea to marry a prostitute? Answer; Honestly, any fair-minded person could answer this for themselves.  In the first three chapters of […]

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Question: I have read on your website that you are in great support of the Cosmological Argument, but I have not been able to find what your thoughts are on the Teleological Argument (That everything is fine-tuned and directs to belief in a creator). I also know this argument is favored by Intelligent Design supporters […]

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Question: 1. Why do some people say the earth was created 6000 years ago? (since the bible does not mention this at all)  2. Why do you think God loves us so much?  3. Is your website Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, or a different type of Christianity? Answer: The reason that some Christians claim that the […]

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Question: 1. What would you say to a person that claims this: Before the universe there was a quantum vaccuum that created the universe?  2. Does god know all the future events that may or may NOT happen? Answer; On the first question, if anyone says this then I assume that they do not know […]

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Question: Does science know what happens when you die? Do we have any evidence for our soul/spirit? Answer: On the first question, it depends on what you mean. Science can answer physical questions about physical, measurable things. Science can tell us that, when we die, our bodies begin an immediate process of decay back to […]

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[Editor’s note: There are several questions here.  Answers are interspersed in italics] I am struggling with questions! I have so many and need to discuss with someone. 1) There is nothing that exists that was not created by GOD, so why make wickedness/evil to begin with? I am currently teaching a class in which I […]

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Question: Hi all at EFC, I was wondering, how do I help someone who asks “If God truly wants a relationship with me, why doesn’t he give evidence that he knows that I would have to believe in him.” Thanks. Answer: God provides us great mountains of evidence for his existence, and also that the […]

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Question: If everything comes from God, doesn’t that mean that evil comes from God as well? Thanks Answer: Yes and no, but more no than yes.  Let me explain.  God created everything, and it was all good.  In fact, it was very good (Genesis 1:31).  At creation, everything God made was good and there was […]

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Question: In John 9:39 Jesus says, “For judgment I came into this world.” But then in John 12:47-48 Jesus says “I did not come to judge the world but to save it.” Are these not a contradiction and how do we resolve this? Answer: A great question.  I had never noticed this potential contradiction.  When […]

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[Editor’s note: this question is an “insider” question from someone in the churches of Christ. For those who are not part of this fellowship, please understand and perhaps excuse that I am publishing a question that you may not be able to relate to.] Question: I am a college student and a part of the […]

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Question: Does our Eurocentrism harm the way we live in the church? Some say that our Eurocentric or Western perspectives hinder our reading of religions. Therefore, we cannot talk about the inferiority of other religions as this would be Eurocentric. Answer: I am guessing that you have read an article which claims that Eurocentrism is […]

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Question: Why do you think God allows natural disasters?  Also, why do people not believe in God, although its clear that he exists? Thanks. Answer: This is a common question.  The atheist asks the Christian believer why God, if he is so loving and so powerful, does not prevent natural disasters.  Actually, I assume that […]

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Question: Please respond to this article:    Is it true that Jesus’ resurrected body was a spiritual one only according to 1 Peter 3:18, and that we too will have spirit, not physical bodies in heaven? Answer: First of all, you will do well to not listen to Jehovah Witnesses, both in person and […]

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Question: What did Jesus mean he said “I am the resurrection and life and those who believe in will live and those who live and believe in me will never die?  The fact is that those who believe in him are still dying.  So, what did Jesus mean?  When he said that those who follow […]

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Question: I have a question. Muslims always say that Bible corrupted, but there is no evidence for it, in fact there is evidence for reliability of the Gospels. Now in gospel of John we can see how Jesus made claims about His divine nature, but is the Gospel of John reliable, since it latest of […]

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Question: Can I be saved just by choosing Jesus as my savior, asking for forgiveness and repenting of my sins? Answer: The best thing I can do for you is point you to the first gospel sermon ever preached.  Surely the means of salvation was clearly laid out in this essential sermon.  After preaching about […]

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[Editor’s note: This is a rather long question, the essence of which is that the questioner doubts that the deity of Christ is established in Philippians 2:6-9. The questioner thinks that this is the principle support in Paul of Christ’s deity, but he believes that this claim is not supported by the passage] Question: How […]

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[Editor’s note: This is a series of questions on Critical Theory, which is a philosophical method developed in Germany in the 1930s, but which has been mentioned much lately as a means to evaluate and propose solutions to the racial issues in the US today.] Question: I have a question for you. I have been […]

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Questions: 1) Why does God need to sacrifice His only Son in order to forgive other people’s sins? He is God, so couldn’t He do this without sacrificing his son?  2) Is the trinity a contraction? (How can God sacrifice Himself to Himself?) Answers: You are asking some really big questions here.  I am answering […]

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[Editor’s note: I have posted an inordinate number of articles on the biblical doctrine of baptism lately at the site. This is, on paper, a Christian evidence website, which seems to not fit this question, but this is a serious question, and apparently many are asking about this important topic, so I felt I must […]

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Question: I am an undergrad at [unidentified prestigious American university] who has been having a discussion with some friends about the following question:  Why is it so much better to be a Christian than a virtuous person in the world? Why is it better to acknowledge God and live an exemplary life rather than just […]

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Question: I have been reading the book of Romans with some family members who believe salvation occurs by “praying Jesus into your heart” and that this salvation is not swayed by a lack of obedience towards God. It has been really exciting to go through Romans with them as it does not support these ideas […]

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Question: In reviewing one of your Q/A online I saw you refer to “original sin” as a false doctrine? What is your basis for this statement? Are you meaning that you don’t believe that sin originated with Adam and Eve? Do you believe that creation was perfect before Adams sin–that mankind did not, sin creating […]

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Question: Hi, you’ve helped so much on my journey to Christianity. There is just one thing holding me up: pantheism. I just want to know what your thoughts are on the idea that everything/everyone is ultimately one essence and everything we see in the world, including our personhoods, are just illusionary–that once we die we […]

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Question: I would be very grateful for your advice, opinion or any information concerning the matter of the origin of hominids as modern anthropology sees it in contrast to the Biblical story. I decided to ask for your help because I have been translating your book From Shadow to Reality for Moscow Church of Christ […]

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Question: I am a doctor and a Hindu by birth, but also a lover of all religions. I have been very fond of the Bible in particular since childhood.   My question to you is this, in the Bible, in matters of vows, promises and covenants, at all places it is mentioned about words coming out […]

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Question: Hello. I want to ask some question if you don’t mind.  1. How do we relate the Law of Moses with the Christianity nowadays? I’m somewhat  confused because some sources I heard said that breaking the Moses Law does not mean you sin. So how do we consider this Law of Moses Only as […]

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Question: How can I defend my faith in Jesus when the question arises as follows:  How can a physical shedding of blood cleanse the sins and iniquities of a person?  Is it not like a superstition and even nonsensical?  How can I defend the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ to the materialists? Answer: This […]

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Question: Did God order that 6th commandment be broken when in 1 Samuel 15:3 He ordered the murder of the innocent children and infants (innocent in terms of them not having done the things the Amelikites did that forced God to order their killing). Or am I confusing the definition of murder? The reason I […]

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