Dear EFC Subscribers:

Speaking of God

The big “news” of this newsletter is that, thanks to Toney Mulhollen and IPI Books, I now have a new book published. The title is Speaking of God.  It is definitely not like any other book I have put together.  It is a how-to guide to leading small groups, as well as about 70 small group Bible study outlines.  The outlines are intended to be more thought-provoking than many of the studies we do. At least that is my hope.  I believe many of you will find this book very helpful.  It is available at

Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?

I am doing a teaching event for the Lighthouse Region of the LA Church of Christ Saturday evening, Sept. 4th.  The title is “Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?”  The presentation is designed to be evangelistic, challenging people to both believe in Jesus, and to believe in the actual Jesus of the Bible, not one of the Jesuses of popular religious culture.  It will be available on zoom 879 8058 0505 pw 394161 from 4:30-7:30 Pacific DS Time.  I will also be posting the audio, PPT and outlines at the web site.






New Material

There is plenty of new material available at the website this month.  This includes a six-part series of sermons, notes, power points and audio on the Book of Isaiah.  I have also completed a six-part series, taught for the churches in the Persian Gulf region on Relation.  I am also three-fourth of the way through a series on Revelation for our sister church in Guadalajara, so this one is in Spanish.  The PPT is also in Spanish.

A little update: I have been working on a four-part series on Church History, The Christian Story.  I am about 80% done with the final volume, but it is really tough to finish it out with my work as a church leader. Please pray for the finishing of this 15-year project.  Thanks!

Please stay in touch.

John Oakes

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