
Paul admitted that he’s a liar in 1 Cor. 9:19-22 for luring the Jews. He further testified that he’s a liar in 2 Cor. 12:16 where he used the word “trickery” (dolos in Greek), mainly used in bad sense. What’s the Christian response?


This is a rather blatant misinterpretation of 1 Corinthians 9:19-22.  Seriously!  I am struggling not to use a strong word such as ridiculous!  Paul said here that he is willing to adapt himself to any culture in order to win people of that culture to Christ.  He would eat Thai food to win the Thai person to Christ.  He would wear Polynesian clothes to win a Polynesian person to Christ.  He would live in the home of a poor person to win a poor person to Christ.  He would follow Jewish customs (though he did not have to) in order to win a Jewish person.  To call this lying is so disingenuous that it is hard to even respond.
Even this critic of 2 Corinthians 12:16 admits that the word dolos is “mainly” (but not always) used in a bad sense.  OK.  Fine.  But obviously it is not being used in a bad sense in 2 Cor 12:16.  Just read the passage! This is such a weak accusation that it barely rates a response.  That is my opinion.  Let us respond to more reasonable criticisms rather that rather blatantly disingenuous ones like this one.  This is coming from someone who is simply trying to make trouble—not someone who is genuinely interested in truth.
John Oakes

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