
Authors of prophetic books added their fantasies into God’s word for e.g.  1) Gentiles will come over to Israelites in chains and they will bow down before them (Isa. 45:14). David Guzik affirms this in his commentary.  2) A Gentile nation or kingdom that will not serve Israelites will perish and be utterly ruined (Isa. 60:12).  ​That does not look like God’s word. It appears to be more of a revenge fantasy. What’s Christian response?


People who do not understand the Bible ought not to make charges of “fantasies” easily.  The Bible is inspired by God, as is shown from the many fulfilled prophecies, the confirmed miracles of Jesus, the historical and archaeological accuracy of the Bible and so much more.  Therefore, when we read a prophecy, we ought to have the presupposition that most likely it will be fulfilled in some sort of way, even if we do not yet know exactly how it is fulfilled.

For example, with the case of Isaiah 45:14, it is a kingdom prophecy which is fulfilled, not in the history of Judah, but through the Church.  The Old Testament prophets told us repeatedly that when the Messiah comes, he will establish a kingdom which will include all nations. Well, this is exactly what happened.  When Jesus was crucified and raised from the dead, but before he ascended to heaven, he told his disciples (Acts 1:8) that they would take the gospel to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and to the very ends of the earth.  This is exactly what happened.  Within one generation the gospel spread to Egypt and to Cush.  People who had long been in the chains of sin came to Christ and to his Church.  They “trudged” in their chains to spiritual Jerusalem, which is the Church of Christ. They said to God, to his Son Jesus and to the church, “Surely God is with you,” and were converted to the one true God.  This prophecy is fulfilled in the Church. This is no fantasy.  It really happened, as we know from history.

As for Isaiah 60:12, this is a simple statement of fact.  Those who will not serve Jehovah God, or kingdoms who will not do so, will perish.  He is not talking about serving the nation of Judah.  Again, he is talking about the Kingdom of God and about the Church.  Gentiles/Foreigners will rebuild the walls of the kingdom.  The gates of the church are always open (v. 11).  Both of these prophecies in Isaiah are kingdom prophecies, fulfilled in the Kingdom of God, which is a kingdom without borders, without armies, whose king is Jesus of Nazareth.  Those who refuse to enter the Kingdom of God will perish. From the tone of your question, I can tell you are a Muslim.  I hope you will join those who come to the Son of God, to Christ, and join in building the walls of Jerusalem. Jesus is God in the flesh, he died a cruel death on the cross for you.  Please consider coming to Christ, as prophesied in Isaiah 45:14 and 60:12.

John Oakes

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