
Why did Jesus not make efforts to stop the promulgation of apocryphal/pseudepigraphal books, for e.g. the apocalypse of Enoch, apocryphon of Ezekiel, apocalypse of Zephaniah, etc.?


A good question.  At the time Jesus lived, these books were NOT considered part of the Jewish canon.  They were non-canonical but popular spiritual books.  Toward the end of the first century a group of Jewish scholars listed the canonical books, and these were not included.   In Christianity today there are thousands of books out there which are, obviously, not canonical.  As a Christian I have no reason to oppose such books. I have even written spiritual books myself, and am happy for people to read them. Such spiritual books contain ideas which are worthy, but some ideas which are not correct.  As I have said many times, when we read spiritual books, we need to eat the meat, but spit out the bones.  This would be true of extra-canonical books such as 1 Enoch, Judith, Tobit, 1 Maccabees, the apocalypse of Zephaniah and more.  These books are only harmful or dangerous if people begin to claim they are inspired when they are not.  As far as I know, Jesus had no reason to oppose the reading of these books, as long as no one claimed they were inspired.
During the time of Jesus, none of these books were considered inspired or part of the Jewish canon.  In fact, they never were—at least not by the Jews!  It was only the Christian Church, and only in the second century and later, that considered some of these books as belonging to the Hebrew canon of Scripture.  If Jesus had been alive, let us say in the fourth century, when these books were falsely attributed to as canonical, it is possible he might have opposed their use as Scripture.  Maybe.  Or maybe not, as this was not Jesus’ mission.  Jesus’ mission was not to confirm the canon, but to bring the gospel, to teach, to preach and to heal, not to comment on every questionable practice of the Jews.  So, I can imagine that Jesus may have spoken against these books if the Jews had considered them canonical, but it is perhaps even more likely that he would not have waded into a topic that was not directly related to his mission.
What we can say is that neither Jesus, not the New Testament writers ever quoted from the apocryphal books authoritatively.  So, we can know Jesus’ canon of Scriptures from what he quoted.  His canon was identical to the one we use today.
John Oakes

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