Question: Why were the gospels written in Greek, when the apostles were Jewish? Also I know there is some proof of writings outside of the gospels but why are there no writings during the times that Jesus was alive? He did many amazing things, so why did no one else document any of these events […]

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Question: People say that the story of Jesus’ resurrection is a copy cat from the Egyptian myth about the gods Horus and Isis. Is this claim credible? Answer: I have heard this charge many times.  It is a very common point of discussion on the internet.  At ARS we sponsored a public debate on this […]

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Question: How did Daniel the prophet die? Answer: The answer to this question is simple.  We have no idea how Daniel died.  There is no source which is helpful on this at all.  However, from Daniel chapter six we know that Daniel survived at least a couple of years into the administration of Persia after […]

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Teaching Trip to South Asia  January, 2017 Delhi Jan 5-7 I arrive in Delhi after 24 hours of travel.   Delhi is the political capital as well as being perhaps the most important city of industry in India.  It is a mega city with a population of nearly 25 million.  Despite the massive population, Delhi is […]

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Dr. John Oakes is delivered a number of lessons on a missionary teaching trip in South Asia Jan 5-22, 2017.  Attached are power points, notes and audio for these lessons.   From Shadow to Reality India Audio    Existence of God Audio    Reliability of the Bible Audio   Marriage Divorce and Remarriage Audio   Marriage and Divorce Notes   Acts […]

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Question; I’m a faithful Christian.  I believe with all my heart that Jesus died for my sins and He is the way, the truth and the life. But one question has been bothering me a lot. The question is- How can we say that Christianity is the true religion if there are many other religions […]

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Question: In John  5:26 it says For as the Father has life in Himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself.   So if God gave Jesus his life then doesn’t that just make him another prophet?  Also God had life always so that’s why he’s God so why is Jesus God if he was […]

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Question: Greetings, What date or month was Jesus born? I know that many scholars say it was December. Is this true? Thank you very much.  Answer: Because we know that Herod tried to have Jesus killed and because Herod died in 4BC, it is most likely that Jesus was born about 6BC plus or minus […]

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Question: What do you think about the hypothesis that the resurrection was all based on hallucination, or mere subjective visions? Is this a strong theory? What is the best way to defeat this theory? Answer: Here are the undisputed facts: 1. Jesus was crucified by the Romans under Pontius PIlate in Jerusalem. 2. His tomb […]

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Question: Does the Bible address the topic of the origin of demons? Are they spirits of the dead or spirits of the fallen angels? Alexander Campbell delivered a very learned lecture in Nashville, Tennessee on March 10, 1841, in which he, in rather persuasive fashion, argued the case that the demons of the ancient world were […]

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We are reposting an article on a biblical and historical perspective of Christmas from 2007 for your enjoyment.  Merry Christmas.  John Oakes Question: Is Christmas a Christian Holiday? Answer: Christmas sure has taken a beating lately, seemingly from all sides.  The secularists demand that we say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas,  while some believers have […]

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Question: Who is Melchizedek in the Bible?  Is he Shem the son of Noah?  I there any evidence about his geneology? Answer: Melchizedek is a somewhat enigmatic figure in the Bible.   He only appears in Genesis, Psalms and Hebrews. He was a worshipper of Jehovah, but was not from Abraham’s family and, therefore, by […]

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Question: Jews always criticize the Christian explanation of Daniel 9… Can you prove that Daniel really spoke about Jesus in Daniel 9? Answer: I cannot “prove” that Daniel is talking about Jesus in Daniel 9.  Such things do not allow for mathematical-type proofs.  However, I can show sufficient evidence that any open-minded person would […]

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Question: What is the meaning of the altar mentioned in (Hebrew 13 : 10)?  Catholic and Orthodox Churches use this verse to prove that there is an altar in the New Testament–justifying their use of an altar in their worship, and the idea that the Eucharist is a sacrifice. In Arabic translations, the word altar […]

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Question: Please tell me whether the concept of the “second death” means a complete disappearance or eternal torment in a lake of fire? Answer: I believe that the biblical “second death” is neither merely a complete disappearance, nor is it eternal torment in a literal lake of fire. First, I must address what Bible says about the […]

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Question: How do we know the Bible, a collection of books and letters written of centuries, is the word of a deity? Answer: Given the amazing evidence for the inspiration of the Bible, the fact that it is a collection of writings written over many centuries makes it even more impressive.  The Bible contains the […]

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Question: Why are the twelve apostles all men? Answer: God does not tell us why all the apostles were men.  To attempt an answer is to speculate, as God did not tell us his reasons.  So…. My response is just my own opinion, and you should take that for what it is worth. There are […]

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Question: I have a question regarding Mat 5:33-36 where Jesus forbids us to take oaths of any kind. Would this include pledges of allegiance to our nation, especially for immigrant Christians who would like to become American citizens? Answer: I believe you may be putting words into the mouth of the Jesus.  He did not say that […]

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Question: In Matthew 14:25-26, it looks like the disciples believed in ghosts, though Jesus never mentions it?  Does the Bible validate or invalidate the existence of ghosts? Any evidence that ghosts roam the earth, haunt houses etc?   Mat 14:25-26  25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.26 When the disciples saw him […]

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Question: What was the oldest manuscript we had before the Dead Sea Scrolls?  Was it the Aleppo Codex or Leningrad codex?  If  it is the Leningrad Codex, why do we compare the Aleppo codex with the Dead sea scrolls?   Can you please give me the dates of these manuscripts?   On the internet every site has a  different […]

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[Editor’s note: This question is coming from a person responding to Muslim claims that Jesus never claimed to be God] Question: I’d like to ask you 2 questions.  1 What’s your comment on the New World Translation of Zechariah 12:10  “I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem […]

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Last weekend we brought together eight teachers from across the US for a conference on History, Archaeology and Christianity.  We are really grateful to York College in York, Nebraska for hosting the conference.  A few of the notes and power points from the conference are attached here.  The audio is available through the membership option […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave many lessons to eight different churches in India, Bangaladesh and Sri Lana Jan 5-22, 2017. From Shadow to Reality India Audio   Existence of God DelhiAudio    Reliability of the Bible Delhi Audio   Marriage Divorceand Remarriage Delhi Audio   Acts and Church History Delhi Audio    Holy Spirit Delhi Audio    Hebrews Living by Faith Audio    Freedom in...

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Question: I have a question on Matthew 19:28.  Does this passage mean that Paul will have to judge the people of Israel?  When Judas killed himself they chose Matthias, but Paul was also an Apostle.  In a commentary I read Barkley and McDonald claim that God approved the selection of Matthias through Zareba.   In Acts […]

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Question: What is your impression of the excavation of Christ’s tomb going on right now? Answer: No one knows exactly where Jesus’ tomb was, although archaeologists and Bible scholars have a general idea where to look.  Besides, he was only there for three days and surely there would be no physical remains from his stay […]

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Question: How can I decide if a particular writing by one of the church fathers is authentic?  I’m asking this question because critics [editor’s note: he is talking about Muslim critics of Christianity] criticize any writing, not only Irenaeus.  They say, for example, that we don’t know who wrote the writings of Justin Martyr, Origen… […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a lesson for Proyecto Esdras in Mexico City on the sacrifices and festivals in the Covenant of Moses as prefigures of things in the New Testament.  The Power Point is attached. John Oakes dio una leccion para el Proyecto Esdras en D. F sobre los sacrificios y festivales en el covenento […]

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Question: Are Richard Dawkins points valid in his response against faith as the only way to morality?       [note: in this youtube video Dawkins claims that secular humanists have created a better kind of morality than religion] Answer: As usual for Richard Dawkins, he resorts to pure rhetoric and chooses to simply […]

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Mark your calendar:  Nov. 11-13 The Apologetics Research Society is excited to announce our tenth International Christian Evidences Conference.  The theme will be the evidence from History and Archaeology which supports the reliability and the message of Old and New Testaments.  The dates will be Nov 11-13.  The conference will begin on Friday morning.  Speakers […]

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[Editor’s note: This question is coming from a believer who lives in the Middle East and is clearly receiving a lot of attacking questions from his Muslim friends.  They are using rhetoric, false dilemmas and other logical fallacies to try to prove that the Bible is corrupt.  This will explain why I get a bit […]

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This ARS Christian Evidence conference was held at York College in York, Nebraska.  Below is the audio from the conference as well as the schedule of the conference.  Archaeology Mark Ziesse   Archaeology and the Book of John  Acts and Church History Oakes   First Second and Third Quest for Jesus Kurka   2016 ICEC Forum   If Christ Has...

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[Editor’s Note:  This is two different but similar questions from the same person, so I am joining them as one article.  These questions concern letters from the church “Fathers” of the late first and the second century AD which help to inform us how the early church lived and what they taught.] Question: I’d like […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a new class on the controversial biblical topic of divorce and remarriage for the staff of the Delhi Church of Christ.  Audio and notes are attached.    Marriage and Divorce Notes    Marriage Divorceand Remarriage Audio

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Questions: Why would God even create a hell? Why will souls live eternally in damnation?  If they don’t make it into heaven, their soul is destroyed.  Also, I was reading on your site about Jesus and examples you give for believing He is the Messiah. One is His fulfillment of prophecy. One of the prophecies […]

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Question: What is the evidence that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John really wrote the four gospels? I have searched and found that the oldest man (whose writings are available now) who said that the four gospels were written by these four men was Irenaeus.  Irenaeus said that about 180 AD about a century after the […]

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Question: I have a question about something in the Bible that bothers me. In Genesis 19, Angels come into Lots home. When under attack, Lot offers the men his daughters to, basically rape. I find this hard to understand? Is there any explanation to understand Lots mindset? Answer: I will have to say that this […]

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